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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I volunteer to try out some emulation applications and try to get this working. I'll start with MESS.
  2. I think once somebody picked a system back then, they became a soldier in a silly war. Kids stuff. In the retrospect of looking back after a long time, clearly the Super Nintendo is superior due to the higher quality library. However, you must remember that the SNES release was later than Genesis, and those masterpieces came later yet. I highly recommend this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Console_Wars_(book) for those who want the details of that war. And I agree with @Justin that those sideways traffic lights are a complete disaster waiting to happen. Any tourist to an area with those becomes a menace to the safety of locals.
  3. Before and after pictures of my "gaming credenza".  I cleaned up a bit to make some room to add a Nintendo 64. 

    With a full house due to the pandemic, this is all the space I have to work with for retro gaming. There are several systems in here:

    1. Wii (with GameCube support)
    2. Retron 3 (NES, SNES, Genesis)
    3. PS2
    4. Atari 2600jr
    5. N64

    credenza 001.JPG

    credenza 002.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. HDN


      Yes, the PS2 can play PS1 games, I believe. And many models of the PS3 can play PS2 and PS1. Lots of people were upset at the lack of backwards compatibility on the PS4.

      When you say "RF Switchbox", do you mean one of these?

      RF Switch box adapter. (Atari, Intellivision, ColecoVision): nostalgia

      Or one of these?

      RF Selector Recommendations - Classic Gaming General - AtariAge Forums

      Because I might be able to help you out. I have an extra of the latter, and one of the former I can't use. Not sure if the screw-in one works as I have no way of testing it.

    3. RickR


      The latter, but I do have one of those.  I also have one with push buttons and 8 inputs.  But like I said, it's a wiring nightmare.  I think I may stick to my "no RF" policy in the gaming credenza. 

      (The 7800 has been composite modded :) )



    4. HDN


      No RF policy? That's strange. Over here, RF is my best friend. None of my CRTs used composite until I found one at a rummage sale that had it. I still haven't found a use for that thing yet.

      Here's what the RF wiring setup is over in the gameroom:

      FLATSCREEN                                                                     CRT

                                               \CABLE SPLITTER/






                                 RF MODULATOR (COMPOSITE ADAPTER)

                                                     /                               \

                                        ATARI 7800                      XBOX


      In my room, it's like this:







                  |                                          \

      ATARI 2600                         WII U


      I love RF. The picture isn't great (at all), but I'm able to daisy-chain the things together. And, I can use a CRT, which is how most of these games were meant to be played. RF on a flatscreen looks like garbage. Convenience and not having to plug in and out all my systems is much better than picture quality in my opinion.

  4. Do you have any plans for Sega Game Gear reviews? I have been playing GG Pac-Man, and it's excellent. It's super hard, though. It took me several tries just to get past the first maze.
  5. I'll look at Sidequest games next time I'm there. I'm pretty sure I've seen one there before.
  6. Bummer on that flaky Vectrex seller. Have you checked with Pink Gorilla to see if they have one for sale?
  7. Oh what fun! Good luck to all. There are TWO retro gaming items I'm hoping Santa knows about: First is an item called FujiNet for the Atari 8-bit computer. It lets you hook up to Wifi and play games/record high scores against others over the internet (among many other cool features). Second is one of the AtariAge homebrews for 2600 - either the Galaga or Bosconian games! They are so well done.
  8. Oh, and to answer your question, Adventure is my favorite of the two by far. A factor of 100 better.
  9. Having a boxed copy of Superman (and also Adventure) is one of the highlights of my collection. I love the box art, and the game holds fond memories. I think a lot of gamers find the map confusing (and you can see in the graphic of the whole map you have in your blog, it doesn't lay out logically). But the good thing is how each screen has a different combination of buildings/colors. So you can memorize how to get to each milestone location if you play it enough. I like that a lot. I think the main thing missing from this game is the ability to do Superman things. Punch, beat-up, freeze, laser-eye, etc, etc. And another "what were they thinking?" thought for Atari...why not a whole series of Superman or DC games? Just another missed opportunity.
  10. Does anyone have an extra expansion pack they'd be willing to sell (or trade)? Asking here before I go to ebay. Thanks!
  11. That was a really cool giveaway! Congrats to @Sabertooth, and thanks so much to @btbfilms76
  12. Today, a knockoff Nintendo 64 everdrive arrived.  And it works!  Wahoo!

    ed64 003.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. socrates63


      Nice! Is it much cheaper than an actual N64 Everdrive? Any downsides compared to an actual Everdrive?

      During Black Friday, I ordered Everdrives for SNES and Genesis. Even if you're a collector, playing games using these types of cartridges makes a lot of sense. I use the Harmony Encore cartridge to play 2600 games even though I have the actual game cartridges.

    3. RickR


      $60 for this vs. $160 for the real Everrdrive.  The only downside is that longevity is unknown. 

      I have several everdrives (NES, SNES, Genesis, TG16, GBC), and they all work most excellently.  I agree they make good sense.  Not just in overall cost-savings, but in convenience. 


    4. DegasElite


      Plus, it saves wear and tear on the original cartridges. It's a neat idea, actually.

  13. FINALLY, a win! Thanks, everyone. This was a fun one.
  14. Ironically, China landed a probe on the moon today.
  15. Oh boy, @nosweargamer. That price is way too high IMO. I think it's a cool device, but I probably would not buy at any price due to how boring and tired Pong is for me. I can tell you that such a device might earn at most 10 minutes of time with anyone here in my home before it became a stalemate. Advice: if you really want to play Pong, get a real authentic Atari Super Pong home console for about $50. It has several variations and it's a little piece of history.
  16. Sadly, the telescope has collapsed. Such a tragedy. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/huge-loss-huge-puerto-rico-radio-telescope-arecibo-collapses-following-n1249515?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma
  17. I think your list and retorts are spot on. But I'd have left off Ninja-Golf and added "Impossible Mission". There is no retort for a game that cannot be finished (other than the title of the game specifically says it's IMPOSSIBLE). Oh, and the one thing that really bothers me about Planet Smashers is how you are flying a PLANE in SPACE! Could we have gotten a better ship design? Otherwise, I think that's a great game.
  18. That's a fun article to read! Thank you.
  19. That's very interesting! My original copy from when I was a kid is the picture label. But the CIB version I've purchased for my collection is the text label.
  20. One of my favorites too. This was one of the few games that Atari actually retired from their catalog. Does that make it rare? Probably a little. I like it because it makes you think. Strategy plays a part. The misses here mostly have to do with the graphics. A lot of the other early games have a few graphical surprises thrown in. Think about the clowns that splat in Circus Atari or the "ouch" in Human Cannonball. This game could have really used any kind of little animations to make it better.
  21. My mind immediately takes me to Pac-Man, but I don't want everyone throwing Combat carts at me, so I'll pick something different. Pooyan is another that comes to mind. It just barely captures the gameplay of the original...but it's horrible. @HDN, you've picked two awful ones. Double Dragon is Triple Terrible. It has no variety of attacks and is just no fun. And Zaxxon is not even close in any way to the arcade original.
  22. That game looks awesome! I'll put that on my want list for sure.
  23. I know it's a kids game, but "I Spy Spooky Mansion" on Wii is really fun.  It's got that old-school haunted house vibe. 

    ispy 001.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gianna
    3. socrates63


      I saw this game sitting on the shelf at the local retro game store yesterday, and I thought of you, Rick 😁

    4. RickR


      I'm still playing and still enjoying it.  It's more than just "mindless".  Some of the puzzles are kind of clever. 

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