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Posts posted by RobertLM78

  1. On 2/18/2022 at 10:48 AM, Justin said:

    I think it's really cool that not only are these old computers living on forever, so is the influence of the forward-thinking early adopters, living and past, who were enthusiastic about the computer age and remain a great part of our community today. 

    Agreed...!  And such an environment as we're likely to never see again.  So many possibilities and directions things could have taken.

    I found this off the cuff production from 1988 and thought it a riot:



  2. 5 hours ago, Justin said:

    Let JIM BUTTERFIELD instruct you on the C64! This 1983 video provides 14 lessons about the Commodore 64 from Games and Simulations to graphics to how to load a program. The video is presented by the legend Jim Butterfield, a well-known "Goodtime Charlie" who became an icon of the Commodore world. Jim Butterfield authored several books and articles about early microcomputers, wrote software, and was a television personality as well. Enjoy:

    Now that is whacky - literally watched this exact video last night - and while there is a fair amount of rudimentary material, there is some valuable information for the intermediate C64 user.

  3. On 1/26/2022 at 4:14 AM, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    Last fired up?  I'd have to visit a post I made on these forums where I made my own AV cable for my TI using the cord from the original switch box. Whatever date I posted that was the last time I fired up my 99.

    Hehehe - cool!! I did the exact same thing a while back - it turned out to be rather annoying to get working in the end as i recall - and then after all that and resoldering the k/b ribbon i had a couple RAM chips go bad, so the console the cord conversion was intended for has sat ever since then.  I really should get another F18A to put in that unit, but then the cord conversion would be useless.... oh well

    Anyway, I've been getting into some Amiga emulation the past 2-3 weeks (I had little bit of experience with them when I was about 12-14), which has been a lot of fun.  It's been since just before then that I was running the TI - so late December probably.  I had been slowly working through Legends (ver. 1.1) and as it is slog, it is nice to take a break.  It's also nice to learn about new platforms, and Amigas seem to fit the bill nicely for me since the OS is this strange mix of TrapOS Unix and Xerox Alto and the systems were rather ahead of their time, as well, like the TI was in its day.

    On 1/25/2022 at 8:57 AM, MaximumRD said:

    Some months ago our storage area was ransacked and with that a large portion of my collection including my two Ti994a's.

    😡 That's bulls***.  Sorry to hear about that.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    Was extended BASIC ever built in to any models or is that on cartridge only?

    Extended BASIC was to be built into the TI-99/8, which sadly never made it past the prototype stage.

    12 minutes ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    I wouldn't want to get too involved in programming it until I get a way to save my work.

    Can't blame you there.  No sense it typing a long program that is only lost when the computer is turned off.  There are modern options out there like the nanoPEB/CF7+ or TIPI, as well as the old venerable cassette saving, if you can get your hands on a cassette cable (i'm about to buy a new one of them just for fun and completion - and they can found floating about, including aftermarket builds).

  5. 8 hours ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    Lead the way. 

    Ok then..!!

    WHTech is one of your best friends for things TI.  You say you'd like a  BASIC manual - let's see what we can find here (don't forget there is a text sitelist that you can search).
    Beginner's BASIC     http://ftp.whtech.com/programming/Basic/BeginBasic.pdf  (may be too rudimentary)

    Reference Guide      http://ftp.whtech.com/datasheets and manuals/99-4A Computer/userrefguide.pdf   (thorough coverage of TI-99/4A and it's BASIC)

    Extended BASIC       http://ftp.whtech.com/programming/Extended Basic/TI Extended Basic - Linked.pdf  (probably the most useful, given how much an improvement Extended is over "stock" BASIC)


    Let me know if i can be of further assistance 🙂


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