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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Congrats on the move. I hope you keep your cool coffee table and setup.
  2. I think it's a game I've been looking for: Frankenstein's Monster.
  3. 25430 I did what I don't normally do. Played on a laptop using the keyboard. Well, now my fingers are sore.
  4. Good game, @Justin. I will spend more time with this one to get myself under par like you.
  5. I absolutely LOVED my VIC-20 and the way it looked. When my friends got their Commodore 64, I was pretty appalled that they chose that brown color for the case. Not a fan.
  6. I'm on vacation, and I've started a new game:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RickR


      Hey, that looks much nicer.  I'm going to use it.  Thanks!

    3. socrates63


      How'd you like the game, Rick?

      I literally dusted off the PSP and DSi a few days ago. I had to buy a new battery for the PSP, but otherwise, everything works. I picked up a bunch of DS and PSP games recently. I don't know why, but Sony's recent announcement about the closure of the PS3 and Vita e-shops motivated me to reconnect with my old handhelds (which I rarely used to begin with).

      The DSi belonged to my older son, but he never used it and was content with his DS Lite (which he keeps on his desk to this day).

    4. RickR


      It's fantastic.  It's as good as game #1 in the series (I think there are 3?)  But I haven't made it very far yet.


  7. YES! I love the 1200XL too. Over time, I think my favorite of the XL line has become the 600XL, which takes the 1200XL sexiness and puts into a tiny package.
  8. I think it's a good question for those who grew up with the machine. My history with the TI is very limited. My first home computer was a Commodore VIC-20. I graduated to an Atari 800XL after a few years. My friends mostly had Commodore 64. For those three, I mostly love being able to do everything we could do back in the old days. Play games, maybe access a few BBS's. So I'm not really interested in the new things the machines can do. I do really appreciate the devices that let you load software without tapes or floppies (SD card or multi-carts). New games and new demos are cool. The Atari machines prove to be especially elegant as retro machines. There are many very easy to use SD card solutions that don't require anything other than a base machine. For TI, I don't really want to play tic-tac-toe over the internet or leave messages to people I don't know anyway. I just want to experience the machine and software for what it was in the 1980's. Since I don't have a history with it, it's all new to me. And that's what makes it so fun. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate all the hard work and the enjoyment people get out of the new devices. To each his own. But maybe this explains why my eyes glaze over when people start talking about modifying config files on a TIPI. And I know that's a completely different perspective than those that grew up with and used those machines for decades.
  9. I hope you all are paying attention to Bob "PacManPlus" DeCrescenzo's latest effort of Galaxian on the 7800. It's so flipping awesome, and he's made a dev version available for download to try. The link is below. If you go, please give him a "like" or "thanks". Those guys over at AtariAge are awesome and being able so see this excellent game come along deserves a lot of praise and respect. Willie of ArcadeUSA has also done two videos on the game (check out his youtube thread here at Atari.io). Check those out as well. https://atariage.com/forums/topic/315930-you-guys-can-thank-uniwars-for-this-one-galaxian/?do=findComment&comment=4793512
  10. Super Breakout is correct, and a photo finish with Mr. @RadioPoultry. Very nicely done to both of you. This game took some serious liberties with its box art. You really gotta stretch your imagination to set breakout in space with 1980's era astronauts no less.
  11. Hey @- Ω -, do you have a 3D printer? What would you suggest for someone (like me) who wants one (to print things like cart shells) but has no idea where to start?
  12. The video is well done (as usual by The Eight Bit Guy). He points out those days are likely gone forever. It's sad, but true. Here in Portland, the Fry's was way far away. A good hour down the freeway from most places in the city. Frankly, I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did. In visiting some of the themed stores in California, it always felt like our Oregon store was kind of lame. Still, I did shop there for parts many times back in the early 2000's.
  13. YES! I just pulled one corner off the art that has several sports shown. Good job. Your turn.
  14. Another good guess, but no. Hint: I purposely tried to trick you all. Another hint: launch title.
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