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Everything posted by RickR

  1. And what does the bell do? I read the manual, but I must be blind. Saw no mention of it.
  2. And yes, that second level is pretty hard. I try to get my feet hanging over an edge before jumping. And a nice tight joystick really helps.
  3. 7700 I must try again. This is a fun one. I can do better I'm sure. I'm playing on Stella...I had not yet loaded any eumulators on my new PC yet, so this gave me the impetus to do that. Stella with a Slik Stik connected via USB.
  4. What ^^ Lost Dragon said. Super Mario Bros was the killer app that sold the NES. Without something similar for the 7800 (pack in or not), the 7800 was destined to lose the battle. Which hardware was superior...who was priced lower....who was in what stores....all of that does not matter without the killer app. Sega Master System is the same. No SMB...no win.
  5. Fantastic Voyage Atari 2600 Difficulty: Default High Score: 162,777 May 11, 2017
  6. Same. Paul's videos are so dang enjoyable. I owe him.
  7. Ms Pac Man was ported to many of the old systems, but it's amazing how hard it was to get the "feel" of the game just right. A lot of the versions were too herky/jerky to be really fun. Someone mentioned the horrible Genesis version, and that's a good example. Movement of MPM and the ghosts is not smooth enough. SNES version is almost the same, but gets the smoother animation. But that version is too slow. NES had a great version. No complaints there. The one that blows me away is the version for original Gameboy. It totally kicks butt over the Lynx and Game Gear versions (which have color and superior hardware). But check it out....great graphics, great sound, perfect animation and control. This version is one of my favorites. 2600/5200/7800 versions are all really great. 7800 especially gets the "feel" right, and the speed is fantastic. Much faster than a lot of other versions. And then any system that gets a "Midway's Greatest Hits" or "Arcade Collection" pretty much got an arcade-perfect version of the game. Most notable is for Gameboy Advance.
  8. Dungeons 2 is free on Humble Bundle right now: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/dungeons-2?linkID=&mcID=102:59136fd3f0c3603d6c654b70:ot:57d1ff57b42ee742d1c5bfb0:1&utm_source=Humble+Bundle+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2017_05_11_springsale_freegame_2017&utm_content=Banner
  9. I love how *fast* 7800 Ms. Pac Man gets. The ghosts really start flying around after a few levels. It's really a great version.
  10. 5200 Pac Man was indeed awesome. I remember playing Pac Man on the Atari Computers and deciding it was time to upgrade from the 2600.
  11. They should have included BOTH Pole Position 2 AND Ms. Pac Man! Booyah.
  12. I think we can add Willie to the list if he wants in, right?
  13. Yes, and it was a good TV show.
  14. I'm going for 2000 copies of Combat. Also worthless.
  15. It is possible they aren't hooking it up correctly. Bad power supply (internal) is a usual cause of Intellivision issues.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcMhsvNBQh0&feature=share An interesting comparison of VHS vs. Laserdisc. The real difference is that LD includes the full frame. It's pretty apparent that a lot is lost by cutting the screen down to a square. I remember that it was important to find a 70mm theater to watch Star Wars in back in the 70's. To get the full impact of the film. Of course, it's easy enough to buy a DVD or Blu-Ray to get the same impact....BUT in the case of Star Wars, there is no way to get the original theatrical cut on the newer media at this time. You are pretty much stuck with all the George Lucas "enhancements" unless you find the LaserDisc. Or watch the hacked version on-line
  17. RickR

    eBay Finds

    I tried to stop collecting CV games...but RickR cannot resist a Burgertime.
  18. RickR

    RickR Want List

    Added a box for Combat
  19. Purchased from Scott Stilphen. Thanks! Fantastic Voyage is an amazingly great 2600 game. I've got this game on the Atari 8-bit and the 2600 version is nearly identical. No flicker. Fast and colorful. I love this game. Combat - because I do not have one that has the "01" label. Sears Missile Command - my Sears collection is growing stronger! Junk box fodder??? Only those who participate will know. Scott is a good guy to buy from. The games were packed nicely and work great.
  20. Confirmed. Free is a nice price. Thanks NSG!
  21. Lost Dragon, your "Atari always seemed content getting a cheaper alternative in a line up to replace something other systems had..." comment is dead on, and reminds me of something I read about Disney in Florida.... In the 90's, Disney was basically copying what the competition was doing rather than innovating for their theme-park in Florida. They built "Disney-MGM Studios" to compete with Universal Studios. They built the Animal Kingdom to compete with Busch Gardens. New rides were all just rehashes of old ride technologies from their other parks or re-badging of off-the-shelf rides built by third parties. Off topic, I know...but it's kind of similar to Atari in the Warner era....success but no innovation, which leads to an erosion of market leadership.
  22. Do you have a link for where to purchase?
  23. But like Lost Dragon said....Dreamcasts break. It pays to have a spare. The one I bought brand new in-box and took good care of lost it's GD-drive a long time ago.
  24. I'll have to see if I can find them. Comic book stores can be a little intimidating for those with not much knowledge on the subject.
  25. Try carefully cleaning the laser lens, and also apply a tiny amount of silicone grease to the laser rails.
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