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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Ha, I think that's the first time I've heard your voice, Harry 🙂 You sound just as I had imagined. The games I picked run the gamut of systems and are all favorites of mine. They represent the letters Y-O-U-N-G. Passing the baton to @RickR -- spell out your full first name, Rick, so we have more than four games, or... spell out your last name 🙂 It deserves its time in the spotlight since it's always only shown as a single letter.
  2. That's correct, Harry. The cartridge was already in the junk box when I received it. I simply redirected it your way as I already had it in my collection.
  3. Recently played? Oooh, that's a neat feature. I signed up to be notified when it's back in stock. Hopefully, it won't take too long.
  4. 10,932 Man, this game is tough. It took me three or four tries to break 10k. I don't think I need to worry about rolling the score anytime soon 🤣 Just like in real life, I suck at pinball although I love them. Video Pinball feels a bit like I'm playing a pachinko machine just watching the ball bounce around on its own most of the time. I'm trying to learn when to use nudge the table. Neat game! It's another 2600 game that I've never played before.
  5. Bob Smith the most generic programmer name ever 😆 LOL I suppose John Smith the programmer would agree
  6. Way to start 2021 with a bang, Harry 👍🎉 That’s an incredible score!
  7. Champ Games today released full featured demo of Gorf! https://atariage.com/forums/topic/298931-champ-games-gorf-arcade-2600/?do=findComment&comment=4713097
  8. Wow, Harry! 👍 👏 For the rest of the players competing for the top 3 spots, it's time to bring out the juice to get to the finish line. Time for some PEDs to compete with a teen!! Don't be proud. We all need help especially when cool nerves and reflexes are concerned and we've hit middle age 😆 Some call it coffee but I say it's time to bring out something stronger. It's New Year's Eve after all 😁
  9. Ok, Rick, you got me interested. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and findings. I briefly thought about getting one a few months ago. I didn't know there was a server to download public roms from in addition to uploading and downloading your own files. If it's a more convenient way of playing homebrews and hacks, then I'm in. I'll order one when it's available. The assembled cartridges are currently sold out.
  10. I ❤️ her humor when a cellist isn't playing and taking selfies or doing something else 😆 Seems to go very well with the mood of the 60s Batman
  11. 2' 25" 17 If I can master using the speed boost, maybe I can shave a few more seconds. Trying to hold down A and B together is a little problematic. Looks like there's quite a bit of room for improvement in lap 1 as well.
  12. Star Wars Arcade and Time Pilot ❤️ When The Sims first came out, I remember buying it for the PC and then lending to a friend who begged for it before I even had a chance to unseal it. Well, that pile-of-dung-who-was-also-my-groomsmen never gave it back nor paid me for it so I could buy another Suffice to say, I haven't played any version of The Sims to this day 🙂
  13. If we're talking about the same person (Machine) then he doesn't make repro patches for games that received official ones. I believe all his patches are for games that did not have official Activision patch. All his patches are shown here: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/308314-activision-atari-patches-new-patches-12-12-2020/ But if it's someone else then let us know 🙂
  14. 2" 31' 64 A one second improvement 😆 That thing about a journey of a thousand miles starting with a single step? Yeah, that's me and my F-Zero gameplay 🤣
  15. My parents never played. It was always a mystery to them why I would waste my time playing video games growing up. Thankfully, they never discouraged me or prevented me from playing. My father was always about enabling me to pursue whatever I was interested in. As for my kids, dad was the one who introduced them to video games. My kids still talk about the time I played Halo on my PC with them sitting on my lap (I turned off the blood). They also mentioned sneaking out of bed to watch me play. When they were older, we played multiplayer Halo but that lasted less than a year. I asked them why they don't play with me, and they said and I quote, "You suck, dad." They'd probably answer that I liked Halo games and games with old blocky graphics. Mom doesn't play games, and her favorite pastime is watching Korean shows on your iPad. Wii Sports was the only game that we played regularly as a family that included my wife. This would have been when the kids were 6 and 3, so they probably don't remember much if at all. The only other game that she plays when given a chance is Galaga, a game my kids know nothing about.
