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Posts posted by HDN

  1. 3 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Flash carts can be such a hot-button issue with gamers.  Why?  I say enjoy them if you've got them.  Yes, physical carts are better.  But they also take up a ton more space.  In my case, I have very limited space.  Most of my loose carts are boxed up efficiently in the attic.  Flash carts let me enjoy the games without making a huge mess or taking up a ton of space.  I've posted pics on these forums of my nice efficient gaming credenza.  It sure would be hard to find the space to play without flash carts!  And "save states" work better too.  No fear of batteries that no longer work. 

    @HDN, yeah, those short, cryptic file names can be a detriment!  That's true. 


    I don't mind flash carts. They're a great way to be able to play rare games or homebrews on original hardware. I'm just saying if I had to pick, I'd pick the physical game over the same game on a flashcart. I don't have that much space right now either, but I also don't have the funds to build up a massive collection like all of you have! Space won't be a problem for a while. Invaders, on the other hand...

    I'm not too scared of the batteries on my games going dead. It's an inevitability with those older games. Thankfully my local game store can replace them for only a couple bucks. I'm pretty sure I am going to have to start bringing games in sooner or later. I can tell Super Metroid doesn't have much longer. It's saving fine now but it wiped all three save files of my data before I started replaying it again. Not a big deal really.

  2. This is sort of a sister topic to @Kid A'a post on keeping or selling valuable games.

    I am a firm believer in not selling my games. Always have and always will be. Though I have heard some of you haven't always felt that way. Maybe you sold your childhood system or got rid of a rare game for too low of a price, but whatever it is please post about it here.

    Mine isn't about me but my dad. I really wish he kept his childhood Odyssey 2! At least his cousin kept his 2600 stuff (which now happily lives in my home). Thankfully my dad kept all of his other systems and games including some of the pricier titles such as Super Metroid and Conker's Bad Fur Day. His original Game Boy is no longer with us but at least he kept most of the games. I have a Super GB and GBA now to play them.

  3. 19 minutes ago, RickR said:

    I think you're on the right track.  The ones where you have something personal to convey. 

    Precisely. Super Mario 64 DS comes to mind. Super Mario Land and its sequel are nostalgic atom bombs. Kid Icarus Of Myths and Monsters is a recent one I played but I'm already a bit nostalgic for. If I cover that one I'll tell you all why it happened so soon after I played it. It involves many intertwining memories based on where I played it. One of those memories is of Versus Super Mario Brothers, the first game I have ever played and one I will need to "blog about". Getting that again was one of the first things I did when I got my Switch. Sadly the Versus machine is no longer with us. I'll also have to cover All-Stars and Super Metroid, Link's Awakening and 2600 Pac-Man, Pitfall the Mayan Adventure, regular Adventure, Tetris, Space Invaders, Columns III, Yo! Noid... I guess I have a lot of things ready.

    Do you have any other suggestions for me, @RickR? I'd love to hear some of your favorites and maybe some of your stories with the games. I'd love to be able to share other members' stories on the blog. As long as they're games from before my time, they qualify! Except for, you know... a select few 2600 games for more... er... mature audiences. I would like to avoid those games and keep it nice and PG.

  4. 6 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

    I have flash carts for my most played systems so I don't have to pull out the actual carts to play the games. But still I hold onto them in case such a time comes that I'm in need for the money I might get from some of them.

    I would much rather have the physical cartridges than a menu on a flash cart. Growing up with a modded Nintendo Wii filled with abbreviated ROM names on a lackluster list on emulators, I would often fantasize about having a massive shelf full of NES or Atari 2600 games. I often saw them on YouTube channels. If I have the physical cart, I will use it 9 times out of 10.

