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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I plan on getting involved in this later this coming week.
  2. RickR

    eBay FAILS

    I remember one guy I sold an Atari 800 to complained about the packing peanuts I used being "dirty". Ridiculous. I asked for a picture and he showed what looked like a tiny bit of grass clippings on a few peanuts. I was at a loss, and asked how that could possibly impact the 800. He then proceeded to call me incompetent, blah blah blah. "If you don't give me a <$XXX> refund, I'll leave a negative feedback". I thought about it overnight, and decided to give the guy his partial refund so long as he promised not leave that negative feedback. After it was done, I blocked him. He then proceeded to contact me using a different account and this time, he told me "no hard feelings, that 800 is only worth (whatever it was he ended up paying)." I blocked that account too. This was a long time ago, and I just decided to keep selling and doing my best. Haven't had many problems since. Sadly, there are too many human wrecking balls out there that cheat the system to get what they want. Block them, and move on. That's what I do.
  3. For DS, I highly recommend: The "Professor Layton" series - they are brain puzzles set inside a story. Warning: Some of the puzzles are really hard. Use a walk-through if you get stuck. The "Phoenix Wright" series - it's very Japanese "solve the crime" type of game. Very funny and not too difficult. When I'm in Reno this weekend, I have a goal of finishing up the second Phoenix Wright game while relaxing.
  4. A Neo-Geo Mini! I totally stumbled into this one. I had no idea these even existed. And the built in screen is really nice.
  5. Here's one of my favorite ghost stories. By sports writer/vlogger Bill Simmons. http://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmonsnfl2010/week17picks&sportCat=nfl I've copy/pasted the sidebar story below: I flew to Oklahoma City on Wednesday to cross "See Durant play a home game" off my bucket list. After the Zombies thrashed the Nets, I joined some friends at Mickey Mantle's (a local restaurant) for a late dinner and a few beers before heading back to my room. I was staying at the Skirvin, a local hotel that's supposedly inhabited by a ghost named Effie. As legend has it, Effie got knocked up by the guy who owned the hotel back in the 1920s, then jumped out of a window with the baby. She's been allegedly haunting the place ever since. When we were checking in, I jokingly asked the clerk to put me on one of the haunted floors. She claimed that she did. We laughed and that was the end of it. That night, I was so tired that the ghost stories never entered my mind. I got ready for bed, called my wife, watched 10 minutes of "SportsCenter" and fell asleep. So you know: I am a heavy sleeper. Once I'm out, I'm out. That's what made it so strange when I woke up at 4:30 with my heart pounding. I swear on Tom Brady's ACLs that the following happened: At first, I heard a baby crying and realized that was why I woke up. I thought it was one of my own kids before remembering that my kids weren't babies anymore, then remembering that I was in Oklahoma City and not Los Angeles. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I wasn't alone. I had an overpowering sensation that someone else was in the room. Until you've experienced that feeling, you can't understand what it's like. Your blood is swishing through your veins at 200 miles an hour, only you don't understand why -- your body reacts a few seconds before your brain does. I decided to turn on the light. Stretching to my right for the switch, out of nowhere, I heard the sound of (what sure as hell sounded like) a baby crying urgently to my far left (right near the window). Wahhhhhhh. Wahhhhhh. Wahhhhhh. Wahhhhhhh. The urgency freaked me out just as much as the crying itself. I fumbled for the switch, couldn't find it, fumbled, fumbled some more, then finally turned the light on. The crying sound stopped. I hopped out of bed and turned on every other light in the room. I turned on the television and jacked up the volume. Then I grabbed my BlackBerry and Googled "Skirvin crying baby." A slew of results came up. See for yourself. I kept the lights on. And the television. And that's how I spent the next three and a half hours -- half-asleep, half-awake and totally spooked. The words "Man Up" did not enter the equation. Not even a little. I came to Oklahoma City for Durant and Westbrook and left telling stories about Effie's baby. Just know that the next time someone tells me a ghost story, I will believe them.
