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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Just some TLC for the heavy sixers--no mods. I know one of the switches is a little loose on one. My 7800 already has UAV mod done to it so just need the BIOS upgrade.
  2. I think the time has come for me to send you my two heavy sixers and the 7800 🙂 I'll message you.
  3. @TrekMD how do you like the Kung Fu game from GDG? I didn't notice it at first when Michael posted the box photo, but he put himself on the cover 😂 Here's my latest pick-up--an addition to my small Super Famicom collection.
  4. Look at that photo finish for 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 🐎 This game was very fun, and it brought me back to the 80s arcade. I think this was the first time that I played an NES game.
  5. At first, I thought you're going to tell us that you made it, and it's based on the goose in your avatar photo 😂 It's neat to have something in the game room besides the games to give it some unique or personal touch 👍
  6. Mail call -- some Atari Jaguar love from the AtariAge store: two homebrews and the Jag GameDrive. I've very limited experience with the Jaguar, but the moment I loaded up Cybermorph, I loved it. The graphics and art style were very reminiscent of Atari ST era of games (none of which I've played since thirty years ago). I've seen the many negative reviews and comments, but I actually had fun playing Cybermorph. There's so much goodness in classic gaming that I pay less attention to the modern games and more to classic video games. C'mon retirement, hurry up.
  7. 98,410 Should have easily broken 100k as I reached the new level with two lives. But... I was passing through the bottom row near the left pipe and a fireball materialized just as I was passing through ☠️ -- a cheap death. Then with my last life, I stupidly hopped off the starting platform onto a 🐢 or something and immediately died again ☠️. Oh well, at least I seem to be getting better.
  8. Ah~~ the days of youth playing out in the ☀️ Have fun, stay safe, y'all

    What do you call this? Can't be farmer's tan. Football tan? These legs belong to my younger son who plays high school football--tan lines from football workouts this summer 😆 🏈 Looks like a zebra or some other striped animal 🤣 He has a dark complexion to begin with, but this is new territory.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HDN


      I don’t remember what those fuzzy knee thingies from the 80s were called, but it looks like he’s wearing those made out of leather. I’ve never seen anyone that tan before!

    3. socrates63


      I had to think about it for a minute... I believe you're referring to leg warmers 🤣

    4. HDN
  9. A gamer/reseller in a local group is having a garage sale today. Turns out he lives only 5 minutes from me, so I stopped by this morning. There was an in-the-box Odyssey 2 for $20 that was calling me, but I paused to think about my collecting rule not to go older than the 2600. While I was thinking about it, someone snagged it--how rude 😆 but moral crisis abated 🤣 I've been on a Dynasty Warriors kick lately. When I mentioned that I enjoyed the combat in Drakengard, someone recommended that I give Dynasty Warriors a look. Turns out he was right. I'm currently playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam on the Xbox 360.
  10. I haven't been able to improve my score--but I've been trying every day 😄. Closest I've gotten so far is 55k today.
  11. Beautiful set, Rick. I totally agree about the coiled cable. I'm glad the SVA controllers did away with that. I had been thinking about picking up the original Intellivision, but now that I have this one, I won't be looking.
  12. Fresh arrivals! I picked these up from AtariAge Marketplace on Facebook. Only took a couple of days. I really need to set up my 800XL. I can't wait to type in BASIC code from books and magazines and relive those days as a kid when I spent an entire Saturday entering code and debugging. It took me an hour to enter a page worth of code from magazines as a kid.
  13. @LeeJ07 I had no idea. Thanks for sharing the context. That's very sad and at the same time a nice tribute.
  14. Yes, I think the filter I used to make the colors pop a little created the darkness. Here's a photo with no edits by me, and it's naturally lit from the window on the side. It is very difficult to tell whether something yellow or the original color. I have to stare at it pretty closely and intently to tell. Jesse, you did a great job of removing the yellowing. It looks great. I think the yellowing is more prominent in this photo (iPhone 6s Plus camera) than it actually is.
  15. Some recent pick-ups with the most notable one being the Intellivision 1 in the Super Video Arcade shell. Crossbow recently posted this for sale. All the games came from two visits to Pink Gorilla this month. It was cool seeing CIB Jaguar games. There was another one or two that I left in the store. If they're still there the next time I visit, I'll grab them. I now have three CIB Jaguar games (Tempest is the third one).
  16. 😮 that sounds epic 😆 I hope it works well
  17. Some seriously cool stuff! 👏 👍 ❤️ @RickR what's that little sword?
  18. Michael of Retrogameboyz has added a new product to his store. He has partnered with ikonsgr and created a keypad that encases the adapter. This eliminates the need to connect an OEM 5200 controller with the ikonsgr adapter. It's very elegant all around. https://retrogameboyz.com/products/atari-5200-db15-to-db9-adapter-with-keypad-sega-genesis-amiga-amstrad-commodore-joystick-pad?variant=39399140720695 image from the store:
  19. woah, now that is a hold-my-beer kind of score @Justin 👏👏
  20. 17,690 I loved Mario Bros. in the arcades during the 80s ❤️ I've not played many NES games (one or two), but this one looks good and doesn't look like the typical NES game with its (odd to me?) color palette.
  21. A quick rant... I get that not everyone studied philosophy in college, but for goodness sakes, can we at least add Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure to high school curriculum? Today was one of those days that made me regret the email handle I chose for myself coming out of college that I continue to use today -- socrates63.


    I went to the University District in Seattle this morning to drop off my Kindle e-reader to trade in for a gift card and 20% coupon for a future Kindle purchase from Amazon. I was asked for my email address, and I said saw-kra-teez-63. It was apparent he was lost, so I spelled it out for him... three times... and he still couldn't get it right. Was he nervous because of my imposing Adonis physique? Finally, another guy jumped in to help. I knew I should have gone with "sixpak," my high school nickname 🤦‍♂️ At least no one said out loud SO-CRATES. I would have died if someone did.

    But while I was in the area, I walked over to Pink Gorilla and Al's Music, and pick up some goodies. I've always wanted to see The Black Hole, so I ordered a DVD copy when I got home. I don't collect Jaguar games, but when I find reasonably priced CIB copies, I don't mind adding them. I now have three 🙂 (Tempest is the other one I have).




    1. - Ω -
    2. nosweargamer


      I watched Bill & Ted in Junior High as a reward for doing well in academics. Does that count?


    3. socrates63


      @nosweargamer even better!

      I ordered the 3 movie collection Blu-ray to brush up on my history according to Bill & Ted.

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