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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Here's a video (not mine) of the pinball game in action. This guy isn't very good at it, but you get an idea of the play. I always thought it was really well done, and the sounds are really good.
  2. This is a great story. Never feel bad about giving stuff away. Your heart was in the right place....giving toys to kids you thought would have fun with them. Giving is good for your soul! Yes, you miss those objects. But the memories are yours FOREVER.
  3. It's LCD. Tomy Electronic Pinball. I got that one new when I was a kid. Spent hours playing it. It's not bad really, but pretty crude by modern standards.
  4. Gameboy games: Tetris and Ms Pac Man and 3 GBA Spongebob games. That oughta keep me busy for a while.
  5. Don't be too hard on yourself! It takes guts to even try. You got my respect for trying. And a little extra for succeeding.
  6. These discs are something. They are HUGE. And you have to flip them mid-movie! But the covers are fantastic. Like old record album covers.
  7. Added the following to the first post: 2600: Boxing River Raid Carnival Pele's Soccer Football Flag Capture Demons to Diamonds Centipede Math Grand Prix Surround Squeeze Box 5200: Realsports Football with manuals
  8. Post and discuss cool retro items you find in the wild. Today I found these laser disks (Pioneer) for $2 each. I don't have a player, and I hear they are pretty finicky anyways...but I couldn't resist. Also a couple of Playstation AV cables for $0.50 each.
  9. I've got an ST, and it's a great computer with lots of fun games. Kicked butt over the Macintosh at that time...color screen for a lower price. Coolest feature (IMO): it uses plain old Atari 2600 joysticks for games.
  10. RickR

    RickR Want List

    Clean AND functional. That's right. Both.
  11. RickR

    RickR Want List

    Atari Jaguar I just got a real Jaguar! Any loose games are fine. (I already have Cybermorph, Pinball Fantasies, Iron Soldier, Checkered Flag, Cannon Fodder, and the Minter Collection) Atari 2600 Crazy Climber Frankenstein's Monster Gremlins Pete Rose Baseball Quadrun Tax Avoiders Xenophobe Weird Item: A POKEY chip (or one of the new gen replacements) to add to my Concerto cart. SMS - Altered Beast Other Retro gaming t-shirts - Adult size M. Homebrews for any system -- used, loose, board-only....anything at all.
  12. RickR

    My Want List

    Don't forget to specify what you're willing to pay, right? I mean how will AF know that you'll actually buy it at whatever price it is selling for? Or will it be a PM when you find stuff? A curious mind wants to know.
  13. Time for part 2: Centipede 8-bit Version The 8-bit version of Centipede isn't very good. Choppy animation, centipede segments that are mostly square, and a lack of colors make this a pretty lazy port. Also, the game is way too easy. The spider doesn't have that killer instinct from the arcade, making him really easy to avoid. 5200 Version The 5200 version of Centipede is excellent. Smooth animation, colorful and distinct centipede segments, and multi-colored mushrooms make this a MUCH better looking port. The spider here wiggles a lot and totally has the killer instinct. Avoiding him is challenging. The game gets fast quickly and is a blast to play. Things are a little bigger on the screen, but that doesn't seem to impact the fun factor at all. Why they did it This one was a no-brainer. The 8-bit version of Centipede is poor. Re-doing it was a wise choice by Atari. I don't see any sign of using the old code here...5200 Centipede was written from the ground up. Excellent choice by Atari here.
  14. My wife found this for me at a garage sale. It's pretty cool -- depending on which window you look into, you see a Vader or Yoda head. It's dated 1998, made by "Tenyo". Apologies for the blurry video. I have no idea what I'm doing in that media.
  15. I tried the auto 3 pointer, but I can't get the hang of it. Maybe make it 50% of the time. Still got beat by computer. Sigh.
  16. That's the spirit of this great group. It's a good feeling to share with a fellow gamer that is going to play and enjoy it.
  17. Cool. Im glad you like it. The jr has a crack in one of the corners sadly. And a couple of those games are from the junk box. I checked with a couple of the other members and they were cool with it. All the other spare games I have are already in your collection!
  18. Just tried my hand at "Double Dwibble". Lost by 6. Your review is spot on. It isn't terribly fun, but I do want to play again to see if I can beat the computer.
  19. WOW! Three Easter eggs in one game!
  20. I think we all know that the Atari 5200 is based on the same hardware as the Atari 8-bit computers. And in many cases, Atari just ported existing games from the 8-bit to the 5200 with only minor changes. But I can think of three games that Atari actually re-wrote -- started from scratch -- for the 5200. I thought it might be fun to do some comparisons of these games. The idea came to me while I was playing 5200 Space Invaders last night, so I'll start with that game. 8-bit Version The 8-bit version of Space Invaders is just ok. It plays well, with good speed and controls, but it just doesn't feel like Space Invaders. The aliens don't look like the arcade version at all, there are no shields, and the aliens emerge from a lame looking space-ship/rocket on the left side of the screen. For each wave cleared, the rocket lowers a notch and new aliens emerge. The ground under your ship isn't quite flat, although that has no impact on your movement. 5200 Version The 5200 version is very good. Good controls and speed. The shields are here and the aliens look better, making it feel more like the arcade version. Strangely, like in the 8-bit version, the aliens emerge from the left side of the screen, although there is no rocket. Best feature: the aliens change every 2nd wave! And there are some pretty wild designs. Spinning/rotating/shrinking aliens! I counted 4 different sets, but there may be more than that. Judging by your ship, the ground color, the information at the bottom of the screen, and the left-emerging aliens, it is obvious the programmer heavily referenced the 8-bit version in creating this version. Why they did it. I think the 8-bit version is pretty lackluster and gets boring pretty quickly. Atari spent some time and came up with a version that is much more fun and will hold your interest a little longer. I know I kept playing to see all the different types of aliens! Very nicely done and a great choice by Atari. Coming soon, the other two games that I know of....
  21. I've kept my eye open for a Master System and also a TurboGrafx 16, but they are pretty hard to find in the wild.
  22. Keep posting please. I certainly appreciate your videos very much!
  23. RickR

    LeeJ07's Want List

    I'm working on a package for you Lee.
  24. <-- BINGO! <-- I agree <-- Bzzkptpl Zypfflpztl (translation: Tod Frye and my namesame Ray Kassar)
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