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Status Replies posted by Justin

  1. Got this for a great price 



    1. Justin


      I've never noticed Imagic using Activision cartridge shells before. Unique!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Jon Stoll II has decided to step away from doing the Atari Network Podcast, and I’m not continuing it without him, so that will essentially be the end of that. I will still update the Atari 7800 Forever website and YouTube Channel, and he will continue with the Atari Network YouTube channel. We had a fun run and I hate that it came to an end. Thanks to everyone who followed and participated in the chat! So much fun! #atari #atari7800 #atari2600


    1. Justin


      You ever see that show Quantum Leap where Scott Bakula goes back in time to put right what once went wrong?

  3. Items that I'll be listing on ebay soon. I'll mention them here in case anyone is interested and would like to buy now (and save me the effort and fees of ebay). Pictures available if interested.

    • Atari 1200XL - needs keyboard refurb. About 1/3 of the keys do not work. Another project I'll never have time for. Hoping to get $175 + shipping. Comes with power adapter.
    • Atari 1027 printer - No idea if it works...probably not as the old rubber heads on these disintegrate over time. Free for the cost of shipping.
    • Atari XEGS - works. No keyboard. There is a hole cut in the cover. I don't know what this might be worth. $80? Make an offer.

    I did NOT buy a mini. I just have too many computers and need to downsize.

    1. Justin


      Thanks for sharing here @RickR! If these end up on ebay feel free to share your auctions in our ebay listings forum :nintendo_mario_1up:

  4. When an official Atari social account picks up on #AtariDay!  @Justin


    1. Justin


      #AtariDay is for everyone! Especially people who think of Atari fondly and want to experience more of the World of Atari :berzerk:

  5. AHEM - https://1up.onl/  😎


    1. Justin


      @MaximumRD What is this supposed to be? I get a DNS error and can't get the site to come up.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. 🕹 Special thanks and congratulations to @RickR on hosting his first Club Evercade Let's All Play event! I'm sure we'll do this again in the future when the time is right. https://forums.atari.io/topic/9299-club-evercade-lets-all-play-feb-2024-irem-arcade-1/

    1. Justin


      A special thank you also of course to @Sabertooth for continuing to host Recharged Squad Challenges in Club VCS every month. Club VCS has become something really special. Be sure to join in this month's VCS Recharged Squad Challenge for Berzerk: Recharged in Club VCS: 


  7. Ron Howard is 70 today!  What is your favorite Ron Howard role?  Opie, Steve from American Grafitti, Richie Cunningham, or any multitude of other parts?



    1. Justin


      It's hard not to say Opie, that's such an iconic role. Happy Days is nearly as iconic, as is American Graffiti. I've really enjoyed Ron Howard as a film maker. My "favorite" role honestly has to be as the narrator on Arrested Development as the show would not be what it was without it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. It's 10:07 pm, as midnight approaches THIS is the face of man about to turn 56! Muh birthday 🤷‍♂️😝More than ever I am happy and appreciate the little things, a good meal, a nice drink, indulging in hobbies and appreciating friends and family.


    😎 At my age for my birthday I asked only for a nice craft beer to go with a nice dinner. Had steak and mushrooms for dinner and got 3 cool beers😆 don’t drink much these days but it’s a nice surprise on my birthday and a treat. And for a snack one damn hot Pepperoni stick!


  9. 😎 Dwayne Wayne was an underrated nerd: Dwayne-Wayne-1024x809.jpg

    1. Justin


      Yes Murray of course! Riptide was cool and I wish it had run longer. I don't want to tell you how old I was when Dwayne Wayne came on the scene, but school was on my mind and to me Dwayne Wayne was "a cool nerd" who embraced his nerdom, felt okay being smart, but at the same time wasn't depicted as a loner - he had friends, was fun to be around and also ended up with Whitley.

