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Posts posted by TeddyGermany

  1. Sad to hear about Ira Valinsky's death. His creations are tasteful and have character.



    I can picture that, it's a very late-70s/early-80s view of the computer industry from a time when hardware manufacturers called the shots (IBM, Commodore, Nintendo, etc) and were the ones who instigated the big market changes by bringing out new machines. I suppose he never quite grokked how the rise of software players throughout the 80s and early 90s shifted the mechanics of the industry.


    I think, the lack of software for the Jaguar was a consequence of Jack Tramiels treatment of 3rd party developers.

    Maybe Sam was more kind to them, but the Tramiel's reputation was already destroyed.

  2. @ MaximumRD


    My personal choice doesn't represent my all time favourites for the VCS. These games were important for me in the good old days. It is impossible to give them an order and it is difficult to say, which game is more important than another and comes to the  top ten instead of others. It depends on personal circumstances. No objective criterions in sight.


    The results are very exciting. It's a pulsating thread.

  3. A really hard decision:


    Space Invaders, my VCS-Killer App

    Adventure, no need to explain

    Pac Man, anyway it's Pac Man!

    Yar's Revenge



    Space Shuttle

    Pitfall II: Lost Caverns


    Donkey Kong, i love it with all its incarnations!


    Honorable mentions: Q*Bert, Gorf, Wizard of War, Mario Bros., Galaxian, Missile Command

  4. My congratulations for that uncle and his Atari treasure chamber!


    I am absolutely fascinated by the 5200, because it is really an exotic piece of hardware in Europe. I had imported a console four years ago and there are no regrets about that. So i am always keen on informations about it. It embodies the Golden Age of Atari in a special matter, that "What could have been..." feeling.

    I hope you know, what i mean. :vulcan_salute:

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