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Status Updates posted by HDN

  1. Well, guess who’s an idiot? I recorded the entire Atari Night video... but forgot to turn on my microphone!

    1. HDN


      I’ve already started recording a redux. But that would have been a good idea!

  2. What a depressing Valentine’s Day. It’s been so long since we’ve been quarantined. I imagine we’re all struggling right now. Hang in there; it’s almost over.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RickR


      They took liberties. Many changes were made to the story.  Many characters combined or missing entirely.  That's fine, though.  I appreciate that the movie is 90 minutes, and to do that changes had to be made. 

      In general, the spirit of the book is all there. 

      I just found the CGI dogs to be fake looking. 

    3. Justin


      We had a wonderful valentines day here, we went to play 18 holes of mini-golf and then later in the day we went out to eat at a favorite restaurant. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. I hope this year is tremendous for you 🌞

    4. RickR


      We also had a very nice day, @Justin.  We could not leave the house due to the weather conditions, but that's ok.  A Sunday spent with family, doing whatever we please is always worthwhile.  We had a team effort on dinner, watched the Blazer game, and caught up on WandaVision.  Have you been watching that?  It's really good. 

  3. What books have you all been reading recently? I'm reading this one called "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels". I haven't played any of the games it covers (not really my thing), but it really is interesting and I may have to check a few of them out someday.

    And yes, I edited this post and completely redid it. I don't want to wallow in negativity. Best to keep some things to myself.

    1. socrates63


      I met a few people who used to be developers or testers for video games. I'd look at them with giddy kid's eyes and gush all over them. They'd all tell me it's not what I think, and it's a good thing that I didn't get into the industry.

      I haven't read that book (or any books about behind the scenes of game making yet) but I am glad to be on the consumer side of things and be in position to enjoy the work of talented folks.

      Going back to the original question, I started reading the comic series Druids yesterday night but fell asleep. I'll have to start over again 🙂 

  4. What do you guys think of 2600 Star Raiders? I’m trying to find some opinions on the game. No reason in particular.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HDN


      “Read the manual”

      Oh great wise @RickR! Very good advice.

    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I had the 5200 Star Raiders long before I ever seen the 2600 version.  So playing Star Raiders on the 2600 was a major setback for me.  Not that I didn't like it as I knew the 2600 could never handle anything like what I was use to.  It wasn't as good as what I was use to in my opinion.

    4. AtariSphinx


      Of the several cockpit view space games on 2600, Starmaster is my favorite as it had well balanced action, map screen,  and shooting mechanics.  Star Voyager though being the simplest is really fun but there is something cool about having the map and feeling like you are in a cockpit which is why I still gravitate towards Star Raiders with that touchpad though it is limited. 

      However I did recently try the 8bit version of Star Raiders and that just perfects everything.   Definitely my all time favorite now of this genre.  If you like those other games on 2600 you will love the 8bit version. 

  5. What exactly did we do to make the gators seek revenge? Was it because of the purses, shoes, and wallets we crafted from their flesh? Was it because of how we destroyed their habitats to create large tourist attractions? Nobody truly knows how exactly we wronged our Floridian crocodilian compadres, but they seem to be handling it pretty well. At least, on the surface...



    1. RickR


      I tells ya who needs revenge...the label on my cartridge.  Something rubbed it the wrong way!

      Here's my high score for today.



      gator pinball 002.JPG

      gator pinball 004.JPG

      gator pinball 005.JPG

    2. socrates63


      It's available for the 3DS. I'll have to take a look in the e-shop.

      I figure the 'gator doesn't like being caught and locked up. So that's where the revenge factor comes in 🙂 

  6. What happened to the Squad Challenges? Is everything okay? I've noticed we haven't had one in months and I'm a little concerned. Is Justin okay?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      First things first! We don't mind. 

    3. RickR


      @HDN, all is fine, as far as I know.  But this is a reminder:  As in life in general, enjoy the good while it's there.  Take care of friends -- even just to say hello.  I think we all know full well that life is full of ups and downs.  People like you and me must keep the IO spirit alive while the boss is busy.


