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Posts posted by Atarileaf

  1. The tin foil trick didn't work but when I was touching two of the wires and held them in my fingers just so the picture cleared up. The one wire is what I'm assuming is the ground as it's just soldered to that metal strip on the board and the second wire is the video wire that goes to the yellow composite out. It's attached to the top middle portion of the little mod breadboard. Those two wires moved just so clears up the picture. This would explain why when I first got the console Draconian looked fine. It was only because I had to open the console to do a slight adjustment on the color pot (fast foods purple pickles were blue) and then put it back together that I noticed some homebrews were showing this interference. I must have moved the very tenuous wire configuration to cause the problem 


    All three gray wires are very thin and fragile looking and are tied together with what looks like a small green zip tie. Should these wires not be tied together like this? Are the wires themselves incorrect for this type of mod?

  2. Thanks guys, different cables didn't make any difference and the rf modulator was removed by the AA user from whom I bought this unit and the RF pattern does move so it's not static lines but moving the console around doesn't seem to have any effect but since the lines are always in motion I'm not absolutely certain that's true.


    Another user on AA said a couple of resistors should have been removed to improve the video but he never said which ones and I'm not sure if that in itself would solve an RF bleed issue


    Is there a way to shield the mod somehow or would that not have any effect. 

  3. I posted this on Atariage but I thought I'd try here too.


    I purchased a modded Vader from a user who I've bought other things from before and he seemed to know his stuff and in fact this system does work very well and gives a nice picture on normal carts - except for one odd issue - some of my homebrew carts seem to give off what I can only describe as RF interference which seems impossible since the RF modulator has been removed. It only happens with some homebrews and not others and I'm assuming has something to do with the extra tech or lack of shielding in either those carts or on the board itself. Draconian, Lady Bug and Fall Down are the worst offenders but Space Rocks, Juno First and Colony 7 are fine.


    Is there anything I can do to fix this situation? Pics below





  4. I was wondering this since I did own a NES back in 1988 and at the time didn't care much for it. I was never much into the Super Mario or other platform games. I played Duck Hunt more than SMB. I simply didn't like the style of game where you get so far, die and have to start over from the beginning. As such I didn't care much for the system.


    Flash forward to my collecting days and in discovering the NES library in it's entirety I found a lot of great arcade ports that really made me fall in love with the system to the point now where it's my favorite system after the Atari 2600 and 7800. I do have a few that I enjoyed back then that I still love now like RC Pro Am and Blades of Steel but it's mostly games I never owned in the 80's that I really enjoy now.


    Is there a system that you love now that you didn't care for back then, mainly due to a lack of knowledge or experience with the whole library?


    I say yes for the following reasons.

    • It's much easier to load up games on a micro-sd card than having to reprogram the flash cart.
    • Micro-SD can have a much bigger capacity than 8 MB.  You can put the entire library on one card.
    • ATR files.  You can load disk images on the UNO Cart.
    • It's only about $60 shipped for the UNO Cart.  A bargain.



    I may put some funds aside for it then. I suppose if I get it I could sell the Atarimax and recoup some of my investment. 

  6. By the way, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt Atari will not honor those who pre-order it. It is possible that they will do a campaign that only works if they will meet their goal. It's also possibly, if the campaign flops, they will quickly close it and refund the money. 


    My guess is they are making this on a high profit margin, so no matter what, it's coming out. 


    However, I could be wrong and I still would not recommend putting money down until it comes out at this point and time,


    I'm extremely curious (perhaps morbidly curious is a better term) about it the way people are about big celebrity breakups or political scandals. I have no interest in preordering as I'm not one to support potential vaporware but if and when this thing does hit the market I'm very curious of the reviews of it and what it will actually do, especially to justify its insane price point.


    The Retron 77 however is one I will probably support despite some reservations I also have for it. At least Hyperkin does make actual products people like and buy, as flawed as they may be. Between it and what I'm hoping will be SD card support for the next Flashback I can't see a need for the AtariVCSbox but I will follow the train wreck as it stumbles down the track.

