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RickR last won the day on September 5

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About RickR

  • Birthday November 8

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    The Don

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  1. Next up for sale from me will be a Mattel Aquarius, including a multi-cart.  Please contact me if you are interested.  I'll be taking pictures and listing it soon. 

    1. HDN


      I didn’t even know that thing existed before. I did a little bit of research, and wow. That thing is certainly... underwhelming. But interesting nonetheless. How did you even FIND that thing, @RickR? It seems pretty rare.

    2. RickR


      How did I find it?  I don't remember.  Most likely it was an ebay purchase many years ago. 

      It's fascinating to me.  What was Mattel thinking?  There is no way it could compete with the VIC-20.  It's games were worse than the Intellivision.  It's just a complete miss.

      As a collectible, it's interesting.  The shape of the computer is cool.  The version of BASIC included is excellent.  It's kind of rare I guess.

      Hopefully I can find an appreciative buyer.


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