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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I think I have another Wico "Boss" if anyone wants to trade. I actually had a bunch of "special" 2600 joysticks to put in the box, but I could only fit one in. Epyx 500XJ and Gemstick were the others.
  2. The strategy of avoiding the alien pooping bullets and going after the docile ones is most important on the infinity symbol aliens. And try to shoot the firing one only when he's "high" on the screen. If he's swooped really low -- good luck. And then once you split him in two...go after everyone else above.
  3. I'm more impressed that you can spell it.

    Krug Genesis.jpg

    1. StormSurge
    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I love Christopher Lloyd.  Especially in Clue and that one movie with Hulk Hogan.  Suburban something.

  5. That was a fun video! My wife was watching over my shoulder and enjoyed it too.
  6. Oooh, I've been waiting for this one (on the Tiny Circuits machine). I will watch tonight.
  7. I attained two more carts for the 2600 today. "Bank Heist" and "Challenge".
  8. Ninja Golf is on my list too, but I'm too frugal to pay it's asking price. I should try it on an emulator though.
  9. What a fun idea! Sadly, I don't think we still have any Tomagotchi in the house. However, I do have a semi-humorous story. Our security tokens at work -- I always call them "Tomagotchi". It never gets a laugh. Nobody remembers these things! Yet I will never stop calling them that.
  10. Your opinions, please. 

    I have an ebay auction running.  Normally, I would not call attention to this, but this one confuses me.  It's for a broken Gameboy.  The ad clearly states that it's broken several times.  Yet the price keeps going higher and I have almost 20 watchers!

    Please take a look and let me know:

    1. Is it clear that it's broken?
    2. Am I missing something about why it's going so high?



    1. StormSurge


      I can't speak to the reason why it might be fetching a high price but to me, it's very clear that it doesn't work and you're selling it for parts only.

      Hopefully it goes higher!!

    2. HDN


      I would put "For parts" at the beginning of the ad instead of the end. People might be buying it to replace the screen if everything else works. The screen is kind of garbage anyway. Modding GB's for better, backlit screens is pretty common. Plastic case seems fine enough. Plus, the price doesn't seem too high yet if that's their goal.

    3. RickR


      Thank you guys. 

      I cannot edit the listing once it has bids.  But the theory that someone will buy it to install a new screen makes good sense. 

      It's just weird to me how some items get a lot of attention for no apparent reason.


  11. Home Run is fun! "Haunted House" is next on my list.
  12. I think I own about 20 of them in my collection. Extreme rarity. I've also given the same treatment to my 5200 carts, which don't have an end label (what were they thinking????)
  13. @nosweargamer is correct that the 3 wide-apart fielders is easier for some reason. I was able to beat the computer 21-2! And I added a RickR special end label to the cart.
  14. No one can beat your detailed analysis.
  15. PS - the gum is good. It's not the super thin pink razor that breaks into shards that I remember.
  16. Here are the K-Tel records I had from my youth. I loved them because it was such a bargain. A bunch of hits on each record for one low price!
  17. Your analysis is spot on, but you missed one important point. The doc is in Joe's "Gang" as evidenced by the title of the strip. I'd say if you have an M.D. in your gang, that's one sweet gang.
  18. You guys have some great ones listed. One I would add is "Pokémon Pinball" for Gameboy color. The cartridge incorporates a rumble pack, and that gives is a little more realism.
  19. The NES has great sports games!
  20. It's very basic and primitive, but it's still fun. They didn't bother with throwing on defense. I like how quick the pace is.
  21. Thank you again @nosweargamer. The games and gum arrived yesterday! This evening, I gave "Home Run" a try in honor of the World Series going on. I tried game 3 first and won 1-0. I figured game 1 might be easier, and I won that one 2-1. Fun!
  22. I couldn't get that link to work, but here's one that does: https://www.retrovideogamer.co.uk/adventure-ii/ Very good review. Thanks.
  23. That would be a cool buy! I'd feel a lot more comfortable putting some custom paint on a new one. Please post pics if you decide to buy any guitar. The exact model name of mine is "Silvertone Bobkat 1476".
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