  6. And I love to read about UFO tales as well. There's a very recent one from the navel base in San Diego that I have found to be very compelling. https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/filmmaker-discusses-ufo-footage-captured-off-the-san-diego-coast/509-48e29f33-4e18-4a07-846e-9026f00b645d
  7. This is such a coincidence, but I spent a good 30 minutes or more yesterday re-familiarizing myself with the famous Patterson–Gimlin film (the footage of the "bigfoot" in California from the 60's). I guess in the last 20 years there has been some evidence that it was faked. It's fun to read and make up your own mind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patterson–Gimlin_film
  8. OMG, this is GOLD. I love it. How interesting that the sign is in English, and the music from the USA.
  9. It's been a while since I posted this, and just as an update -- I STILL love it. I recently came across what I thought was an Atari joystick with two buttons and it turns out it's actually for Colecovision. I'll make a blog post about that thing as soon as I get some time.
  10. Oh wow. I certainly didn't know. So if I understand correctly: You need an ATGames Legends Pinball machine The Legends machine has a cart port or something to allow these packs to be used? I really am staring at this with zero knowledge. Is that Legends pinball machine easy to find? THANKS!
  11. Here's a picture of one that I have that's similar in size. I have small hands. It fits pretty nicely. Clearly, the one I have is meant to be placed on a tabletop, so this is for example only. I think most people would think that it's smaller than they thought it would be. What else can I tell you...the casing is 3d printed with no rough edges. It's very solid. I don't get any creaks or bending of any kind. The buttons are top notch.
  12. It's true. Non-self centering -- it uses a rubber boot for that, but it gets worn out very quickly). And those side buttons hurt thumbs. The 5200 sticks are known to be the worst part of the system and there's a lot of truth in that.
  13. I think you've attained the level of knowledge that most 5200 users have come to: there is no perfect solution for this console. If you aren't comfortable with multiple sticks (for various types of games) or the rats nest you have with your analog PC stick, the best bet is to get a really nice original stick and use that. Something with the Best Electronics gold contacts and full refurbishment. Personally, I think you've got something good going with the rats nest solution you have. Maybe the answer is to come up with a box that houses most of the wiring so it looks neater.
  14. How about a broom handle? One long enough to reach from the couch to the console. Low tech yet effective. <Yes, this is in jest>
  15. Make sure to watch the video to learn everything about the controller. I just want to make sure you know it doesn't work with all games (those that use the full range of the analog joystick will behave differently).
  16. I've got a short 3 day trip to Reno, NV coming up soon.  I've never been.  Anyone have any "must-do" or "skip that" suggestions?  I'm not too interested in gambling but love things like museums and nature/hiking/exploring.  I haven't decided if I'll get a rental car.  One thing I'm considering is finding a way to get over to Lake Tahoe for a day. 

    1. Justin


      I used to stay with a former Atari colleague of mine who had a place in Cal-Neva, a cool little resort village right on the state line between California and Nevada. The state line ran right through the swimming pool and the clubhouse. On one side there was gambling, on the other side there was no smoking. Pretty interesting!

    2. Justin


      Enjoy your trip Rick! ☺️

    3. Gianna


      I have Never been, but Nevada is a place I’d love to visit! It has always interested me. Plus, Vegas would be fun to check out 😄

  17. Worth every cent. I have a couple of retrogameboyz controllers (for 2600 and 7800) and they are beyond excellent. Check out Edladdin controllers too. He doesn't do 5200 yet though....it's coming.
  18. I have no idea what happened. Was it a robbery or something?
  19. Sweet stuff. You should share as often as you feel comfortable with. No pressure! But it is fun to see your awesome pickups.
  20. Scroll down until you see the "Download Options" list, then click on "81 original"
  21. Thanks! I downloaded them all in one zip file.
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