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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. Last one before heading to the office to play catch up. 39,680. I switched from the analog sticks to the d-pad on my controller and it made a world of difference.
  2. I'm in business thanks to RP! Here's my first attempt in Visual Boy Advance with a Logitech F310 controller. 19,200 The one life limit will make things interesting!
  3. Can anyone using an emulator share their rom source?
  4. I wish that I had been paying attention but it looks like I'll just get one score in before the day is up: 57,000 on a 4-switch with a CX-40. What a fantastic game! I always loved this version as it played to the strengths of the 2600. In some ways it's more fun/interesting than the arcade original. Has anyone played the Rebellion update on PS4/VR? It's excellent!
  5. When I was out of town for the holidays, I left my car parked with my soon to be ex-wife at the house. Living downtown now, I can't leave it in the same space for more than a day or two. I figure, I still own (and pay for) the driveway, right? She drove it and parked it overnight at a Christmas party where it got sideswiped. The driver didn't leave a note so I had to make a claim under insurance. If it were a normal car, it would've been a fix of about $4,000, but because it was an EV (a LEAF) there are special battery handling requirements that made it a total loss. I was shocked, frankly. So I went a month without a car. I live close to work and bike a lot so it wasn't horrible but getting across town on transit or out to LA or Orange County was a pain. And then there's the rain. So last weekend, after 8 years of driving a zero emission vehicle, I returned to the dark side of fossil fuel with this gently used MINI Cooper S 4-door. The MINI has 189HP and was the closest thing I could find with the zippiness and immediacy of an EV. I will really have to watch my speed though as I keep blowing past 80 without feeling it. They actually have a "speed warning" that you can set to your MPH of choice. It's currently on 90. 😂😂😂 Anyway, a week in and I'm really loving it. It's decidedly retro with chrome toggle switches everywhere and bonnet stripes. It has super tight handling and is a dream on the freeway. It might be too much fun, really. Aside from the red, it's not exactly a midlife crisis car but it's as close as I am likely to get.
  6. I finally got a TV stand for my new place and hooked up some of my favorite consoles: a PS4 Pro, AVS, Saturn, Jaguar and 2600. I'm running the classic consoles through a RetroTINK to a 49" Samsung 4K HDR TV. It looks amazing! I did have my 7800 hooked up but the RetroTINK and the LHE mod don't seem to get along too well. After about 20 minutes, I started getting really weird interference. The LHE mod is temperamental so I'm going to try a simple modded 7800 eventually. Anyway, here are a few pictures. The screenshots are from my phone and do not do the picture justice. I also wanted to show my attempt at cable management to get everything off the floor. Because this TV stand has tall legs, it looked really messy at first. I even grabbed a wooden box for the power strips and bricks.
  7. Finally getting my place together. I actually have some furniture now! I got my first peice of art for the place today and I'm stoked on that. I am starting from scratch so I have no one to blame for my horrible taste but myself! Still on track to my weight loss goal. I hit a number I haven't seen since 2011. Oh, and I went on my first date in 15 years. It's a brave new world in that regard. Gaming-wise, my Retrotink came last week, as did my TV stand, so tonight I hooked up an S-video modded 7800, Saturn and Jag to my 49" 4K Samung (NU8000). It is incredible. The picture is fantastic; much better than I expected with no perceptible lag. I played Darius Gaiden (SAT), Zero 5 (JAG) and b*nQ (7800). For $100, you couldn't ask for more. I'll do some kinda write-up on a dedicated thread when I really have time to dig in. The pic is from the ridiculous lionhead knocker on the door of my unit. I'm growing to like it.
  8. I appreciate all of the support. I know things could be a lot worse and there are a lot of positives. I'm just throwing myself into my work, getting back in shape (20 down, 15 lbs to goal!), playing guitar and reconnecting with friends. Oddly, my twenty year-old daughter and I haven't been this close since she was a pre-teen. It's been cool to spend time together. I went back to my hometown of Columbus, OH over the holidays and it was just the recharge that I needed. It can only get better from here. A quick retro gaming story from my trip. My buddy of 28 years took me to a barcade in north Columbus for some pinball and games. We went to a Ms. Pac-man and about 8 minutes in to my play, he was like "I mean, I know you are into this stuff but I didn't know you were this good. Do you think that you'd die before I can grab us another round?" LOL! Even with the blue "Tron" concoctions I was drinking I left with the high score. It wasn't terribly high; I think they must turn off the machines. I'll take it anyway. 😂 @RickR has it right; its sunrise in Long Beach, CA. Also known as "The LBC." As in, "atariLBC." I moved here in my early twenties and it's truly home now. Again, thanks everyone and I hope each of you had a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  9. I have been MIA lately due to some major life changes. My wife and I are separating after 15 years and I just recently moved on my own. This all came as a shock to me. I also took on a promotion at work in late August. Between everything going on I've taken a break from gaming to reflect and heal. I'm in a studio loft downtown, so I'm a bit space challenged and will probably not have a rig for awhile. The new TV doesn't have inputs for legacy connections so I'll be getting a Retrotink for composite and S Video. Will post my rig when it's setup. The one thing I'm really pumped on is the loft (space aside). I can now walk to work and I have some pretty amazing views. I didn't ask for a midlife crises but I'm trying to make the most of it. Wanted to share this sunrise photo from this morning. Happy holidays to the Atari.io community! I'll see you in 2019!
  10. Look at these fancy new forums!

