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Everything posted by Arenafoot

  1. Does the winner pay for the shipping? Or are you shipping it out, just to get rid of it?
  2. anyone seen this alternate label before? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Atari-Jaguar-Arena-Football-95-/152446657010?hash=item237e8761f2:g:WwsAAOSwWxNYrkJ1
  3. here's some of mine that are in my collection (and all are what I actually paid....back in the day!)
  4. I'd pass............ I would rather get the Atari Pong coffee table for $900 instead (if I had the money)!! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/atari-table-pong-project-the-coolest-coffee-table-design#/
  5. Awesome work! It's nice to see someone else that is into "major" lists like myself!! here's my list: https://1drv.ms/x/s!ArXu52QZivTrgVbQayev1Wc1QprN
  6. That explains how I got it before everyone else! Thanks!
  7. "just released"??????? I've had an MP3 of this song since 7/11/14, I downloaded it from Dr. Demento Basement tapes #4. I never knew it wasn't released (or just out there)!! It's OK....not my fav Pac-Man song of course, but it's on my MP3 player.
  8. Wow! A Mine Storm overlay is in the "Junk Box".......WT_?!?!?!?! It sounds like the junk box needs a name change......... the "Retro Goodie Box", "Retro Gem Box", Awesome Retro Stuff Box,.............. Congrats AtariBrian!
  9. I've only played two of them.............. the Atari 2600 version and this one (which gets my vote, but is not listed in the poll).........
  10. Yeah but I'd put it behind Air Raid in the #2 spot for rarest Atari VCS/2600 title.
  11. Why is the Space Invaders one so rare out of the 6? Were there fewer made than the others? Do you have stats of how many were made and sold for each title?
  12. add 3 more to the fixed ROMs list for the AFP: Donkey Kong VCS Spy Hunter Berzerk - invisible wall removed to play
  13. Don't forget the GCE Vectrex Dark Tower prototype game that never got released! Included the bin and overlay for emulation. Darktower (unreleased)(U).pdf dark_tower_v2.pdf DarkTower.BIN
  14. my vote is for Space Combat Can't wait til we get to Atari Casino vs. Sears Poker Plus !
  15. I dug out my TomyTronic Pac-Man handheld from the barn the other day. (pic below) And got some nice high scores on the first try of both the AMA setting and the PRO setting: http://highscore.com/scores/DedicatedHandheld/TomyTronicPacMan/56384 http://highscore.com/scores/DedicatedHandheld/TomyTronicPacManPro/56385 I even found a response letter from Tomy about when I inquired about an AC Adapter for the handheld Pac-Man too! Then I pulled out my create of handhelds......... I have all 6 of your MGA Classic Arcades marigul! (see pic below) I love those games!!
  16. I'm an authorized editor for that Google Doc........ and list owner of this one: https://1drv.ms/x/s!ArXu52QZivTrgVbQayev1Wc1QprN Those are just lists - not a bulk ROM download like I have above. I'm trying to do a better (and updated) ROM bulk download for the AFP than the only one we have which is here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/258970-atari-flashback-portable-compatibility-list/
  17. I bought a bottle of the Rickey's hot sauce at the 2014 Houston ArcadeExpo, along with a special labeled Rickey's "2014 Houston ArcadeExpo" bottle. I got Billy Mitchell to sign the Houston bottle too. Never have opened either one, and I've never needed to, since we have Tabasco here in Louisiana!
  18. could save them for the future Atari.IO homebrew releases!!!
  19. I'm using a SanDisk 2GB SD card (non-HC) class 2, with no problems. I still have about 1.7GB of music on it with the AFP ROMs loaded on it too.
  20. After working though the ROMs on the AFP (with others over at AA), I have gone thru and renamed the ROMs to the correct game titles, deleted games that do not work/can't be played, and added some homebrews - even added the hacks that have been made for the AFP! As usual, download and unzip the file, put the ROMs in the first folder named "Game" on the SD card. It should load into your AFP with 67 pages (about 667 games in total). Let me know what ya'll think ......any changes? Enjoy! my updated ROM set for the AFP as of 2/12/17 here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/258970-atari-flashback-portable-faq-and-compatibility-list/ Game.zip
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