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Everything posted by RickR

  1. And now, the items that blew my mind. There is junk (with small letters) and then there is JUNK. GOOD JUNK. So wild. It's a Wii Sports BOWLING BAG! WTF! I love this so much. And inside, a "hacked" and wrapped Wii. Are you kidding me?
  2. Impossible Mission! Thank you so much for that one. I've been wanting that for a long time. Quickshot joystick And a pink DS that used to belong to Sophia. It came with Mario/Luigi at the Winter Olympics. @HDN, is this a good DS for hacking?
  3. The Last Starfighter BluRay. PS3 and XB360 games. LYNX! Gameboy! And two Tomy pocket games I did not have.
  4. Trinkets, or treasure? I say treasure. Are those Nintendo pogs? Star Trek stamps? Another Milieu Macabre figure? A Steve Austin magnet??? Spiderman playing cards? Springy Luigi happy meal toy???? TREASURE.
  5. Candy, little figures, and #16, #17 NSG card packs.
  6. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to pick favorites. There is some fantabulous stuff in this box. But I'm going to be honest. These items right here are absolutely amazing to me. They may be worthless -- I have no idea. But not to me. Can you guess what they are? If you said "pinballs", you would be correct. Yes, I'm a weirdo.
  7. This is absolutely nuts. I've been part of many junk boxes before, but this one is full of some WILD stuff and I am so delighted. This may take a few posts to get through, so bear with me. First thing I want to post is the crap I put in that made it all the way back to me. It's not a large pile, which is good. But I'm shocked nobody wanted Pilotwings! It's such a great game. It's going back into my Super Nintendo collection (unless someone wants it. PM me!) In fact, if you see anything here you really wanted but didn't want to be greedy...PM me. I'm easy.
  8. The Junk Box has returned to the mother ship. Hooey, it's heavy too. I was huffin' and puffin' by the time I got back home from our parcel locker. Let's have a look at it, shall we? It's so cool how you guys supplemented the decorations so tastefully. The box is definitely worn, but intact.
  9. 71,326. It looks like the newer versions of MAME are broken and can't draw the maze properly. That's a bummer. If there's a way to revert to 0.173b, do it (and let me know how). https://mametesters.org/view.php?id=06668
  10. I did not know this! I'll get one next time I go to PG.
  11. 66,334. I don't think my version of MAME is rendering that maze with swirls correctly, as I keep running into nothing. I'll fiddle with the graphics settings.
  12. Interestingly, with those Disney films, the VHS versions look BETTER than the digital "new" ones. I don't think the quality of the original film had anything to do with it, as Disney probably has more than one archived film copy that has perfect detail. I think they just messed up in their "enhancement" process. Colors are more vibrant, but details were lost. I won't post links or pictures here, a simple Google search is all you need. One example: In the original film Beauty and the Beast, when the Beast first makes his appearance, they purposely made him dark in shadows. It adds suspense. In the Blu-ray, he's perfectly visible and colored. It ruins the suspense completely and really does make a negative change to an Oscar nominated film! What were they thinking?
  13. Interestingly, as @atarifan95 pointed out, some film movies have absolutely terrible transfers to DVD and BluRay. Examples are the Disney movies Cinderella and Beauty & The Beast.
  14. PS - my older son, whose name starts with the letter "J" says I should have mounted them upside down.
  15. I started decorating outside today. Candy cane lights around the perimeter of the lawn. More to come later.
  16. It was a steel company that was based in Portland and had mills in several parts of N. America. It's since been renamed. I think that's the thing that a lot of people don't really understand. Steel is DENSE. It weighs a lot. Those cables on that dish are incredibly heavy. And manufacturing them is not easy or cheap. We used to joke that you don't wear a hardhat in the mill for protection, you wear it so they can find your remains (I know, it's not funny, but it is an effective reminder to be safe!) There used to be testing samples for armor at my work, and it was a gigantic bullet (maybe 2.5" long) barely piercing a 3" heat-treated steel block. One of the coolest things I ever saw. The tip of the bullet is completely unmarked and undamaged, and the steel around it looks like torn paper. But that's a passing test--the bullet did not pass through all the way.
  17. You guys, I hope you don't mind me sharing this. But I think you may enjoy it. It's a trophy given to me a long time ago for assisting in building a new mill. It's a 3" per side cube of steel (Jaguar cart for scale). Would you believe this thing weighs over 20 pounds?!?
  18. Definitely! Vegas would favor him for sure. Truth be told, I actually worked in a steel mill for a long time. Producing those steel cables is a fascinating thing to see and be involved in. Those particular cables have been through years and years of heat, wet rains, strong winds, etc. In the end, it's a matter of cost. Just coming up with a plan to replace the cables without destroying the structure would be monumental. And these types of scientific structures are always starved for budget. It's a true shame. Sadly, a lot of the roads and bridges in the USA are going to face this same type of failure in the coming years. We've gone too long with delaying maintenance and cutting budgets, and the population (and traffic) has increased so much. I'm hopeful our infrastructure will get some much needed attention going forward.
  19. I saw this in the news, and it's a devastating loss for science. Hopefully we can come to our senses and start rebuilding our scientific infrastructure again.
  20. This analogy isn't too far off the mark. It can be the pits, but if you educate yourself by reading the guidelines and follow some simple instructions, you'll do OK.

    ET 2020.jpg

    1. socrates63


      I haven't played ET but from what I've heard, reading the manual is critical for success. Unfortunately, reading and following directions is a lost art(? skill?) for many people. That thing about everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten? 

  21. YES! Me too. This version is awesome because the games go quickly (like an Atari game) and the running game actually works. Plus we can pick the Seahawks. And the speech can be pretty funny.
  22. <SPOILER ALERT> -- Skip if you really do want to guess. Frankly, I tend to forget what I put in without reviewing the pictures I took...but I'm pretty sure you said you needed Genesis and SNES stuff (other members mentioned these systems too). A lot of that stuff got taken earlier (which is great!), but I think at least a few titles made it through. I try not to include sports games unless I think they are really good ones. But I did include NBA Jam as I thought you'd have fun comparing to your favorite SNES version. Madden for SNES is another one I put in, as I really do like that game a lot. And I'm pretty sure I included a Great Golf in hopes that NSG would review it. So please, don't throw sports equipment at me for the sports games -- there was method to my madness.
  23. Really nice stuff. Interestingly, there's stuff you took that I put in there hoping it would make it to you! What's the plastic-wrapped thingie front/left?
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