  5. Hello everybody!

    I would just like to mention that I have a new blog, Games from Before My Time. It's a game review blog where I talk about games that preceded me. I plan on covering games from the second to sixth console generations. Growing up, I mostly played older games compared to what my friends have played. In the blog I plan on talking about my personal experiences with the games and also reviewing them. At the end I give them a score out of 10 compared to other games on that system. So far I have covered two games: Miniature Golf on Atari 2600 and Mario Kart Super Circuit on Game Boy Advance.

    For this blog I would like to mainly stick to games I have played before. So that would be mostly Nintendo and Atari stuff. I have played a few XBOX and Genesis games before as well as Game Gear, but never any Playstation games before my time. I also would like to review some games I am nostalgic for to really get that personal connection down.

    So I'm just asking: what stuff would you like me to review? Please suggest them below!

    Oh yes, and here's a link to the blog itself! Feel free to comment and things there as well.

  6. 1 hour ago, dauber said:

    Ooh, good to know -- I love Klax. 🙂 We stayed at the Birchwood in Sister Bay. Loved it!

    Lightning struck when we were staying there last summer. Klax was fine before but after the lightning struck the building the CRT on that machine has been a little wonky and green. Still plays fine. The lightning also threw the display on 1943 out of sync, but I unplugged it for a few seconds and it was fine. Has a fuzzy line going down the middle but that was there before. Still works but Ms Pac Man will occasionally reset. That one doesn't have the original display; some kind of flat screen is there. Don't bother with it.

    Forgot to mention they also have a broken Bump n Jump. I wish that worked as I love that game. Doubt they will fix it as they don't seem to care much about their machines at the High Point Inn. There were some other games there including a multicade.

    @dauber Door County is like my second home I know so much about it. I have been up there countless times as it is only an hour's drive from where I live and is a nice day trip.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Sabertooth said:

    I do part ways with duplicates when I find a nicer copy by chance. 

    I don't think I could do that. For instance, I have a pretty beat up case for Luigi's Mansion. Disc is fine, but the case is not in good shape and it is missing the manual. Got it used from my cousins on my sixth birthday when I got my Wii. I have spent so many hours on that specific copy of the game that if I found a copy in pristine condition for a nickel I wouldn't have the heart to get rid of this game that I have so many memories with.

  8. 9 minutes ago, socrates63 said:

    @HDN I've only bought games that I intended to play. The intention is there, but the execution of those intentions is a separate matter. The mouth is bigger than the stomach, so to speak.

    With some very rare exceptions (e.g., Star Wars games from Limited Run Games), I don't buy games for the sake of collecting them but to play them. That's why I don't pay much attention to the market value of games once I've purchased them.

    If the intent to play the game is my guiding principle, and it has been, then I think I'm probably at the point where I should review my games library and identify games that I don't think I will play. I can reallocate the physical space and proceeds from the sale to future additions 🙂 That's my thinking right now.

    Oh, I see. Finding time to play console games can be hard sometimes, especially the newer ones where you have to invest some time into them. That's part of the reason why since I discovered my local game store I have mostly stuck to handheld and Atari collecting. Handheld games were made for short bursts and Atari games are typically quick high score challenges. 

    I have been getting my handheld fix with my GBA as it's one of the only consoles not taken yet by my mother. Lots of Mario Kart being played over here! Super Circuit is absolutely superb. I'm having second thoughts about getting an Atari game with my discount and I might just get Namco Museum GBA so I can play arcade games on the go. But I might just take advantage of the markdown on CC.

    Have you thought about trading with the I/O members some of your unwanted games? Not me of course as I have nothing to offer.

    Try getting rid of some of your duplicates and maybe trying some of the games in your backlog for a couple of minutes and see if you like them. But before you do that, I think you know what I want you to play...

  9. On September 12, 2020 at 6:47 PM, socrates63 said:

    This thread has been very... ahem... valuable reading 🙂 It is a topic I've recently considered when I saw posts from other gamers talking about the increase in price of this game or that. I happened to have a few of those games, and they're gathering dust (like nearly all my games).

