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Everything posted by RickR

  1. We still have a VCR hooked up on our upstairs TV. I haven't used it in years, but I know my youngest will sometimes bust out old VHS movies I've kept. Me personally - I have a small CRT TV with a VCR built in. It's maybe 8". My brother gave it to me. It was in his RV, and when he upgraded to a flat screen (and DVD) he was going to toss that TV, but he asked me if I wanted it first. I usually get it out around this time of year to watch the VHS movies we have. The big ones being "Die Hard", Star Wars trilogy, and the Indiana Jones trilogy. Here's an old pic of that TV.
  2. Another big difference is speed. Games like Indy 500 and Street Racer are a lot faster on the VCS. O2 is awesome! Get one if you can. I think you'll love it.
  3. I have a multi-cart for Odyssey 2 that includes all of the games (even from EU and Brazil). I highly recommend that for any O2 owner. Games like Popeye, Frogger, Demon Attack, and Atlantis really show the limitations of the system. They tried, but there is no way the O2 had any chance against the VCS or Intellivision. Still, those games are fun to play if you can forget comparisons and enjoy them for what they are. At the same time, some games like O2 KC Munchkin are a lot better than any similar game on the VCS. I think that says more about Atari than anything else. I love the O2. It is a system with limitations...but some of the games are true gems.
  4. I purchased a Mattel Electronics Battlestar Galactica Space Alert on eBay. It's dirty, but it works! I'm very excited to have it, as this is one I remember so fondly from my childhood.
    I do need some help, though. There's no way I'm getting that tape off the back without ruining the instructions sticker. Does anyone know where to find a scan of that sticker? My hope is to print it on my inkjet printer and glue it on. Also in need of a 3D printed battery cover if anyone knows a source for those.

    battlestar galactica 003.JPG

    battlestar galactica 004.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sabertooth
    3. socrates63


      Love these old LED games! Nice find.

    4. RickR


      Good news - I've found a file to 3D print the battery cover, and one of my children is helping me find a place to have it printed. 


  5. Those bubble lights are awesome. I don't see those often. Do they make a bubbly noise at all?
  6. Whoops! Sorry. Try these tips for MAME on MacOS: https://retrogamesultra.com/2019/02/24/running-the-mame-arcade-emulator-on-mac-os-x/
  7. YES!  Except substitute 40 with 50. 

    yoda video games.jpg

    1. socrates63


      Life just likes to play us, mock us... oh well 🙂 

  8. I hear you. I decided to upgrade to the latest version yesterday, but forgot how to do it. Try the MAMEUI link above as it makes things pretty easy. Everything you need (except game ROMS) is in one download package.
  9. It turns out I have a copy of Taito Legends on XBOX. I'll give it a try sometime this week just to compare.
  10. I see. Well, you could always hang that tree upside down from the ceiling
  11. How about a hanging shelf under the table top for the record player?
  12. A challenge! I'm sure you'll come up with an interesting solution. Perhaps a temporary shelf above the record player (like two cinder blocks and a board).
  13. You forgot the most important flaw...Rose and Jack could have BOTH fit on that floating door. They barely even tried! Move over, Rose! Sheesh. I completely agree with your movie assessment. But I understand what they tried to do. Put some human interest into a story we already know the outcome of. Still, it's super cheesy. But the effects of the ship sinking are pretty spectacular.
  14. I think you should start a "Share Your Holiday Decorations" thread in off-topic. I'm looking forward to your displays!
  15. I don't know, but I'm going to call someone a "dip switch" as a much cleaner version of what I have been using.
  16. I'm selling my SMS Model 2 locally.  I took pictures of it for the buyer.  Why not take a picture of the SMS Model 1 at the same time?  Here they both are for your viewing pleasure. 

    SMS is a great system.  Highly recommended for anyone that enjoys the NES or 7800. 

    sms 001.JPG

    sms 003.JPG

    sms 010.JPG

    sms 008.JPG

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I love the SMS.  The NES ruled the roost but Sega was arcade masters and the SMS did not disappoint in that department.  And while some say the sports games on the SMS were not that good I found enjoyment in Great Football.

    2. DegasElite


      The SMS was graphically superior to the NES. Granted. But, Sega needed a better marketing campaign for the SMS. That was the problem, I heard.

    3. RickR


      I think Nintendo was too much of a juggernaut with the NES to ever be challenged by the SMS or 7800.  Love them or hate them, their control of the software was a savvy business move. 


  17. First score = 4000. I don't remember the details of this one. I just remember you have to keep going down. I may have to break down and read a manual or something.
  18. My MAME front end of choice is MAMEUI. Download it here: http://www.mameui.info/ This and ROM files are all you should need, as this frontend comes with MAME as part of the package. Here is the game working on my PC.
  19. I think we need to do a little research first. For a given compilation, do we know if it's an authentic ROM? Has it been changed in any way for the platform? If we can answer these questions with a YES, NO, then we should be fine. Example: Atari games on the Nintendo DS Atari or Activision compilations are 100% untouched ROM files running in an emulator. I will see if I have this ROM setup myself in MAME. I'm happy to share the ROM file if anyone needs it and also I can help setup MAME (including any of the various menu front-ends.
  20. I'm disqualifying myself because I won the last one. But I still want to share my favorite plug and play. Mine is the one that has the twisty knob that allows one to play Pole Position with analogue steering. I think there's more than one of the Jakk's units that have that feature. So either of those.
  21. I think the Possible Mission ROM is here: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~harvey/7800/7800.html
  22. Congrats to @socrates63. Incredible focus and score! I feel like I'm the Phil Mickelson of high score challenges. Always 2nd place!
  23. So RS Football score counter just stops at 99? Cool!
  24. It was a beautiful day for a trip to the beach on Halloween.  Such nice weather for the end of October.  You might recognize this particular rock from the movie "The Goonies". 


    Cannon Beach 002.JPG

    Cannon Beach 012.JPG

    1. Justin


      Looks like a great time Rick!

    2. StormSurge
  25. I agree. At the same time, I just have no clue why this ever got the attention it did. Shit or get off the pot. Until it gets released, it gets zero of my attention. And I may be the only one that feels this way, but same for the Intellivision Amico. Talk to the hand until there's a real physical product to talk about.
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