      Maybe we should do a Riptide rewatch in the forums if it's available for streaming or on YouTube.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Big n funky Fridays tonight! 7:30 PM Eastern-

    The 7800 Pro Gamer and Funkmaster V look into their crystal funk bawls to guess, forecast and wish for what is in store for Atari's 2024. And if it ryhmes, its true. We talk about Delta Space Arena, Plutos, Madness Beverage, Harpy's Curse and the big Food Fight Culinary Combat tournament we are having in 2 weeks.  #atari #atarivcs #atarivcs 

    1. Justin


      I'll be there if I can get home on time tonight :wreck-it-ralph:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Ice to see you!

    Our driveway is like an ice rink, but needs a Zamboni 


  12. It was cool to see French Youtuber Manu Atari (GemTos) share out the ClubVCS Fanzine!


    1. Justin


      WHOA cool, I'm just now seeing this! Late last night I finished some back end "club" work on the site and before bed took out the Club VCS Zine and read through it again. I never expected a print edition would materialize so quickly and look so good. VCS players are extremely lucky to receive this kind of incredible support. I always think of the Amico guys out there who must feel so devastated about where things are right now, and then I look at the VCS community and think how fortunate we are to have this.

  13. My car is a total loss and I got my settlement valuation which met my expectations. I'm thinking of going with a certified used Ioniq 5 as it's the closest thing to Trapper Keeper on wheels that exists in today's market.

    I'm going to be out test driving for the next several days. I have a rental until Monday.


    1. Justin


      @Sabertooth It has to be intentional. Lancia was an Italian marque that is out of production and not widely known in our part of the world. People with an interest in those types of cars or Rally racing from the 1980s would know the Lancia Delta as an icon. I was big into Sega Rally on Saturn when it first came out and drove the tires off of that little sucker. I think it's really cool that Hyuandi was willing to put this design into production.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. My car is a total loss and I got my settlement valuation which met my expectations. I'm thinking of going with a certified used Ioniq 5 as it's the closest thing to Trapper Keeper on wheels that exists in today's market.

    I'm going to be out test driving for the next several days. I have a rental until Monday.


    1. Justin


      @Sabertooth I'm a big believer that the design of the Ioniq 5 pays homage to the Lancia Delta of the 1980s. Sega Saturn fans will remember the Lancia Delta as one of the playable rally cars in Sega Rally Championship:


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. I did not share this earlier, but on Tuesday I was making my normal commute when I was hit in the intersection while making a protected left turn. The other driver ran the red. Fortunately, I'm just a bit sore and we'll see if my car can be repaired or not.

    Two good samaritans stopped to check on me. They both were rushed for work and didn't stick around for the cops but promised to send their dash cam footage and contact info. Fortunately, both followed through. I can't quit watching it. If I was a split second earlier into my turn, my one year old may not know her dad.

    Just a reminder to hold your loved ones tight and do not take things for granted. I lost my father to a drunk driver over 20 years ago. No one has a guarantee on tomorrow.


    1. Justin


      I just caught this @Sabertooth. I shared this with my Mom. When I was 18 months old we were moving to a new place, and my mom was hit by a drunk driver with her car full of framed pictures and fragile glassware. The drunk driver was driving with an already revoked license and hit her from behind on an overpass, scooping her car up and flipping it over an embankment and she was thrown from the car. She told me just now she can still remember the sound of the car wheel rolling right next to her head as the car rolled down the hill. I came very close to growing up not having known my mom, and I think quite often about how lucky I am that I got to live in this "timeline" where my mom is alive, and that things weren't worse for her. She miscarried twins shortly afterward which we always believed was related to the accident. I saw my mom at Christmas and showed her the Club VCS Zine and told her a bit about you and what you had done with the club, which - after having been my mom and going on this Atari obsession with me from the beginning - thought was incredibly impressive and really cool. I reminded her of you again tonight when I shared your story with her, and mentioned I'd share this story with you here. I'm glad you're okay, and that your family and little girl still have you. I hope the rest of 2024 is good to you.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Has it been 5 years already?? Tune in this Wednesday night at 9pm ET for Episode 113 of Retro With Marco! Featuring new retrogaming records, Street Fighter Alpha for Genesis, Golden Axe for 32X, plus Winter Yolympics 2024!