    As a general rule of character/personality, I don't sell stuff I have, but considering the fact that 99% of my games have sat unplayed as I keep playing the same games, should I take advantage of the market and sell some games? 🤔  Since entering the retro gaming community five years ago, I've primarily bought games for all generations of Playstation and Xbox consoles and have decent games library for 3DS, GameCube, and Vita. As I've reconnected deeply with Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 in recent months and how good it feels to play these games, it's giving me reason think about reshaping my games library.

    This is probably a me thing as I don't have a ton of money to blow on big lots of games on eBay riddled with duplicates, but I only buy games I want and that I know I'm willing to play. For instance, I could buy a game like Namco Museum for GBA which I know I'm going to play, or Krull on 2600 which I know I will not play/enjoy as much. Know what I mean? It's probably different for you since you have much more games than I do.

  10. It's weird having to play this game again "normally". Typically I will just use all of the advanced moves to exploit the game and play "out of order". One of the great things about Super Metroid is that the developers let you get away with exploiting the game and don't try to limit your exploration. That's why they put in those advanced overpowered moves. They even put in a few "traps" to force you to get good at the advanced moves or you get stuck infidelity. There's one of these if you Power Bomb the bottom of the initial green plant room in Brinstar that forces you to wall jump if you save in the pit.

    Another thing, my save battery seems to be on the way out. All of my save data from the past has been deleted. When I started my new file yesterday, it saved OK, but I feel that one of these days it's not going to save at all. My local game store can replace save batteries for only a couple bucks, so I'm not that worried. They replaced the battery in Wario Land 3 when they got it traded in. I was on the list for that one. Superb platformer on the Game Boy Color, but drastically different from your typical Super Mario game. Ironically, it has some Metroidvania elements in it as well-- this genre must be a real battery hog!

  11. 42 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

    As for video games promoting gambling...that is a funny one. I've never been interested in gambling and is one of the reasons I'm one of the few techs in my company who is gaming licensed to work in the Casinos and on their POS equipment. Because they know there is no risk of me gambling at our customer sites. I work hard for the money I make and I'm not okay with burning it into a machine. I'm okay with a one time purchase and being able to play that game as much as I want on the hardware it is designed to work on for as long as the game and hardware are able to do so.

    I'm not interested in gambling, either. I've told this story before, but when I was about 11 or 12 I blew all of my money on Pokemon card packs. All I had were the common cards. I don't know how much I spent, but it was enough. Since then I have only bought things where I know what I am getting. A pack of Pokemon cards can get you a fun 2600, 7800, Game Boy, GB Color, GB Advance, etc. You can get a lot more bang for your buck with those. Super Monkey Ball Jr. was way more fun than any Pokemon cards I ever bought and the same price as a pack of ten random cards.

    I think her "gambling" thing comes from all of those stories you hear about EA Sports games and their lootboxes.

  12. 14 hours ago, Scott Stilphen said:

    If you really want an arcade machine, get an original Atari CC.  Don't mess with those 1Ups.  You should be able to find an original in good working condition for less than $1k.  I don't know where you're located, but ask local amusement operators in your area, or look on KLOV, or check online auction sites like this one:


    If you have to have it shipped, figure on adding another $200-$400.

    HAH! I don't even have the money to buy the 2600 game at full price! Much less the arcade cabinet!

    But you are right. If I ever decide I want to play the arcade version with a trakball, I will totally get the arcade cabinet!

  13. 18 minutes ago, socrates63 said:

    My SNES library has grown 1,300% from one game to now thirteen total. I thought the old guys were the ones who corrupted the youth of the city, but in the I/O it's the youth corrupting the old. Even a week ago, I didn't think I'd add more games beyond NBA Jam TE to my little SNES collection.

