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Everything posted by RickR

  1. More good junk today: USB turntable was $9 Gamecube controller was $2 SMS game and PSP bowling game were $12 for both. I bought this because I've never seen an SMS game on card before.
  2. Agree. "B-17 Bo-oh-mer"
  3. You all have made some great points about this game: The sounds are terrible. Nothing here sounds like real Pac Man. The "Boo Bee Boo Bee" start noise is off key and just wrong. Turning the sound down and putting on Slayer works better. The collision detection is off. LOTS of cheap deaths. It removes the "seat of the pants" close calls from the arcade version. Controls aren't very good. The higher level you go, the worse the controls seem to get. Brilliant comment on calling this a "Pac Man Clone". That's exactly what it is. Like Munch Man or Cosmic Cruncher....close, but not too close to real Pac Man. The frustrating part for me is that they could have made it so much better with just a little effort: Use a black background and blue maze. Use a cherry instead of the vitamin. Even if the fruit doesn't change...a cherry would have been better. At least TRY to get the sounds close.
  4. The games fit perfectly. And now I have an excuse to buy more.
  5. Goodwill finds: I bought the minions case for $2 because I thought GBA carts would fit nicely, and indeed they do. I bought the Spongebob tin ($1) for Gameboy carts, and they also fit perfectly. Interesting (only to me) fact: Gordon Ramsey has the same birthday as me. Hell's Kitchen was $3.
  6. GREAT deals right there.
  7. Same here in Portland, OR. Sears still doing OK. The only one in danger of closing is at our very oldest mall, which is going through a years-long renovation.
  8. Someone had to say it. And I thank you. THIS is the game that caused me to look upwards for a better gaming system. THIS is the game that eroded trust in Atari.
  9. Good choices. Sound is one area that doesn't get mentioned enough. Emulation just doesn't cut it in many cases. The rich bass of Donkey Kong or Tron in an arcade is very hard to duplicate at home. Not to mention the ambient sounds of other games and people at a real arcade.
  10. Seems kind of odd to omit the Jaguar. Just that one console missing.
  11. I guess we'll just have to trust them on this one and see what they come up with. Hopefully they'll have a cameo from Figment and the Dream Catcher.
  12. Fascinating, but yeah, it makes sense if you don't have fast internet. It's probably pretty normal for native Alaskans...but a huge culture shock if you move there now. I wonder if they return movies using a dog sled
  13. Yeah, that would be a good refurb. I remember it when it was just a dinosaur ride, so I guess it IS a big improvement over the original. I think it would be kind of hard to redo a ride like that and NOT have it get stale after a few years. Kind of like how you can't ride Mission Space without noticing Gary Sinise's really bad hair. The ride they really hosed is the one with Figment. The original was so charming. I think they've redone it a few times since then and it lost the charm. Ah well. Spaceship Earth is still pretty spectacular and fun IMO.
  14. Some day, buddy. Some day. Looking forward to retiring someday to get out of the rat race and have time to game and visit cool dudes like yourself.
  15. Looks good. Gaming party at your house!
  16. I don't know guys....I thought Ellen's Energy Adventure was the worst ride in the park. It wasn't that educational...it was mostly just really slow. And they say the name "Ellen" about 1000 times during the show. Mission Space and Test Track are great. They are educational and really fun.
  17. It does look fantastic, that's for sure.
  18. Oh my gosh....I was JUST playing this one. I'm sorry to grab it so quickly. Skateboardin'. I can't wait for your review...I couldn't quite get the hang of it.
  19. I won a USB turntable on shopgoodwill. I have a bunch of 45's to play. Going to pick it up this Saturday. Back in to vinyl!

    1. greenween


      Nice!I love my records!

  20. Here it is....over 1 million points! We all bow to the master. http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/2307-yars-revenge-atari-2600/?hl=%2Bultimate+%2Byars
  21. Who was it that totally dominated the last time we did this? Was it Ballblazer? I remember being mesmerized by the video. Incredible.
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