    1. Justin


      @Marco1019 We have a YouTube tab for Atari I/O YouTube creators and I'd like to include a link to your Twitch on there, since you've consistent about sharing Retro With Marco in the forums.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Has it been 5 years already?? Tune in this Wednesday night at 9pm ET for Episode 113 of Retro With Marco! Featuring new retrogaming records, Street Fighter Alpha for Genesis, Golden Axe for 32X, plus Winter Yolympics 2024!


    1. Justin


      Time is flying by. Congratulations on 5 years! Are you only on Twitch and Vimeo or do you have YouTube as well?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. And so it begins... the collection purge. Before I take the games to Pink Gorilla, I offered up my PS1, PS2, PS4, and Dreamcast games to a gamer couple in the local gaming group. This is what I've pulled out for them. I ended selling a couple of games (like Metal Gear Solid and Parasite Eve II) that I was intending to keep, but I am happy that they are going to people I know who will love them as much as I did.







    1. Justin


      For me it's always been the history. I feel like I've come at this from an interesting trajectory, and from before I could connect with anybody on the internet. I've always been rooted in 2-D gaming. Atari, Nintendo, Sega, and TurboGrafx have been mostly enough to carry me through the 21st century, with the occasional Nintendo Wii, Switch, or VCS game. It's also not necessarily "nostalgia" - I'm not trying to relive the past, I've just always enjoyed playing the games.

      That's really cool that you're going to Thailand. I hope you'll share some pics from your travels! 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. And so it begins... the collection purge. Before I take the games to Pink Gorilla, I offered up my PS1, PS2, PS4, and Dreamcast games to a gamer couple in the local gaming group. This is what I've pulled out for them. I ended selling a couple of games (like Metal Gear Solid and Parasite Eve II) that I was intending to keep, but I am happy that they are going to people I know who will love them as much as I did.







    1. Justin


      "'The flip side is that I will focus my collection on Atari consoles and computers and a little bit on other systems from the 80s" -- welcome to my world! I hope the downsizing goes well and you and your wife enjoy your vacation 🙂

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. And so it begins... the collection purge. Before I take the games to Pink Gorilla, I offered up my PS1, PS2, PS4, and Dreamcast games to a gamer couple in the local gaming group. This is what I've pulled out for them. I ended selling a couple of games (like Metal Gear Solid and Parasite Eve II) that I was intending to keep, but I am happy that they are going to people I know who will love them as much as I did.







    1. Justin


      What's the reason for all the collection purges?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. I miss old Nick-at-Nite 🌛 and listening to it on late summer nights while I play SNES and Sega and Duo and Jag straight on till morning 


    1. Justin


      @RobertLM78 Enjoy! If you like Cannon, you may want to check out Barnaby Jones. The two shows exist in the same "universe". The first episode of Barnaby Jones, "Requiem for a Son", featured a crossover with Cannon, with William Conrad guest-starring as detective Frank Cannon. There was another crossover between the two programs in the 1975 two-part episode "The Deadly Conspiracy". Worth checking out for a Cannon fan!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. I miss old Nick-at-Nite 🌛 and listening to it on late summer nights while I play SNES and Sega and Duo and Jag straight on till morning 


    1. Justin


      @RobertLM78 There were a lot of QM shows that were popular on TV in the '70s, and later on as reruns in the '80s and '90s. QM Productions included The Fugitive, The F.B.I., Cannon, The Streets of San Francisco, and Barnaby Jones to name a few. I always think of the QM logo and tone at the end of their shows. It changed over the years but this is the one that stands out in my mind:


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. I miss old Nick-at-Nite 🌛 and listening to it on late summer nights while I play SNES and Sega and Duo and Jag straight on till morning 


    1. Justin


      @RobertLM78 I loved all those classic Quinn Martin tv shows. If I ever buy a boat I'd want to christen it "Land Yacht of the Sea"

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  24. This is where they lose me...


    1. Justin


      I prefer my Red Bull 7800 and my Marlboro Man Lynx 🚬

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  25. This is where they lose me...


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