    Man, the labels on these huge cartridges are just too small. Here's the list of games:

    • Actraiser 1 and 2
    • Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, 3
    • F-Zero
    • Illusion of Gaia
    • Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
    • Super Mario World
    • Super Metroid
    • Super Punch Out
    • Zombies Ate My Neighbors


    Ha ha! You have been corrupted by me! Now you will buy ALL of the Super NES games! Mwa ha ha!

    These all look like great games. I haven't played DKC2 and DKC3, Gaia, Actraiser 1 & 2, and Zombies ate my Neighbors. 

    The others, on the other hand, I have played. All are exceptional games. 

    And you know what is coming...


  14. On 6/1/2020 at 2:31 PM, dauber said:

    Went to Door County, Wisconsin last summer. HIGHLY recommend it. We stayed in Sister Bay. We saw a tourism documentary about Door County on the local PBS station and decided to check it out. We effing LOVED IT. We were planning to do it again this summer, but things are shaky with the COVID-19 situation. They actually asked people to not come out to Door County because they don't have a big enough hospital to accommodate a lot of people, should people be affected by the pandemic. We're going to New Buffalo instead -- which is fine because the place where we stay doesn't have any enclosed public areas.

    I took a day trip up there this summer. Stayed safe, of course, and didn't go inside anyplace. Let's say people didn't follow the advice. It is HORRIBLE! Might be the most unsafe place during the virus. People were packed into restaurants and shops. I do love me some Door County. Great place. Don't go up in the summer as it is PACKED all of the time. In May, most of the businesses are open but there aren't near as many people there. We always go up in May and stay in a condo. Fun fact: The Rushes in Door County is where I played my first video game, Vs. Super Mario Brothers! Sadly they no longer have an arcade up there.
    I'm interested. @dauber, where did you stay? If you ever go back, see if you can't get into the High Point Inn in Ephraim! There is a Crystal Castles cab there; see if you can't beat my high score if it's still standing! HDN, of course. They also have Ms. Pac-Man, Klax and 1943 cabinets there. And the Newport Resort in Egg Harbor has Mechanized Attack and Sega Tetris cab that'll give you two credits for only one quarter!

    Door County is beautiful and 1000% recommended by your pal HDN.

    Edit: Ironically, when @dauber originally posted this, I was in Door County!

  15. 6 hours ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    Hat Trick is fun as long as you don't jump in expecting a full blown hockey game.  Its pong dressed up to look like hockey.  It is fun if you don't expect a lot from it.  And the only game there I need is Desert Falcon 😉 

    Hands off! Desert Falcon is MINE! ALL MINE!!!!!!

    I'm just messing with you. Desert Falcon is one I would like to get someday as well. I enjoy the 2600 version a bit, but I feel it would be much, much better on the 7800. I am also thinking of getting Centipede someday. I don't have the 2600 version, and it's the same price ($10), so why not? I enjoy the 2600 version of Centipede, but I like being able to see how damaged the mushrooms are. Both are excellent versions of the game from what I can tell. 

    Most games there are $10, but Xevious is $5 for some reason. I could get that with my discount if I wasn't already getting it.

    Ms. Pac-Man is only $5 on the 2600 but $10 on the 7800. I am holding off on 2600 Ms. Pac-Man because I don't really have any good and accurate conversions of Ms. Pac-Man in my collection. I have it on Namco Museum 64, but the controller is terrible for the game. 2600 version emulated is good but not accurate. Both versions on NES are garbage.

    I was not expecting a hockey game, but I think we have talked about this before. I don't like extremely realistic sports games very much. And I don't expect a lot of depth.

  16. When I have the funds, I will eat those 7800 games right up! No one wants them apparently, but I do! I wonder why there are so many here but not everywhere else. Must be a Wisconsin thing; most forgotten state, forgotten and failed system. Most of those games are ten dollars. I am excited to get them someday. I'm 99% sure they aren't going anywhere! That store has gone through a lot of 7800s. I have seen at least three there: one CIB, one loose, and one in my house! I had a blast with that system before my mom took it away and I am super hyped for Xevious, Galaga, and Food Fight. And maybe Hat Trick, who knows?

