Formula 1 Racing, Paris-Dakar Rally, America's Cup, Red Bull Soap Box Derby, Travel, Technology, Reading, Real Estate, the Beach, Trading Bitcoin, plus Atari and Turbo Duo of course!
First Console
Atari 7800
Coolest Item In Your Collection
Mario Bros. Prototype
Favorite Pizza Place
Tower Pizza - Rochester, MI
Favorite Arcade to Visit
Lost Ark Video Games - Greensboro, NC
Favorite Arcade Game
Out Run
Favorite Pinball
Legends Pinball
Favorite Board Game
Favorite Movie
Back To The Future
Favorite TV Show
Halt and Catch Fire
Favorite Comic Book Hero
What I got at Toys Я Us
Everything I could ever find with a Fuji on it
Podcast I Recommend
Faded Out Podcast (Season 1 only) - The Disappearance of Johnny Gosch
YouTube Channel I Like
BTB, NSG, Atari Creep, Willie, Maximum RD
Quick, tell us a joke!
A moth goes into a podiatrist's office:
Hi @Jinroh - I made the addition of each Atari system in 2015, they're located in the "smiley" emoji button in the text window toolbar between the eye and the bullet points