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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Yars Recharged is a twin stick shooter?!? I'm behind 😛 I've only played Asteroids and Missile Command (on the iPad) from the Recharged series. I love the Recharged series and the attempt to the re-interpret classic games.
  2. wow 6-digit scores from members of the I/O! After reading this thread, I just bought it and played a few rounds before my next meeting in five minutes. My current high score is 19k and change. When I read "twin-stick shooter," I thought it was going to feel more like Robotron. It doesn't feel anything like Robotron, and that's a good thing in my book if this game was going to maintain any of the feel of the original game. As far as the feeling of Berzerk is concerned, the movement and animation in this game definitely remind me of the original. My one gripe is finding myself get stuck too often rounding corners and such. I was never a big fan of the original, and for a casual Berzerk fan like me, this one looks and feels like a Berzerk game (a positive). So far, I like it.
  3. Cool, glad there was a happy resolution, Jesse. It's also great that the code didn't expire after all these years. When I went to active Humble Bundle Steam codes that I bought years ago, I found that some had expired or some had redemption windows that I forgot about and missed.
  4. That's a bummer, Jesse. It's unfortunate that 3D Realms doesn't offer an economical solution to get the DLC for folks who bought the base game in physical form.
  5. I know so little about the Jaguar library outside some of the really well known titles. Attack of the Mutant 🐧 -- what an interesting name!
  6. I just grabbed the last green (7800 controller support). I'm guessing Matt will probably make more. I grabbed the last green with my first order, and he made more after that. I also read on Facebook that the Masterplay clones supports paddles for use with the 5200? Is that right? Having paddle support on the 5200 would be very cool.
  7. 175,573 Doubled my score! So far, the strategy has been shooting the swirl while it's in flight to earn an extra life and chomping away at the shield as much as possible to pad the score.
  8. I don't ever recall playing Avalon Hill games during the 80s, but I do recall seeing their magazine ads. The box art always grabbed me and seeing these games take me back. I'm happy to have added this title (which I had never heard of) to join Telengard and Legionnaire in my collection. I think the type of material used for the boxes and the art themselves really reflect the table top war gaming history of the company. There are a few more that I'd like to add in the future. This one included the registration card and catalog. It'll be fun to peruse the catalog and see what was released. I'm also excited to add more 5200 controller options. While I already have an adapter by ikongr which serves the same function for Sega controllers, I love the the fact that these come in 5200 cartridge cases. And perhaps the most important point for me is that one of these supports 7800 controllers for use with the 5200. This means I can use my 4/8 Edladdin controller with my 5200! I have never seen an adapter that supported 7800 controllers for use with the 5200. I would have gotten two 7800 adapters but I bought the last one with this order. Hopefully, early next year, I will place an order for Edladdin's twin stick controller, and with a second 7800 Redemption adapter, I can have ultimate twin stick Space Dungeon experience.
  9. I use CLZ Games. I also use CLZ Movies for my DVD/Blu-Ray/4K collection. I bought them before they converted to subscription services, so I'm grandfathered in. Two biggest reasons why I use the apps are cross-platform availability (I access the app from phone, tablet, PC) and data export feature (CSV). The CLZ apps go on sale every year around Black Friday. I think that brings it down to $10 or $15 per year. I dabbled with a spreadsheet before I moved to the app. I stopped because I already had a sizable collection and entering the games in the spreadsheet was a big pain. With the app, I can scan barcodes or search their cloud DB to facilitate. I also dabbled with GameEye a few years ago. I decided against it because I could only access the data from my phone. It didn't have cloud sync back then for multi-platform use. Perhaps it does so now. However, if I didn't already purchase CLZ Games, I would probably go with GameEye since it's free and enjoys wide support (I think).
  10. I've purchased many games solely based on the box art. For the 2600, games released by 20th Century Fox comes to mind--Mega Force, SpaceMaster X-7. The PS2 is another system where I've bought games solely based on the box art. The PS2 is blessed with many examples of outstanding box art especially the Japanese and European releases. The one that immediately jumps to mind is Demolition Girl. Being a Seattle-ite, I had to have this game when I saw the cover showing the Space Needle and downtown Seattle in the seeming context of a sci-fi B movie. I believe the game isn't good but no matter.
  11. 87,570 Some Saturday afternoon Yars action -- what a fantastic and original game design. It's really cool to see what talented and creative people can do within such a constrained technical environment.
  12. Passing on some good prices on cartridges of 2600, 7800, and Genesis prototypes, reproductions and hacks at AtariAge by Shawn. I've bought Genesis reproductions from him before, and the cartridge labels and such were of great quality. I'd snatch up all the 2600 and 7800 cartridges if I didn't have them already. Great prices--much cheaper than GoodDealGames which is where I bought mine.


