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Status Updates posted by HDN

  1. Since NSG's podcast no longer exists, this morning I went with plan B and wrote in to the 2600 Game by Game Podcast! I wrote in for the upcoming Christmas special. I hope Ferg reads my email, and I hope to send in more feedback in the future!

  2. So I was watching the F-R-I-E-N-D-S reunion and apparently a dude named David Crane worked on it? So THAT'S what he did after the Atari days were over!



    And yes, I know Friends's Crane was a different person. But he's not as cool as our Dave Crane!

    1. HDN


      "Fred Fuchs! Oh, Fred Fuchs!"

  3. So Mothman Prophecy. That was... awesome. I watched it today. Holy hell is that a good movie. I mean wow.

    1. socrates63


      Scary movie? I'm out 🐔

  4. Some guy came into work after we closed and started filming me 😞

    1. socrates63


      Why? And how did he get in when you were closed?

    2. HDN


      We had forgotten to lock the door and turn off the sign 

    3. socrates63


      Whelp, glad it sounds like nothing bad happened outside of the creepiness factor

  5. Some sad news, everyone. Ron, the father of my 2600’s previous owner, is very sick. I hope and pray that he gets better. 

    1. RickR


      I'm sorry to hear it.  I hope Ron feels better soon. 


  6. Something amazing happened. I found an RPG that I actually like!

    1. DegasElite


      If it's in the Phantasy Star series, that is a great JRPG. Which one, anyway?

    2. HDN


      No, not Phantasy Star. I tried PS 2 and 3 on Genesis and didn’t much care for them.

      This game is Final Fantasy Legend, on Game Boy. It’s really interesting, straightforward, not too cryptic, and has some mechanics that go well with my playstyle.

    3. DegasElite


      The Final Fantasy series is pretty good, too. I beat the original NES Final Fantasy in a year. Interesting JRPG. :O)

  7. Spring is upon us, finally! HERE COMES THE SUN, DO DO DO DO!

  8. Stay tuned for my new video series: Atari Night! Join me for, oh, about an hour as I play several of my favorite Atari games! The premiere episode will be released shortly. Hope you guys enjoy. It's going to be pretty laid-back and low effort on my end.

  9. Thank you all for one wonderful year on the IO! It’s been a pleasure meeting you all. Here’s to many more years.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HDN


      @socrates63 We should celebrate by… playing Atari!

    3. RickR


      Suggestion:  Asteroids level 8/a! 

    4. HDN


      I’m game.

  10. Thank you all so much for 1,000+ reputation points! I am very grateful for your hospitality to a noob like myself. 
    Another thing— my planned giveaway will have to be pushed back a little bit. Hope no one is too upset about that.

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      You call yourself a noon but you have more knowledge about the "retro" games than most people in my own generation.  I think that classifies you as a veteran gamer 😉

    2. RickR


      Noob only to this board (but not any more).  You've got a lot of good and fun knowledge of the old games, and that's so cool. 

      Next stop...2,000.   

    3. socrates63


      👍 🎉 Woot! Reputation milestone!  You know more about retro games than I do, so if you're a noob, what does that make me? 

  11. THANK YOU, GRANDMA AND PAPA! For Christmas, they got me the brand new McCartney album! Haven’t listened to it yet, but I hope to soon!

    I now own both McCartney 1 and 3. I just need 2 now!

  12. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU @nosweargamer FOR THE MAGICAL MYSTERY ODYSSEY 2 GAME PACKAGE! My dad sends his thanks as well. It was an awesome surprise and my dad was really happy to get Alpine Skiing after 40 years! I was really excited that we got Alien Invaders Plus, one of my favorite games on the system. We also played some War of Nerves and Armored Encounter, which was a lot of fun.

    1. RickR


      That is AWESOME.  Even I want to thank you, @nosweargamer.  

      Have fun and enjoy that time with your dad. 



