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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Random Epcot pictures from my last visit in 2016
  2. I'm aware. But thanks for the warning. I kind of have problems when that stupid little dot chases you around real fast and there's no neutral zone.
  3. Sheesh! Those are some high scores! Your are correct Greenween...this game is one of the very best. As mentioned, I love how fast things get. And the first time those shots curve to hit you, it's a true pleasant shock.
  4. If Fats Domino and Chubby Checker got in a fight, who would win?
  5. Great stuff. I've never heard the term "DisNerd" before, but I think my wife and I fit that category. Keep posting the rest of your Disney stuff; I would love to see it. We've got a lot of off the wall type stuff. A few movie posters, figurines, some toys, a few records (I love the cover art on the old records).
  6. I've got a doctor appointment today too. Surgery consult. Damn, us old guys are falling apart. But like Steve Austin, we'll be put back together better, faster, stronger
  7. I will give this a try tonight! I remember doing this one before...it's tough but fun. For being a first-gen console, the Atari could move things around FAST.
  8. 3 various Atari 2600 consoles and a sack of probably 30 games. The Gemini works fine The woody has no RF cable. Most likely broken, but too tired to test further. The Video Arcade 2 uses a different power adapter, and I'm too tired now to go find one. Pretty cool stuff, and some potential projects!
  9. PS2 is currently my console of choice. It's the one I play when I finally do get some time to have fun. Oh, and PSP, which is about the same tech-level as PS2.
  10. Your "recycle bin walk" videos are the best.
  11. That's what I thought. Thanks. We have a PS3, but I can't say I've ever played it. Once the kids are gone, maybe I will give it a try.
  12. A PS2 controller and a PS3 controller. Both work perfectly. Normally, I'm not a dumpster diver. But this was an interesting story. We've been busy preparing my parents' house for sale. The estate sale is complete, and now we are cleaning up the house to make it look nice. The garbage service was cancelled months ago. But the garbage company never came to pick up the cans. But they do still pick up recycling, so I've been putting recycling in the bin. So I'm doing that yesterday, and decide to look in the (should be) empty garbage can. It's full! But sitting right on top are these two. What is it with people? Who would assume they can fill someone elses garbage can? I went ahead and decided to bring them home (I need to haul the garbage out too). After thorough cleaning, they work great. My wife thinks they are stolen. But I figure someone just dumped them along with their other trash.
  13. I have some PS3 and XBOX360 games for trade
  14. A nice Disney posterboard (mounted on wood) and a very nice pong machine with light guns!
  15. Make sure to post your review...this looks really cool.
  16. Done and done. Is there any way to see the results?
  17. Use plastic tubs with lids. Keep each system together. (SNES in one tub, 2600 in one tub, etc.) Duct tape them shut once you are done packing. Keep a count of all tubs.
  18. Looks good...but I've decided Popeye's is pretty good too...and we have those local. The red beans and rice at Popeye's is so freakin' good.
  19. The Gamestop controller works pretty well IMO. Anyone else have one of these, and what do you think of it? I do like that the controller and wire match my Wii color-wise too.
  20. And can we ask the question everyone cares about? Is the bad guy's name "Bluto" or "Brutus"? Are they two different dudes? Maybe brothers like Mario and Luigi? I'd hate to see their parent's grocery bill when they were teenagers.
  21. With Intellivision, always guess "Tron". Odds are in your favor...they made 34 Tron games!!
  22. Slim pickins today. Gamecube controllers are so hard to come by, I decided to grab this third party version anyways. And I thought buying the Director's Cut of Star Trek: TMP would be a "Wise" decision.
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