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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Thank you @nosweargamer. PM is incoming. My plan is to play those games during this fall season, and regift them to a local friend who does not have any of them. The gum will be chewed and not regifted.
  2. Have you ever seen the TZ episode with the devil trapped in the castle? I think that one is severely underrated.
  3. Or the dual-pad Retrogameboyz pad.
  4. I agree with you. I can't dedicate controllers to just this game. The other idea is long twist ties...maybe those ones from toy packaging.
  5. It broke apart too easily until we added glue. We used a big flat base piece, then made two three-legged bars right around the stick. I like your use of rubber bands, as that may be a solution that does the trick. Maybe zip ties if the rubber bands aren't sturdy enough. It's a good idea because the base of your hands can be used to help hold the joystick down. The Lego bars added about an inch of height that made it harder to use your hands to hold them down.
  6. Very clever! Let us know how that works. My son and I used Legos to build a holder (years ago), and we ended up using a little Elmer's glue to help hold it together. I think it got taken apart, but I should see about rebuilding.
  7. :Howard_Scott_Warshaw: NERD ALERT! :Howard_Scott_Warshaw:

    PRGE 006.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. socrates63


      Awesome! Which PRGE is that, Rick?

    3. RickR
    4. socrates63


      Of course -- I didn't notice the Defender art on the badge. That was my first PRGE (and 2019 was my second), and I went because it was the Atari anniversary. I was so excited for a chance to see David Crane and Garry Kitchen at their panel. I didn't know any other Atari developer names nor anything else about Atari outside of what I knew as a kid. 

  8. Keep the volume of your TV low! And yep, we are here.
  9. Blast!  I just got sniped at the last second on an ebay auction!  Oh well.  Money stays in pocket.  

    1. HDN


      What was the auction for? Just curious.

      I don't much care for eBay auctions for that reason alone.

    2. RickR


      It was for a Colecovision Roller Controller.  A track-ball for CV.  

      It happens.  As with most things, I try to find the bright side.  


  10. I don't have Commando. But otherwise, all of these games are worthwhile and fun. My favorites here are: Ms. Pac Man - I love how fast the game gets. Robotron - the 7800 was MADE for this many objects. Donkey Kong - Very well done. Joust - Plays great Centipede - the two player simultaneous mode is incredible fun Asteroids - probably my #2 favorite 7800 game. A wonderful update to an old favorite.
  11. That is so awesome! And good video by the way. @cjherr, that's very generous of you! And also very cool. I love it.
  12. Here's my setup. Sitting so close to the screen has revealed some amazing sounds.
  13. So true! But I did notice one really cool thing I never realized before. The explosion sounds change subtly for each alien type.
  14. Oooh, buy 2 get 1. I don't spend much time at AA. But maybe I should. @socrates63, please let me know if you see a deal like that again (and no pressure...just if you think of it).
  15. I can't believe we still don't have the ultimate crossover: Donkey Pong.
  16. Fantastic score @socrates63! I have such a hard time with the last set of demons (the ones that look like growing/shrinking infinity symbols). I usually lose several lives there.
  17. Here is the link for paypal shipping (it costs less than the Post Office price) if anyone needs it: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_ship-now The on-line price is $18.70
  18. The game is fun! Good choice. But the players look like gas pumps. I assume the team names are "Shell" vs. "Chevron".
  19. I'm going with "Sky Diver" because nothing says "Fall" like jumping out of a plane.
  20. Thanks. That's right. Take pics of the stuff you put in too, but don't post them until the end. I remember one box where we tried to make it travel as far as possible. It criss-crossed the USA several times!
  21. I haven't ever calculated the full time. I'd guess about a week per person with an extra week thrown in as a fudge factor. You, of course, are always welcome when you feel comfortable joining. I took pictures of everything I put in, which I will post once the box makes it back to me. Each participant will post pics of the stuff they took out when they receive the box. They then refill the box and send it off to the next victim. Have fun everyone! That's what this is all about. Oh, and I meant to label one item as I'm not sure if people will know it's purpose. But I forgot. It's a bottle opener.
  22. The box will be on it's way very soon. In the meantime, here is a preview. It is jam-packed with good junk. It is my sincerest hope that everyone finds something they like in the box.
  23. OK, everyone...the Junk Box is READY! Here is the order I've chosen. Please let me know if anyone wants any changes. I basically went to the lower right of the USA, up the seaboard, then back west. Also let me know if I forgot anyone, or anyone else wants in. @TrekMD - FL @nosweargamer - TN @Atari Creep - MA @chas10e - ME @socrates63 - WA @RickR - OR Mr. TrekMD, if you could kindly PM me your address. Thank you.
  24. 31,735 and a shot of my difficulty switch. Actually, it was so dark in the cabinet, I'm surprised I was able to get a nice shot of that.
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