  13. Thanks for the 7800 ROMs from the last few years worth of Squad Challenges, Justin! Mwa, ha, ha!

  14. The Christmas episode of the 2600 GBG Podcast has been released! It’s so cool to hear words I wrote appear on the show. I hope to write in more regularly.

  15. The REAL Atari Night episode 2 is dropping TONIGHT! It’s all 7800 games! You guys excited?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HDN


      Had I not already deleted it, that would have made for a good April Fools video.

      I am thinking either 2600 adventure games or Activision next. What do you think?

    3. RickR


      There's no wrong answer. 

    4. HDN
  16. There’s going to be a slight delay on the Metroid 2 review, but it’s going to be out soon!

    1. RickR


      I am familiar with such delays. 


  17. They're giving me homework before school even starts. Splendid.

    1. Gianna


      Oh, are you in college?

    2. HDN


      Starting sophomore year of high school, actually, but I'm taking AP History.

  18. This new Activision Patch thing we're doing over in the 2600 forums is great. Unfortunately, I wasn't around when the patches were, but these virtual ones are a good alternative. This and our Galaxian squad challenge will consume my long weekend. 

    1. socrates63


      🕹️ 🕹️  🕹️  back in the day, I remember playing Activision games at my friend's house. He had a Polaroid camera so we were playing there and taking photos to submit to Activison.

  19. Today I learned that Pricecharting.com has a feature to add up the worth of your collection. It's been consuming my day. I didn't realize how much some of my dad's games went for. I had no idea SOS was worth $70! Thanks, Dad, for not selling anything. Will I sell some of the games I didn't know were that much? Probably not. But I'm a little surprised.

  20. Today I ordered a whole THIRTEEN Atari VCS cartridges from @Scott Stilphen of Atari Compendium fame. What a great deal— all these games for less than $25.00! I’m looking forward to sharing these games with you all when they arrive. Some of these games I ought to have gotten a long time ago.

    1. socrates63


      Awesome -- looking forward to seeing what you've added to your collection.

      I'll also encourage you to save up and buy a Harmony cart for the 2600 or Concerto for the 7800 so you can play homebrew rom files.

    2. RickR


      Scott's a good dude and a fine seller.  Enjoy your games. 


    3. HDN


      Glad you’re looking forward to it. I call myself an Atari fan, yet for nearly a year I haven’t owned some of these for my system!

      Maybe I should get a Harmony cart someday.

  21. Two great new finds.


    1. socrates63


      👏 You got the Mario game! I know you’ve been looking for a while. Nice!

    2. HDN


      I’ve been trying to get it since day one, in fact! 
      Wait a minute... today’s day one! I need to make a status update or something! 

  22. Two of Nintendo’s most-hated systems finally meet. Wii U and Virtual Boy unite! 

    This game, Mario Clash, is great. It’s like a sequel to arcade Mario Brothera. The jump and throw buttons are reversed from what you’d expect, but you get used to it pretty fast. I still swapped the buttons on my controller, however, and turned the harsh red colors to a nice white. The graphics really pop on my CRT. Shame the VB wasn’t handled and designed a little better. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HDN


      Wiimednafen here actually has several 3D glasses options, including Red/Cyan. You should try loading this up on your broken Wii, Rick. It is crazy good at everything it does. It emulates VB, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, NES, TG16, Lynx, and more, all flawlessly as far as I know. A must-install for any Wii or Wii U.



    3. socrates63


      You got a Virtual Boy, @RickR? You da cool cat 👍😎 I've really enjoyed the 3D in 3DS games.

    4. RickR


      Yes.  I got one 15 years ago or so.  It's one of my favorite systems.  The 3D effect is really well done, and the graphics are a lot better than I expected.  They also nailed the controller, which is very similar to the Gamecube controller. 

      They should have called it "3D Boy" instead of "Virtual Boy".



  23. We should set up a charity that donates CRTs to people who play retro consoles on flat screens.

  24. Wednesday night chat! I hope I can make it tonight.

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