    I watched that video again today and saw those boxed Channel F games next to the boxed Odyssey 2 games. It got me in a Channel F mood. I would really like that system someday, and I think it is cool that a member here, @Willie!, grew up with the thing! I saw some cool games in my internet travels. If I ever get the system, I would totally get Robot Wars and Dodge It. They look so cool and fun and there is nothing like them on Atari! I think the second generation of video games is fascinating. I love hearing stories of people who grew up with the really obscure systems. My dad, for instance, had an Odyssey 2 in the house. Pretty cool! I really wish he kept it, but at least he kept all of his other consoles.

  17. Hi, my name is Harry, and I am a self-proclaimed Super Metroid enthusiast. I am of the opinion that this is the single greatest video game of all time. I know that some of you( @socrates63 and @RickR) are considering playing this awesome video game sometime soon. Super Metroid, as an open Metroidvania style game, can be confusing at times, especially for those of you who are very used to the simplicity of games from the second and third generations. So, I am here to help. Tomorrow I am going to start re-playing Super Metroid on my SNES to get a fresh taste of the game to better aid new players.

    If you have questions about the game or are stuck, please post about it here. Old Harry can help you out!

    If anyone needs help enjoying the game, please post here. I don't expect any new posts until you all start playing the game. Anyone not named @RickR or @socrates63, feel free to play this AWESOME game, and if you need help, post it here! I will try to answer your Super Metroid questions as soon as possible if my daily posting limit allows.

    I would like for this forum to be mostly questions from players on how to get past certain areas, but you can post about your opinions on the game if you so wish. Please keep conversation on the topic of Super Metroid! I love to talk about other things too, but I would like to keep this topic mostly focused on the game and I would like to try to help others at the game.

    If you have never heard of Super Metroid or don't know much about it, I will gladly fill you in now!

    Super Metroid is a platforming game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and was released in March 1994. It is the third installment of the science fiction Metroid series. I say sidescrolling platformer, but it isn't what you are thinking of. Unlike Mario, Super Metroid is not divided into strict levels with end goals. There are several areas in the game and the vast majority of them have a boss to fight at the end. Super Metroid involves lots of puzzle solving involving certain items you pick up along the way. You will run into impassable obstacles in the game and have to backtrack or take a detour, only to find an item that can help you pass the obstacle! The beauty of all of the 2D Metroid games are all of those little "Aha!" moments. In Super Metroid, you can save whenever you want at specific save rooms. There are also health and missile recharge rooms and rooms where you can fill out your map, but in later areas there are lots of blank spots you must fill in yourself. Areas on the map you have already traveled to are marked pink while untraveled places are left blue. Little dots on the map can indicate special items, though plenty are hidden! 

    What are the controls for Super Metroid?

    Super Metroid, as previously stated, is a platformer, so the controls to an extent are self explanatory. However, I will fill you in on the basic controls now without going into any special moves:

    D*Pad-Move Samus


    B-Run (Use the X-Ray Scope item once you get it)


    Y-Cancel selected item 

    Start-Pause (Bring up map and status)

    Select-Select some non auto equipped items (missiles, power bombs, x ray scope, grappling beam, etc.)

    L-Aim diagonal down

    R-Aim diagonal up

    Special items?

    Yes. Super Metroid has loads of special items you need in order to complete the game. All serve a special purpose and the game will subtly teach you what they do once you get them and also tell you how to control them.

    If you like The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario, you will love Super Metroid. Some players feel a bit intimidated by this masterpiece, but there is no need to fear when you have a Harry here on the forums who would love to help you out!

    I love this game. It is my favorite game. I could gush about how I love this game for hours and hours on end. But the best way to show my love of this 1994 Super Nintendo gem is to help others love it too! Please let me help you out if you are stuck and need a walkthrough or just have questions about this amazing title!

