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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Shipping prices have gone way up as you mention. It's even worse on bigger/heavier items. We've got to figure out how to attract more people to buy/sell/trade here on the forums. No fees. Some pretty good self-policing.
  2. I can't be the only one that noticed that when you punch a monkey, you punch them right in the monkey face. Not in the stomach or arm or torso....right on the banana hole. I find that to be very satisfying. How you like them apples, Bonzo?
  3. Video Pinball uses the same power adapter. It would not shock me to see one of these in a 2600 box. In those days, Atari used up whatever stock they had. You'll also see different packaging for the various items inside the outer box.
  4. And oh yeah....Portal. Not to mention Half Life...which just kind of dropped off the face of the Earth once the "mini" episode idea flopped.
  5. How about King's Quest...which at times really tried to push the gaming and technology envelope. I think they stopped at #8....but I think it's been a while since a new one was released.
  6. It kind of looks like the left part of this picture....only a little bigger to hold 2 joysticks with the sticks facing each other and side by side.
  7. I think those are the original paddles. This one would have come with 2 joysticks that came in a plain cardboard holder. I'll have to take a picture of that so you can see what it looks like. It's the kind of thing that is probably impossible to buy, but pretty easy to replicate.
  8. They do come off cleanly and do no damage...if that's any consolation.
  9. Two words: Duke Nukem. I guess it was never a series...but it should have been.
  10. Coach Greeenween gave me some expert-level advice...and BOOM! 33600
  11. Full disclosure: I received these stickers for free in a contest. Let's face it, the Intellivision cartridges were pretty plain. They only have an end label with very little embellishment. You may have seen these already, but a user over on AtariAge has created some really nice screenshot stickers that fit perfectly on the blank front of Intellivision carts. They really look good, and it's kind of fun to apply them. The carts end up looking a lot better -- they remind me of the Activision cart design. They are glossy and have a very professional look/feel. Here are the two sets i received (I think there are a total of 3 to buy). And here are a few of my loose carts with stickers applied. If interested, look up "Age of Atarius" on Facebook. Or PM me and I can hook you up with the guy who makes them. They are priced very fairly IMO.
  12. For me personally, sugar has become something to avoid as i get closer to the big 5-0. As much as I like it, too much sugar just makes me feel sick after. Still, a can of "real" soda once in a while is fine for me -- I treat it like a special treat like Starbuck said. And man is it hard to avoid sugar completely.
  13. Gaming and soft-drinks go together like peas and carrots. This post is way more fun than it should be. Somebody throw a Redpop in a junk box! ha ha. Just kidding. But it sounds like something I'd love to try.
  14. We need to see what your closet looks like in "wife-mode". You know....closed.
  15. Pepsi vs. Coke would make another good thread. For the real colas, I like Coke over Pepsi. But for the diet varieties, they all taste the same to me. Given a choice, I like "Coke Zero" best, followed by "Pepsi Max".
  16. Roger Moore has passed. A sad day.

  17. "Blaster" looks like a great game! I need to check that one out.
  18. EXCELLENT Info and video. Very nicely done indeed. I do a very similar technique with a few minor differences: I don't like to take the flex circuit out unless absolutely necessary. I test them by connecting the controller to my 5200 and using a Defender cart (which uses almost every button). Then a small flat head screwdriver on each button contact tells me if it works or not. I've been using foil dots made from aluminum foil and a hole punch. And then glue them on. It's time consuming. I like your 3M tape method much much better and will use that going forward. Maybe a hybrid method -- using the 3M tape and a hole punch! Best of both worlds. Thanks so much for all the great info.
  19. I had neither a Lynx (didn't even know it existed) or a Game Gear when they were new...but I had friends that had Gameboy, which I thought was really cool. As a collector for Lynx and GG now...I'd say they are both fun to own. Game Gear has such a large library of games. They are a lot that are similar (platform game, fighting games, etc), but the sheer volume of titles and their low prices make it a great system to collect for. The problem is that the caps almost always have to be replaced to get a nice working console. Lynx is a lot of fun with some really great games and some real duds. The main issue with Lynx is price. A nice working Lynx is hard to find, and games can be costly. Still, it's fun and worthy. But as I said...i didn't know it existed then, and that's a marketing failure. Same for 7800. Gameboy still remains the king, sorry to say. The consoles were simpler, but they tend to still work great. And so many of them available. And so many great games.
  20. I don't often give financial advice...but this is an area where you can save significantly. A can of Shasta from home is 25 cents. A drink at any restaurant is usually $2 - $3. 5 lunches a week...it adds up fast.
  21. No Faygo here. But we do have Shasta, which looks very similar. http://shastapop.com/#!home I take a can of soda to work with me every day for lunch. I usually buy the national brands (Coke or Pepsi), but if they aren't on sale....a 12-pack of Shasta is usually about $3. Quite a bargain. And it's really not bad at all. My go-to flavors are "Diet Shasta" and "Diet Dr. Shasta". My ratings for both of those would be "solid". The only thing keeping it from being higher is that you have to take ribbing for buying "Shasta" from your co-workers.
  22. This is exciting! It will be interesting to see if they still have the magic after all this time. Reminds me a little of the return of "The X-Files", which was pretty cool, but not very memorable. Is the original Twin Peaks on Netflix? I need to re-watch. Has it really be 25 years????
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