  16. The home office was my dad's when my parents lived with us. The piano and desk were always in the office, after my parents moved out a few years ago, I added a stereo rack, bookshelf speakers, shelves for CDs, and most recently, the TV and my consoles.
  17. So, there's hope? That's good to know. I've a friend who plays guitar. She looked at my hands, and she shook her head and said nope. I tried trimming my nails and failed that too.
  18. Yes, @HDN there's a piano in the office where my CRT TV sits. No, I don't play any instrument actually. The piano was a gift from my dad to my wife when we married. I briefly gave it a try last year, and I even bought a book (You Suck at Piano) that was supposed to teach non-musical adults. Learning to play piano is hard! Learning to play guitar is a bucket list item for me. I tried two times (once when I was in college and a second time a few years ago) and failed both times -- these short fat fingers but more than that, it's these nails that grow beyond the finger tips.
  19. Yes, I noticed some warp and color distortion -- nice funky colors that went well with the pink/magenta sky 🙂 I moved the speakers slightly and that helped. I also put rubber/cork pads under the speakers and they lift up the speakers an inch, and that has solved the issue. There's also a chance that the piano in the room gets moved to a different part of the house, and that'd allow for me to move everything, so speakers aren't on top of the TV, and that'd be the optimal solution. This corner space is a bit small especially for a 27" TV.
  20. I only have experience with the original Pac-Man on the 2600 and Atari 8-bit, Ms. Pac-Man on the aforementioned platforms, and 2600 Pac-Man homebrews. For the longest time I despised the 2600 Pac-Man until some conversations that were had on the I/O about it. I was convinced by others that it was the color that I was mostly reacting to, and they were right. I tried the blue and black version and found it to be a fun game and aesthetically pleasing. I even challenged for the high score on I/O and set a new high. I favor the original 2600 Pac-Man <gasp, can't believe I'm saying this> and the reason is simple -- the maze. The original Atari Pac-Man is a different game because the maze isn't a copy of the arcade game. All the other Pac-Man games are trying to replicate the arcade game and arcade maze, and well, they don't feel as fresh. The original 2600 Pac-Man maintains the same simple game play design and introduces only a new maze layout.
  21. As strange as it may sound in this community, my answer is the 2600. I can say with certainty that I am more excited by it now than I ever was as a kid. Sure, I loved it and practically begged my parents to get me one as a kid in the early 80s, but the mainstream 2600 games couldn't compete with the coin-op games of the arcades. While some games were a lot of fun (Activision Starmaster immediately comes to mind), I don't recall a game that really held deep interest or love. I think I owned eight to ten 2600 games as a kid (I had to save for three months to buy one game). Video games that I have most fondness for as a kid were all arcade games. The writing was probably on the wall when I got the Big Trak for Christmas, and I had a lot of fun programming it. By the time I discovered computers and programming in sixth grade, I lost interest in the 2600. I practically ignored all consoles after the 2600 because I was playing games on computers. While I briefly owned the Vectrex and GameBoy during the late 80s and early 90s and got a PS1 in '98 to play FF7, I played very little on consoles until I got a Xbox 360 in the late 2000s. After learning about this thing called retro gaming four years ago, I started learning about all the consoles and games that I passed on, in particular the PlayStations and Xboxes. A year ago, I started looking back on the 2600 and started playing Atari games again only this year. I bought the 2600, 5200, and 7800 just prior to joining the I/O in August and have since added an Intellivision, Jaguar, SNES, Genesis, and CoreGrafx to my console stable. My ability to appreciate past consoles has grown significantly the past year or two, and I now see I missed out on a lot of console gaming goodness especially during the 90s and 2000s.
  22. 2' 32" 34 I was regressing hard yesterday night, but finally saw an improvement today. Woohoo!
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