    The HDN Power Line is 100% Toll-Free! Just type a question on Super Metroid and I will answer!

    It is crazy how some of you have never played Super Metroid! Tunnel Runner is understandable as it is pretty obscure, but Super Metroid is a pioneer and groundbreaking game that somehow manages to be the defining game of its genre more than a quarter of a century later! That is CRAZY! This game has held up remarkably and I hope you will give it a go!

    Have a nice night, nice tomorrow, nice everything! You will love this game if you give it a try! It has been rereleased on Virtual Console for Wii, Wii U, New 3DS, and it is even on the Switch Online service. Play this game and ask questions if you need guidance! You won't regret it, I promise!


    Oh yeah, make sure to put @HDN at the beginning of your post so I will get a notification if someone needs help!

  18. 7 minutes ago, socrates63 said:

    Yes, living life! I’m at my parents’ place for lunch. Gaming and my other hobbies have always taken a backseat to family, work, and church. 

    Totally nothing sad about skipping consoles from the third generation and beyond. I had an incredible time learning BASIC programming and playing games on Atari computers and later on the PC. I wouldn’t trade that for anything as those experiences led to lifelong love for computers and video games. Besides, if I had an NES myself, I couldn’t have crushed on my friends who were blowing on their cartridges. I was like, “What you fools doing?!?”

    Now, I’m filling in some of those gaps. TBH, I had no intentions of getting into SNES, but conversations here have nudged me enough. Heck, I’m even thinking about getting an Intellivision and Genesis now. 

    First off, I have an intellivision flashback and it's really fun. The controllers are quite nice and I really like Snafu and Shark Shark on it, so if you get an intellivision get those games! Genesises are very cheap at my local game store; only about $35. Probably a decent investment.

    Now, obviously skipping gens 3 and 4 aren't ACTUALLY sad, but you might want to check them out as you will have some fun with them.

  19. 1 minute ago, RickR said:

    I think that's a GREAT idea.  However, give me some time.  

    I only speak for myself, but I'm similar to @socrates63.  I haven't played a bunch of NES or SNES games.  But it isn't sad.  I'm living.  Example:  Today, I helped son #1 change the oil in his car.  After lunch, I plan on doing some yard work.  The sun is out, and the air is clean again.  Video games can wait.  


    Yes. Especially in your area going outside and NOT playing video games must be amazing. I have spent a lot of time outside recently. It is nice enjoying the last of the nice weather. Must be nice with the smoke gone.

    Video games can be fun if accompanied by other things. Balance is nice.

  20. 1 hour ago, socrates63 said:

    TThat is correct — I’ve never played any NES, SNES (outside NBA Jam), GC, Wii (except Sports), WiiU, nor Switch games. I have all the consoles except NES though — just haven’t played anything.

    I have played a few GB games (mostly Tetris and Mario Tennis) and a couple 3DS games (Mario Tennis and a bit of Nano Assault). I have GBC, DS Lite, 3DS and New 3DS in the house.

    That is so sad! You have missed out on a TON of quality titles. What games do you currently own?

    Are you free again Wednesday? We should have another chat about Nintendo, but not just limited to the SNES. We would start by talking about games you already have instead of going out and buying new ones.

    Anyone else in for another chat this Wednesday?

    Also, lots of Missile Command votes are coming in! This might not determine my purchase, but it is fun to see everyone's opinions! This may help make up my mind however. I'm looking for a game to keep me entertained for a while. Something with longevity that never gets old. Missile Command and Crystal Castles fit that category. Video Chess is another I am considering along with Grand Prix. Dragster, Demons to Diamonds and Hat Trick I am not so sure about because they seem like games that are only fun in short bursts or with others.

    Edit: I am also thinking of making a "Super Metroid" topic over at the Nintendo forums to help out newbies like you @socrates63 and also @RickR. I could answer your questions and walk you through the game if y'all get stuck. Think that is a good idea?

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