  7. Question - I already have an 8meg Atarimax flash cart and the USB programmer cart. Is there any advantage to the UNO cart over it and is there a big enough advantage to justify buying one when I already have the other. A personal decision I know but I'm curious, especially if you have experience with Atarimax yourself.


    Thanks Rick :)

  8. That's really heartbreaking news Atarileaf! You and Maximum RD were the first channels I ever subscribed to so many years ago. I'm sad that you're leaving and I hope you'll still pop into the forums sometimes, we love having you here!





    We have one or two things but our YouTube channel got axed for no apparent reason. I have to reupload stuff to a new channel. I'll get you something asap! Thanks Willie!


    Oh don't worry I'm staying Justin. I actually only post on this site anymore. It's a nice easy going group here. :)

  9. vader-nooooo.jpg


    I'm sad to see you go, but I totally understand.

    For me, there are definitely days when I don't feel like making videos, and it start to feel more like a job and less fun.

    Are you closing your channel? I wouldn't be surprised if someday the bug hits you and you have the desire to put up another video or two.


    Thanks NSG :) No I won't shut the channel down. Too much effort over the years to just delete anything. I see other channels over the years do that (Jboypacman comes to mind) and I don't understand the need. I'll keep it up for archival purposes and you're right, never say never. The difference this time is I've pretty much gutted my collection to the bare minimum so unless I'm wowed by something in the future I can't see making anything

  10. I've been back and forth on whether to make an actual video but I may just leave it be and post it here - I'm quitting youtube for good. I haven't completely lost my passion for retro gaming but I've lost my passion for collecting. I'd sold so much in the last few months you could barely call it a collection. I'm only keeping what I enjoy playing and don't plan on buying more than the occasional homebrew. I'm down to 42 unique 2600 games from over 300 a few years ago. I've sold many of my extra 2600 4 switch models. I've sold all my SNES and Genesis consoles. I'm toying with the idea of dropping the 800XL/XEGS collection and just keeping my 2600/7800/NES collections as small as they are. Last year my entire Tandy Coco, CV, C64, TG-16 collections among others have been completely sold. It's not even a game room anymore. On the plus side, the money is good to have :)


    As such there's nothing to make videos about and my desire has been waning in the last couple of years. I almost force myself to make them anymore and I felt more obligation than joy when making my last few. 


    This is not a "woe is me" kind of post but I think some who've followed me over the years, and I can say have become my online friends like many of you here, do deserve some kind of explanation for my absence. I know it bothers me when someone I've followed for years suddenly drops off the face of the earth. Times change, people change and I'm getting to the age where, for me, it's time to let most of this stuff go and move on to other things. Thankfully we still have great people like NoSwearGamer and ArcadeUSA (who I still watch religiously) who are exceeding anything I've ever done both in quantity and quality. 


    I'll still be around lurking and watching as I do still love to play. I will still be around, and all the videos I've made will remain up, but it's time for the Atarileaf channel to ride into the sunset. Thanks for all your support over the years and I'll leave you with a quote I have in my game room that always rings true to me:


    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing" 

  11. I quite enjoyed it. It was refreshing to see a family friendly show like this that is fun and adventurous. I never saw the old show but I do remember the movie from 20 years ago with Gary Oldman, Mimi Rogers, Joey from Friends and the Boogie Nights girl. This was much better than that. Got a little slow in parts but I found myself wanting to see what happened in the next episode and now I'm hooked to see what happens in season 2. 

  12. My wife bought me a ps4 with battlefront II on boxing day and I really enjoyed it. The campaign story is great and there's a small sequel as well that's a free download called "Resurrection". I've played through the campaign twice and may again. I'm not a multiplayer guy but I do enjoy playing the arcade section against the bots. I have a lot of fun with it for what it is but I would recommend the game.

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