  13. I'm at 4946. If I remove duplicates, it's probably 4850-4900. This number will decrease by about 1400 in a week or two after I sell most of my PS1, PS2, and PS4 games. I need to put together the down payment for a car that I'm getting for my wife's 50th birthday. I knew the day of game downsizing would come. It just started a few years earlier than anticipated is all. I will probably shed most of my Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One games next. GameCube and maybe Wii games might follow. Just in terms of number of games, PlayStation and Xbox games make up the bulk of my collection. I have 325 2600 games including homebrews and some duplicates. Ahead of that are (in ascending order) Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS4, and PS2 (569 games). As far as Atari systems are concerned, including homebrews and some duplicates: Atari 400/800 99 Atari 2600 325 Atari 5200 68 Atari 7800 90 Atari Jaguar 31 Atari Lynx 34 Atari ST 4
  14. 51,266 I remember owning Yars' Revenge when I was a kid, but I never got hooked on it. Fast forward to today, and I still haven't played this highly regarded game very much. I hope to change that with this month's high score challenge. Reading the manual certainly help in learning about the game and getting into the mood -- pulsing, scintillating fireball. I love all the terminology and names but Swirl is a bit disappointing especially when compared to other cool game element names like Zorlon Cannon or Qotile or even Yar (aka cosmic fly) 😂 When I hear "swirl," I immediately think ice-cream 🍦
  15. Vectrex Day!! Woot 🎉 I had gotten these three (and more actually) but hadn't played them until now. Thanks for the motivation, Steve. One thing I learned is that the brightness of my Vectrex was set too low. I wasn't getting anything but sound on Sea Pup and couldn't see the asteroids in Rock n Saucers until I turned up the brightness knob in the back. At first I thought I got bad copies 😂
  16. My next door neighbor reported getting 90 trick-or-treaters which she said was the same as last year. Only change she observed was seeing more teens than the younger kids, and the teens put in more effort in their costumes than last year 😂 This year, the weather was fantastic -- no rain, not too cold.
  17. Great pick ups, Rick 👍 I didn't even know there was a Mattel Basketball handheld. I've been wanting to get the football game. I played it a ton as a kid, but it was my friend's. I'm not sure why I never got my own... probably because no dinero, sadly 😂 Too many interests and a wallet that was too small. Did someone re-release these Mattel handhelds? I thought I saw new ones in a store.
  18. For me, it's all about the simple game mechanics and that idea of easy to learn but difficult to master. I tend to favor the more twitchy/shooter type games, and there are many on the 2600. That's where I got lost with modern games and even many games that came shortly after the 2600. I have a hard time mentally with Mario type platform games. I didn't know for a long time that the point of the game was to travel from left to right until you got to a flag pole. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do 😂 As far as more modern games go, the original Assassin's Creed is where I got lost. The game setting and premise really spoke to me, but I could never master the controls. I so much wanted to play AC and Batman series, but my weak 🧠 couldn't do it.
  19. Lots of great recommendations in that video! I think I've played less than half of them. Here's a list of some of my favorites. I think I've played less than 20 Atari 2600 games from back in the day. Some of these became my favorites when I played them during the I/O high score competition. No Asteroids and Yars on my list 😂 Don't hate me. Originals Beamrider (I think the 2600 version looks better than the 5200 version) Stampede Demon Attack Mines of Minos Room of Doom Cosmic Creeps Arcade conversions Galaxian Pac-Man Vanguard Space Invaders
  20. Bruce Lee, Rescue on Fractalus! Thanks for the suggestions
  21. I had been wanting to make ringtones for my iPhone for a while. Really, I should correct that and say alarm 🔔 and not ringtone since I keep my phone in silent mode. In the past, I purchased a few video game and movie ringtones from the App Store. However, recently, I've wanted them from M.U.L.E. and Jumpman. I couldn't find. any in the store, so I decided to make my own. How do I do that on the iPhone? I searched online and the first method pointed to using the Music app. Don't bother. I searched some more, and found an article that talked about using GarageBand, and we found a winner. I downloaded YouTube videos that captured the game songs from Atari computers, and I extracted the audio from them. Following the steps in the article, I opened them using GarageBand, followed the steps, and exported the ringtones. They were found under Settings > Sounds & Haptics. I shared the M.U.L.E. theme with my wife last week and gushed about how I loved the game. When she heard my alarm go off in the morning yesterday, she looked at me and smiled.
  22. Halloween hasn't been much of a thing for us. Even when the kids were little, they weren't into it as none of my kids like candy or chocolate. I think my kids went trick or treating a couple of times and they called it a career. It's been several years since we handed out candy. We're usually at church helping out with whatever kids program the church has going on, and that's what we'll be doing tomorrow as well. I've always liked the idea of watching movies or playing games that vibe with the holiday though. Maybe we should do a I/O movie "night" where we have a zoom call to talk about something we all agreed to watch. My local retro gaming group does a game-of-the-month which culminates with a group zoom call. Even people who didn't play will join the conversation.
  23. @Atari 5200 Guy I'm happy to be playing R-Type but even happier that it's on the SMS. It's a system that I have no experience with, and while I don't have the console and an playing the game on my Genesis (via Everdrive), I completely agree that the fun of participating in these events to to try new things. As far as R-Type goes, when I first saw it in the arcades, I was mesmerized by the art style which was very different from most other shoot-em-ups that took inspiration from anime and space opera manga.
  24. 41,100 Whelp, I sucked at R-Type in the arcades and still stink at it at home 😂
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