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    DegasElite got a reaction from iamscuba2 in Atari Enamel Promotional Pins   
    Interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I didn't know Atari made these. Dazzling stuff. :O)
  2. Like
    DegasElite reacted to iamscuba2 in Atari Enamel Promotional Pins   
    those are original pins…

  3. Like
    DegasElite reacted to iamscuba2 in Atari Enamel Promotional Pins   
    they are individual pins…
  4. Like
    DegasElite reacted to iamscuba2 in Atari Enamel Promotional Pins   
    Hi Everyone!
    In my quest to collect a full set of Atari enamel pins, I need three more to complete the set.  Does anyone know or have these remaining three pins I can purchase.  Thank you in advance!

  5. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in Atari XP Physical Releases - Atari Releasing New Atari 2600 Game Cartridges!   
    Interesting stuff, these new carts for the A2600. In my opinion, they should have made the new Atari VCS with some kind of removable media, like a cartridge or optical media. Because, what if the companies who make this online content go out of business? How would they get the online content to people then. Even an SD card drive would be nice with games in it. One thing they are doing that's good though: these carts are physical. Something that is tangible. Something about virtual bothers me. It's cool and all, but you can't hold it in your hands a like a CD, DVD, or cartridge. I wonder if there is a way to save DLC on a VCS with something. Something that can be backed up.
    I think this virtual online media could be the Achilles' heel of the VCS. This is just my opinion, that's all. Thanks for letting me share. :O)
  6. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Sabertooth in Atari XP Physical Releases - Atari Releasing New Atari 2600 Game Cartridges!   
    Interesting stuff, these new carts for the A2600. In my opinion, they should have made the new Atari VCS with some kind of removable media, like a cartridge or optical media. Because, what if the companies who make this online content go out of business? How would they get the online content to people then. Even an SD card drive would be nice with games in it. One thing they are doing that's good though: these carts are physical. Something that is tangible. Something about virtual bothers me. It's cool and all, but you can't hold it in your hands a like a CD, DVD, or cartridge. I wonder if there is a way to save DLC on a VCS with something. Something that can be backed up.
    I think this virtual online media could be the Achilles' heel of the VCS. This is just my opinion, that's all. Thanks for letting me share. :O)
  7. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Gianna in Do you have any pets?   
    I thought I would give an update on Sally, and am curious how everyone's pets are doing as well ☺️
    Sally is now 9! She still loves car rides more than anything and gets very excited if she knows she's about to go for one. She also loves golf cart rides! I find that she is a bit more chill these days than she was before. The picture below is from September when she came home from having a haircut. 🐾

  8. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Gianna in Do you have any pets?   
    In my life, I have raised three ferrets, just not all at once. Their names were Snickers, Pepsi, and Cola. They were cool little pets. Snickers was alone, while Pepsi and Cola were litter mates. Fun little guys, those ferrets. :O)
  9. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Gianna in Do you have any pets?   
    Beagles are cool dogs. I like beagles because they are friendly to people. Very social dogs.
  10. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Gianna in In 6th Grade I Wrote My Own Atari Strategy Guide. Here it is:   
    This is so cute Justin 🥰
    I love your little drawings and it's so well put together 😭☺️
  11. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from - Ω - in Robot Vacuum Cleaners   
    We have a Roomba in our house, too. It's interesting. We had to replace the battery on it at least once. Older one. I can't remember the model number. :O)
  12. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Csolo in Was Star Raiders a Good Game?   
    Star Raiders being a Doug Neubauer game feels like a beta of Solaris.  I understand Star Raiders came out a lot sooner in the 2600's lifetime, but Solaris has everything star raiders has and more.  
  13. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Sabertooth in Was Star Raiders a Good Game?   
    I thought the SuperCharger cartridge needed to be modified itself before it could be used on the A7800. Not the console itself. Interesting. I thought it was an internal issue in the cartridge, not a problem with fitting. 
  14. Like
    DegasElite reacted to CrossBow in Was Star Raiders a Good Game?   
    I also agree that Phaser Patrol is superior to both Star Raiders and Star Master on the 2600. But I didn't even know that game existed back in the day. In fact, the first time I even heard of the Super Charger was shortly after I got back into retro gaming and a buddy of mine at work at the time mentioned the game and SC and I was like...what heck are your talking about? He then brought it up to work one day for all of us to check out.
    I only finally got around to buying a SC with Phaser Patrol as the pack in about a year ago to test with my 7800. Good to report it does work just fine on my 7800 but did require me to modify my cartridge port to allow it to fit all the way in.
  15. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Sabertooth in Atari VCS Friends Tab   
    Welcome to the official topic for
    Atari VCS Friends Tab
  16. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Justin in The Story of Neo•Geo   
    Yes! Neo•Geo has some real arcade gems, I think there's a lot for the Atari gamer to enjoy about a Neo•Geo beyond it's fighting games. More on this soon!
  17. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in The Story of Neo•Geo   
    The Neo-Geo is indeed amazing. It could produce perfect arcade graphics. That was because the arcade versions of the games were mainly SNK's to begin with. The architectures were the same because SNK owned both their arcade titles and the titles for the home. Great way to market it, by the way. I guess you could even save the games using a card from the Neo-Geo and play the saved home game on the arcade game. They would have to be the same title, of course. Brilliant. :O)
  18. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from RobertLM78 in Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3, or Super Mario World? What’s your favorite Super Mario sequel   
    My favorite sequel is probably Super Mario World. It looks better than the other first SMB games. :O)
  19. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    It is. I once had it. It got stolen by somebody. Bummer.
  20. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in Atari MegaSTE Upgrades & Where to Get Them?   
    Thanks. I will look into it, and welcome to the forum. :O)
  21. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in Atari MegaSTE Upgrades & Where to Get Them?   
    Hello, Atari I/O Users!
    I have a question for anyone out there who knows this. I want to upgrade my Atari MegaSTE to something somewhat more modern. Here are upgrades I was thinking about:
    CosmosEx with Raspberry Pi CPU upgrade (is the TF536 ST Edition still discontinued?) RAM upgrade CD-R drive (if possible) A way to hook up my UMAX Astra 1220S scanner to my computer (I have software that may interface with it) SD hard drive interface (like Masteries' ACSI2STM interface or SCSI2SD, or possibly both) A way to hook up a laser printer Possibly, USB ports Is there still a way to get these upgrades done for my MegaSTE? Or, because of the pandemic, am I just wishfully thinking? I really want to get my computer more modernized in some way. Again, if anyone has any info, please respond to this topic. I would be grateful. Thanks. :O)
  22. Haha
    DegasElite reacted to Justin in Question for Atari 5200 Vanguard owners   
  23. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Sabertooth in What are your video game goals/projects for 2022?   
    I want to try to get more Atari Lynx games for my collection. I think I have 44 now, but it isn't complete. It's a sweet little handheld. I give it TLC. :O)
  24. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Justin in Did Jack Tramiel HELP OR HURT Atari in the Video Game Wars?   
    I always thought the name "LYNX" looked a lot like "EPYX"
  25. Thanks
    DegasElite reacted to greenween in Who’s Still Reading / Subscribing to Magazines   
    The final true issue was in 2018. They have bi monthly subscriptions with new covers, classic content. I still love it! 🙂 I have a couple hundred issues packed away.
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