    4. DegasElite


      Thanks, Gianna, for telling us about Justin. We were concerned about him. :O)

  7. When @Justin features your topic.

    Image result for dancing guy gif

    1. Justin


      Atari Force is an important topic! 🦸‍♂️


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      This sucks a fair amount. I had hoped to play some O2 games multiplayer with my dad later. I mean, a lot of those games benefit from two players.

      At least this way I have something to look forward to when the actual system inevitably arrives. Still sucks though.

    3. RickR


      And some games use the "right" joystick for one player games, right?  Do those work?

    4. HDN


      You have an option to toggle between the two. I guess we can take turns.

      ”Here, Dad, you can play Spinout! for five seconds and then it’s my turn!”


  9. Who wants to play ColecoVision Donkey Kong? Me!

    1. RickR


      Your assignment is to write an essay comparing CV Donkey Kong vs. 5200 Super Breakout as pack-in games. 

      I'm kidding!  No assignments!  Enjoy your time off. 


    2. HDN


      Well, you can’t break bricks in Donkey Kong! And I don’t recall a cavity variant.

  10. Who's all coming to the chat tonight? What should we talk about?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      I was thinking we'd just start at the normal time that's listed on the calendar. So... that would be 8pm for me and 6pm for you. 

      How have you been doing lately? I've not been having the best of times. My mom has been a pain. She's been very screamy. I keep trying to get my stuff back by doing what she wants but then she keeps changing what I have to do. "Get a hobby" she says, so I show her the poll. "Learn the ukulele" she says, so I learn to play a couple of chords and a few songs, like "Ram On" from McCartney's Ram album. "Learn a real instrument". Sometimes I feel like she hates me. I've woken up to her screaming for the past few days. It's hard, but at least I have my GBA and SNES. 

      Do you think I should maybe get a GBA game with my discount? I could get Namco Museum.

    3. RickR


      I'm sorry to hear about your mom.  Perhaps there's something else going on.  It's such a difficult time for many with the pandemic causing so much change and havoc.  I wish you both the best. 

      YOU must decide how to spend that discount!  Namco Museum is good in any format, but it's up to you! 


    4. RickR


      6pm has turned into dinner time here, so I will probably be late. 


  11. Who's all going to be in the chat tomorrow night?

    1. RickR


      No promises, but I will try.  Maybe around 7pm PT. 


  12. Wish me luck on this Starmaster contest I'm a part of. If I win, I might be able to win the first ever USED copy of Circus Convoy. So far in I'm in the lead, but it's anyone's game with two days left. Knock on wood.

    1. RickR
    2. HDN


      I'm playing 2600 Star Raiders right now when I should be practicing! I've never really played this in the year I've owned it.

    3. nosweargamer


      Wow, someone us already getting rid of a copy. Crazy 😀

  13. Wish older consoles had online gaming. I'd love to play Artillery Duel with someone here!

    1. Justin


      That's exactly what we came up with 2-Player Battle for. Check it out:


    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I was going to suggest what @Justin did.  It works!

  14. WOO-HOO! My parents finally let me get a new phone! My iPhone 5 wouldn't take a charge and my dad's friend was getting rid of her old phone, so now I have an iPhone 8! I didn't really mind my old phone, but this is better. Only problem: no headphone jack. Why, Apple...

    1. socrates63


      Nice! I'm still on a 6S Plus. I had the battery replaced a couple of years ago.

      You can buy an adapter that plugs into the lightning port and give you a headphone jack and lightning port. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Certified-Headphone-MOYAGOA-Headphones-Compatible. There's also the adapter with only the headphone jack if you want something slimmer.


  15. You can't mince onions. You gotta have big chunks. You want to be able to bite into the different layers. That's the only right way to chop onions, kids.

  16. You can’t call yourself a Game Boy fan unless you’ve mastered the art of lighting your screen in a dark room! 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HDN


      That’s great, Rick! I like this model much, much better than the purple one.

      What GBA Video cart is that?

    3. RickR


      "Cartoon Network Collection - Special Edition"

      gb rumble 006.JPG

    4. HDN


      Gotta get your Johnny Bravo fix somehow.

  17. You should check out our new series of Let’s Play videos! Our most recent was Yo! Noid for NES, which I’ll link here. I made a thread in YouTube community a while back (called GoldenPhonautogram) with more videos.


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