    1. Justin


      Be sure to check out the fancy new blogs! Now you can add big header images, have more freedom to format the pages better, and I like how all of the blogs are presented on the main blog page too. I hope you like it!

  11. I just received mine over the weekend. I'm in the middle of a move so I won't get to hook-up the Jaguar for a minute. As soon as I can, I'll post a review and comparison to the original Pro-Controller - which is one of my favorite controllers of all time.
  12. Bump: FYI - these are now available to order. I've been following development over at AA and the end product looks great. The minimum is 2 pads at $120. Considering the originals go for $200 ea., that's a steal. The order website is https://hoskinson-industries.myshopify.com
  13. I was fascinated with videos that told stories. Two of my favorites were Twilight Zone by Golden Earring and Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes. I'm not a fan of either really, but I loved these videos.
  14. @NSG - I loved Cedar Point as a kid! So many great coasters there. The Magnum XL, Meanstreak, Raptor, etc. The Corkscrew was my first coaster with inversions! Did you ever go to Kings Island? I'm from central Ohio, so we would alternate between the two when I was growing up. One summer it was up to Sandusky, the next it was down to Mason. I also had family in Virginia and went to Kings Dominion once or twice. It's Kings Island's sister park. Both are now owned by Cedar Fair, the parent company of Cedar Point.
  15. You know who the masters were when they reappear in the first few posts. Billy Idol - White Wedding Peter Gabriel - Shock the Monkey Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Coming And because this is a gaming forum, Judas Priest - Free Wheel Burning.
  16. It looks like pre-orders have plateaued at $2.6m and around 8,700 backers. It will be interesting to watch how much higher this can go. Could it hit $3m and 10K+ backers by the end of the month? Also, how many folks are interested in just the controllers? These are admittedly cool looking and reasonably priced - particularly for the bundle set at $59. PowerA is also reputable.
  17. I got mine done too. It really makes a huge difference and improves the playability of the Atari Lynx. Glad you like it!
  18. And it's up. 5x their meager $100k funding goal in 36 minutes. $199 for the Onyx, $229 for the Onyx with one Joystick, $299 for Classic with one Joystick, Joysticks are $29, Modern controllers are $49.
  19. They broke IndieGoGo. Folks over at AA who were able to get in said they already made their funding goal. Details are still scant according to Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/05/30/exclusive-as-vcs-pre-orders-begin-atari-explains-what-its-new-box-actually-is/#7d7947dc4e7e
  20. Does Intellivision have the same name recognition in today's market as Atari or even Coleco? I didn't think their At Games FB console did very well, although I have one. I wonder what they expect here from a sales perspective. This will be interesting to watch.
  21. Solo: A Star Wars Story is the controversial origin story of Han Solo. Here's my spoiler-free take on the film: It was the most FUN I've had at a Star Wars movie since 1983! It is much better than anything they've done since the Original Trilogy. They nailed it! Have you seen the film? Please share your spoiler-free thoughts below.
  22. I just saw the news. This hobby and all things Atari owe this man a great debt of gratitude. Atari would not have been the success it was without his contributions. Thank you Mr. Dabney!
  23. Well this week has been full of updates. First, we have a preview video of Tempest 4000. The same video shown for the PS4/PC/XB1 version of the game. It's excellent looking, but I am sure this isn't a VCS. The tag line on their FB post suggests that it could be: "Atari VCS plays new games! Check out Tempest 4000 - an Atari classic reinvented for today." As it is, this would only be a good thing for Atari if it were an exclusive. https://www.facebook.com/atariVCS/videos/452717445166177/ Next up is a first look at "very early" test animations of what a user "could" see at boot up. It looks clean and all but it not that impressive. There is also no indication that this is running on hardware. https://www.facebook.com/atariVCS/videos/453958355042086/ Two weeks out from the campaign launch and all we know for sure is that it will play 2600 games and Tempest 4000. I already have those boxes checked. Where are the exclusives? Who are the developers? Will it handle other legacy Atari platforms? Color me a skeptic.
  24. I have no idea, but I think you've inspired me to count. What app are you using?
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