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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Dr J vs. Larry Bird One on One is one of my favorite games of all time. I'm glad to see someone finally took this great game as a starting point for some enhancements. I always thought adding in some stats at quarter end would really add to that game. The real follow up -- Michael Jordan vs Larry Bird One on One is absolutely terrible! Obviously made by people that didn't understand basketball or sports games, it was a complete dog. I'm very excited to try this one out.
  2. Your review is great. I want to get this game. Looks like a digital download is only $2.99! I wonder if that will work via an SD2EIC device?
  3. Sweet find. That thing has even lifted MY spirits!
  4. Pac-Man is a similar case. Most people think it's not a great game....but it was the all-time best selling game on the system! Pac-Man was more disappointing than terrible.
  5. I'm trying to think of the opinion of E.T from back in the day. My memory tells me it got mostly "ok, but not great" reviews, which is fair. It was a little over-hyped by Atari. And most reviewers pointed out how important it was to read the manual on the game or it won't make much sense. Me personally -- I remember buying it on clearance at Kay-Bee toys for under $5, and I had a lot of fun with it, especially given the price paid. I remember being blown away by the opening screen. That alone made me really give the game a chance. It was fun to try and complete the game, and it was cool to have another game that had an ending. I sure did like E.T. a lot more than "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (which I also liked). It's mostly a case of Atari paying way too much for the license, giving the developer too little time, and then finally overproducing and over-hyping the game. Are these part of the thought process when saying "Worst game of all time"? Probably not. But maybe they should be.
  6. I want to give a huge thumbs up to the Ray Carlsen "Power Saver" cable that's available for the C64. It's a short dongle that goes between the C64 power brick and the C64 console. If the power supply is good, the light on the dongle lights green and everything is good. But if the 5V line is running high, the LED is red and no power goes to the computer. A high 5V line can destroy chips on the board. What's bad is that it could go high at any time, and you'd never know until your computer starts to die. In my case, I tested a power adapter I was going to include with a C64 trade for a forum member here...and it immediately gave a red light! I like to think we saved a C64 with this cable. I paid $35 + $8 shipping for the cable, and I'm so glad I did. Google search Ray Carlsen Power Saver to learn more and where to order. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by RickR for anyone using a Commodore 64.
  7. Now that's a depressing one. They don't mention the context of the times -- PC's and their dreaded expand-ability and open design. That's what eventually did in both Atari and Commodore. More interesting is how Chuck Peddle at Commodore foresaw this and wanted to take on the PC way back in the PET days. Of course, he got let go during the VIC-20 and C64 "Computers for masses, not classes" era.
  8. Wait...what? Don't you think they could have done a little better than exactly duplicating the 2600 version?
  9. That's OK on DK Jr. I'm up to 86 INTV games, so it's hard to say exactly what else I'm looking for. But thanks!
  10. I'm interested in a straight buy of "Donkey Kong Jr", "Dig Dug" and "Diner".
  11. Do it! Even if just on an emulator. The INTV version is great. Great graphics and a cool boss level.
  12. I once worked with a guy who drove a K-car in the 90's. I asked him about it, and he corrected me rather sternly: "It's not called a K-car...It's an Aries". It took all my willpower not to say "Pffft". That old couple in the pristine K-Car/Aries is just awesome though. I love how they must really love that car to take such good care of it. Maybe they only pull it out and take the top down when the weather is good. It's a great pic, I'm glad you shared it.
  13. I still sing "My Buddy" once in a while. And I totally overdo it...just like the kid in the commercial. If I ever go on "The Voice" or one of these TV Shows....this is going to be my "go-to" song choice.
  14. I wonder if 1979 Taco Bell made you crap your pants like today?
  15. Someone needs to punch that owl in the beak.
  16. This one's a bit more obscure. "The Baseball Kid". Probably memorable to me because of the southern accent on the singing, which sounded a little unusual here in Portland in the 1980's. It worked though...I wanted one.
  17. Some nice stuff found today. NES Joust is really good.
  18. Post your favorites. Here's the original Wendy's "Where's the beef" commercial. Still funny.
  19. Yes, but I think it needs a special little box thing for the end of the cord that fits into the battery compartment. I think they call it a "power pack". That's a great find. Virtual Boy has a terrible reputation, but I think it's a really cool system. The 3D effect is legit. The controller is awesome. And the games are great. Mario Clash is great. My favorite VB game is "Nestor's Funky Bowling".
  20. That was a fun one. Good job Greenween. And Ballblazer. And everyone else too.
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