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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. I only have about five Genesis games and this is not one of them. I'll just sit this one out and play the pinball section in Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast instead. Love the NiGHTS table on that one.
  2. I just realized a theory after seeing the timelines of when most of us remember getting an Atari. If everyone got one in 1982-83 then why was their a crash? If all those systems sold right before the crash started wouldn't the company have had made money? Not lost it? I know...the crash started because of a flood of poor quality video games. It became a monkey see, monkey do industry with wannabe programmers tried up against seasoned professionals and ruined the whole thing. But, financially, our families and friends were buying the machines and games. That money should have boosted the industry, not destroy it. Just a thought.
  3. What's the point in obtaining video game goodness when you miss out on all that goodness if you don't ... Sit...down...and...Play...with...them!?! Might as well have pushed Q-Bert off the pyramid before you started playing with him. Video games, the systems that plays them, and their accessories, were made for one reason and goal in mind; to be used. So drag out what you have enjoy all the hard work in obtaining them. I'm sure they would like to entertain you.
  4. 😆Hit the ball with the paddle. That's funny. When the ball hits the top of the border there's nothing to hit the ball with!
  5. I've never trusted McAfee. In the past it blocked installation of most of my disk (floppies and optical) from installing. Norton did a similar thing. Come to think of it, I haven't found a single anti-virus program I have liked except for Avast. But the constant pop ups from the free version got to be too often to try to get you to buy add ons. Windows Defender, so far, I'm OK with. I've not had any trouble with it. To each their own.
  6. Nice display! I can't upload pics or I'd show you my new one 😁
  7. Increased my score but still far away from the rest of yours. One thing is certain...the 2600 can be a bully when it wants to be one 😁
  8. Everytime I upload something here, my allowed file size drops. My max is now 236kB, after this one it will be less than that. I'm not sure if it is because I'm on a phone or not. I have unlimited data.
  9. I can't post my score. I am limited to 276kb and I don't know why. 🙁
  10. Putting up the XEGS and dragging out Junior and this game. It has been a while since I last participated in these challenges. My only issue is no internet, I'm at the mercy of my phone and my uploads to Atari I/O have been very restricted. But I'll give it a shot.
  11. Is it possible that the producers of that movie knew something before the rest of the world did?
  12. I remembered Billy being accused of using emulators to "achieve" his record but I have not seen King of Kong yet, let alone knew it even existed. That's why I was asking about the connection between the two. Now I get it. Good one 😁
  13. OK. I know who Billy is but I have no clue who the other guy is. Could someone please clue me in?
  14. http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-omar_3787.html
  15. I figured it out. Addictive game! I am so use to having to hold down the Option button when loading disk-based games that it's become automatic. With Omar you don't have to, doing so makes the game sluggish and behave weird. I recommend this game!
  16. I thought I would break out the XEGS today and try out Omar for the first time. I would share a picture but I'm limited to below 300kb in file sizes on here and my phone can't take pictures below that. So... Omar is a mix between Chinese Checkers and Chess but has it's own style and rules. Fun to play but difficult to figure out. After only a few moves the computer manages to swipe up 6 of my pieces. I have not figured it out yet but I'm having fun trying to figure it out. Has anyone else played this game before? I'd like to hear your stories.
  17. I added my hs profile to my profile page here. I haven't been there in a few years but I do remember helping the creator with a few design ideas. I did not do the work but I made a lot of suggestions. That's how I was able to get Tempest for my 5200. I'm glad to see the site still alive and well.
  18. Saying that I like that would be an understatement.
  19. I was after Red Alert but I never could find that one. TrU only had the two I got with the system and they tried to pile what they had left on me.
  20. My first VB I got at TrU on clearance for $30 with Galactic Pinball and Wario. I loved Mario Tennis and Pinball. I especially loved the pinball game. But I sold it and I regret it now. I would get headaches from using it but I would play for hours at a time.
  21. Ok, played Xybots. Instant Lynx favorite! Very nice game. Now I need a space shooter for it.
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