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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I thought SMB didn't come out until 1986 in the USA. I know it wasn't the pack-in game until later. I could be wrong -- everyone knows my memory is faulty sometimes. Nintendo had to get creative to get the NES in toy stores. As you mention, Atari probably would have had a difficult time too -- especially with all the bridges they had burned in the past. It is possible the 7800 would have some success if released in 84, but they really needed a killer game to become a phenomenon like the NES did. Just my opinion, of course. It's a complete unknown what kind of software would have come out had the cheapo Tramiels not killed any chance of momentum. It also can't be overstated how much better the NES controllers were. Think about it...that simple little gamepad became the basis for every single controller we've seen since.
  2. Same here! I understand they'll ship out soon. In November I think. Thanks for all the good info, @Willie!
  3. And you could put it on your shoulder and blast your rockin' tunes on the quad 😂
  4. That TV is sweet. Perfect size for a small dorm room.
  5. I didn't have one. I was an avid gamer and loved Atari. I had no idea the system existed. By the time of it's release, the video game magazines had all gone out of business due to the crash. I don't recall ever seeing one at Toys R Us or Kay Bee or any store really. I did know of the Lynx. And when the Jaguar came out later, I heard of that one. One more piece of the puzzle for you Harry. The NES floundered at first. It wasn't until Super Mario Bros was released that the system took off like a rocket. It is entirely possible that the NES, SMS, and 7800 could have all been duds or minor hits without SMB. So when people play the "what if" game with the 7800, it is my opinion that the system would have never been a hit due to the lack of innovative software.
  6. Have a good day! I have two consistent favorites for breakfast. Bacon and orange juice. Pair anything with those two and I'm good. I usually only have time to make bacon on weekends.
  7. Oooh, you're right! I didn't notice that. Thank you. That's easier than a password system.
  8. @Justin, you wanted opinions of this game: I think it's very similar to our last challenge game "Chip's Challenge". Each level is a puzzle that's fun to figure out. Chip has the advantage of giving out codes so you don't have to start over every time. Crew has the advantage of being more forgiving and have more compact levels.
  9. More info please! Where exactly do you crack it? One of the corners? Is there a video about it? Please and thank you.
  10. It *IS* horrible. Do not buy! I had one. I bought it new at Target when it first came out. I was so excited, and then I played it. TERRIBLE. Every single game is wrong in some obvious way. Example: No momentum in Asteroids. Lay off the thrust and your ship just stops. Or the sounds and colors of Adventure. Don't mess with my nostalgia like that! I hated it so much that it actually made me angry just to look at it. I ended up selling it. Flashback 2 is 1000 times better. Just get one of those.
  11. Although I will agree with @HDN too...if you just plug Planet Smashers in and play for a few minutes, it comes off as pretty lame. You gotta read the manual and learn the depths of the power ups. Once you do, the game becomes much better. Clearly, though, I think we all know Harry PLAYS his games and finds the joy in them. That's cool, and nice to see. I'm thinking of Miniature Golf (his blog post). Most reviewers pan it. But give it a chance, and it is fun and more like billiards. That's probably another game that would be better with a homebrew graphical update. Maybe we should have a Miniature Golf tournament here on the forums sometime soon.
  12. I checked my spreadsheet, and I'm at 44 7800 games. Like I said, I think I've plateaued, and I haven't found anything to buy in years. Your Rampage and Double Dragon look really nice condition-wise. Really nice buys. And yep, me "four" on the tight cart port. I've learned to kind of wobble them side-to-side a little as they go in or out.
  13. I agree. I remember the High Score challenge too, and I thought it was really fun. One of these days I'll find one for a reasonable price.
  14. I've kind of hit a dead end on collecting 7800 games. Impossible MIssion is one I've been looking for, but why is it so hard to find? Planet Smashers as well. I guess maybe I'm just not looking often enough.
  15. Updated list (still no order). My initial thought is to send it to the SE, have it travel up the eastern seaboard, then west to WA, then back home to OR.
  16. It is NOT too late and you are welcome and in. I'm glad you joined! Note for all: I plan on starting the box probably 1 week from today. I'm waiting for a few extra items to arrive.
  17. How do they say? I've done this rodeo before? Oh! Not my first rodeo. That's it. It takes a little prep work to make the box last the whole way.
  18. Glad you are enjoying those games. Food Fight is pretty fantastic! How nice that you got your system back to try these games out. It's a happy day for sure. I would like to add that the arcade Gorf has the same firing quirk.
  19. How to make a good strong junk box. Step 1 is to glue down the bottom flaps. Just tape wont cut it.
  20. The game has text that says "Mario" and "Luigi". Example: "Mario Start" when you start a life. It's definitely Mario. I think this is prime Mario. You know, when he isn't forced to rescue Pauline or the princess or whatever. Dude is just earning a living tearing down stuff.
  21. Don't you worry. There will be more good junk for sale in a future event of epic proportions.
  22. Your plan seems good. Selling locally would be nice. I know a lot of people would like to buy those LD exclusives, but it's hard even to find a box big enough to ship them safely. When I sold mine, I just put the whole lot (with player) on Craigslist.
  23. Sounds like "Secret Santa" except no secret. The Genesis is awesome and I'm glad you mentioned it. See? That makes it easier to be confident that the box will have stuff you'll like! It's incredible how such a great system is available for such a low price, and it's been that way for a while.
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