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    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   

  2. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    The best advice I can offer is to try and break the cavity balls out from the TOP of the screen.  Because that will give you more time with double scoring. 
  3. Like
    greenween reacted to RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    Score: 1401
    It's been ages since I played a game with paddles. I had to clean up my paddles, too. I never really noticed how the game scores before,  but you definitely get more points for having multiple balls bouncing at once. 

  4. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    I played a little today, but wasn't able to beat my high score.  But I am curious about a few things.
    I ended a round with a brown ball.  Guess what happens?  The ball turns blue.  The two new balls in the cavities are brown.  I wonder what happens if you end a round with more than one ball going.  Do you see 4 on the next round?  Has anyone ever done this?
  5. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   

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    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    My wife had never played before. She's already hooked! 546 after a few tries.

  7. Thanks
    greenween got a reaction from chas10e in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    My wife had never played before. She's already hooked! 546 after a few tries.

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    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   

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    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   

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    greenween reacted to Gianna in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    My score so far!
  12. Like
    greenween reacted to chas10e in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    After selecting game #5,  if you find don't like the tone of the ball hits, hit the reset button again (and again) til you find a tone you like.

  13. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    My High Score: 1,694
    LOVING this game! Great to have you guys jump in on this.

  14. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   

  15. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    I'm posting a score with my son.  RickR Jr.  442

  16. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    1349.  And a bonus shot of my Jr.  It's got a composite out mod, which is nice. 

  17. Like
    greenween reacted to Kid A in Squad Challenge - Dr. Mario (NES)   
    Here ya go. I called my brother after I made that last post... He sent me this....
    Just insane. He's way too good at this game.

  18. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    Great choice!! This will be a fun one for sure.
  19. Like
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    Great choice!! This will be a fun one for sure.
  20. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    Time to break out Junior and some paddles.  See you guys on the game grid.
  21. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Super Breakout (Atari 2600)   
    Super Breakout
    Atari 2600
    Difficulty Level: Game 5, Difficulty B
    Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / MAME / Emulation OK! ✔
    Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST May 15th, 2020
    Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or YouTube video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved between May 1st through May 15th, 2020. Screen captures are not allowed as they are more easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the competition is the victor!
    Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!
    Play Rules
    Games may be played on real hardware, Flashback or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following all rules and game settings defined in the challenge. Choosing between real hardware or emulation, and choosing which controller to play on is part of formulating your strategy. Enhancements, rewinds and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.
    Difficulty Level
    Game 5 (Double Cavity Breakout), Difficulty Switches set to B (Standard Full-Size Paddles). The Double Cavity playfield contains room for two "cavities", each of which contains a ball. When the game begins, the balls bounce inside each cavity but are held captive for the for the time being. When the player breaks through to the cavities, the balls are released into the playfield and set into play. Game 5 also provides two Paddles on the screen at once, the same as in Double Breakout.
    Fair Play
    Your integrity is everything. Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that we will not allow cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, rewinds, deceitful photo manipulation, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage. Everybody hates a cheater.
    To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: 
    Welcome to our 78th Squad Challenge! We're getting back to basics with one of my favorite games of all time, Super Breakout on Atari 2600! Super Breakout may be “the most Atari” of Atari games. There’s beauty in its simplicity. A ball & paddle smashing bricks. The analog feel of a good set of paddle controllers smoothly moving that paddle across the screen delivers a hand/eye connection to the game unlike any other. We're setting our Difficulty Switches to B for the full-size Paddles and playing Game 5, which is Double Cavitiy Breakout! Game and PDF Instructions are provided below. We last played Super Breakout in a Squad Challenge back in 2016, but with less challenging Difficulty Settings. Playing on Game 5 will be a lot of fun! We're still keeping things light and breezy as we deal with this Coronavirus situation and get back into the swing of things in the forums, so kick back, relax, break out your set of Paddles and put on classic game of Super Breakout. I hope you guys are ready for a new season of High Score Squad and good luck to everybody participating! 
    NOTE: Upcoming Squad Challenges will be simple and straightforward until the site issues are completely resolved. We'll dive deeper with some fun Squad Challenges this summer. Thanks for playing, and enjoy!

    Super Breakout.pdfSuper Breakout.bin
  22. Like
    greenween reacted to TrekMD in Squad Challenge - Dr. Mario (NES)   
    Congrats to KidA.  I can dream about having a score like that!  LOL  This was fun, particularly since I had never played this game.  🙂
  23. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Dr. Mario (NES)   
    Congratulations Kid A!
    Congratulations @Kid A! You almost broke into the six digits! Simple fun NES Squad Challenges are some of my favorite, there are so many "easy to learn hard to master" games on the NES that make for fun challenges, it's always fun to go back to. Dr. Mario can be GRUELING through, it was great to see so many of you join in and fight your way through this crazy challenge! All of you should be commended for killing those pesky viruses. @Kid A clenched the top spot at the very end with a stunning score of 97,800 points! The Master @kamakazi20012 gave him a run for his money with an impressive 74,800 points to claim 2nd. @RadioPoultry @greenween and @RickR all came in very close to each other, with RadioPoultry taking 3rd. @Justin @atarilbc @Gianna @Atari Creep and @TrekMD all joined in on this one with their best scores, hopefully having fun in the Squad Challenge too! Congratulations to @Kid A for an impressive run, and to everyone who joined in this Squad Challenge and shared a score! I'd like to encourage Kid A to post his new high score on the Scoreboard, and let's make sure this Challenge continues on!
    NOTE: Our next High Score Squad Challenge will be a back-to-basics Atari 2600 challenge. Be there!


  24. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Dr. Mario (NES)   
    40,000 is about the best I can do with the limited brain power I have left after a brutal day at work.  Good game, this was fun.  Thanks!

  25. Like
    greenween reacted to Gianna in Squad Challenge - Dr. Mario (NES)   
    Here’s my score. This game was really hard for me! This was the best I could do. 😨

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