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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Feedback: I don't think it's fair at all to call this "the worst video game console of all time". This thing was made prior to the home video game industry even existing. You ever played the original Odyssey (the one with the wax paper screen overlays)? It was much worse. Yet it isn't fair to criticize. Because giants were made standing on the shoulders of these early failures. I played a lot of the RCA games in the store back in the late 70's (precisely, Montgomery Ward's always had several systems out to try). I remember "Freeway", and I thought it was a lot of fun. My comparison back then was the handheld game "Tomy Digital Derby", which I owned and LOVED. This game was a huge improvement. By today's standards, it's super crude. Atari Street Racer is a ton better. But didn't it come out like a year later? So in summary, for a kid that had a pong console and a few handheld electronic games, this system looked GOOD back then. Still, the Coleco Telstar (the one with the triangle shape) was the one I drooled over because of the super cool controls (steering wheel, gun, and paddles). My parents wouldn't buy one sadly. But they did relent when the 2600 came out later.
  2. Are you playing on a real RCA Studio 2?
  3. A peek inside the 5200 storage tub. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RickR


      All of them.  Only working stuff in the tub. 

    3. HDN


      Does the non-working stuff go in the bathtub?

    4. RickR



      Only the 5200 gets a "tub".  Everything else is small enough to fit in a normal box. 


  4. My gaming table is bare. I may leave it this way and take a break.  I'm sure we all have that desire once in a while, right?


    1. RickR


      Not so fast!  These items came in the mail today from Greece. One allows the use of a USB mouse on an Amiga or ST. The other allows the use of 2600 joystick on a 5200. 

      I think the 5200 will be out soon. 


  5. I understand. My whole collection fit in the back of my SUV, so I met the person at a local Walgreens parking lot. You must have a BIG collection. When you do get rid of it, your house floors will breathe a sigh of relief (those things are HEAVY!)
  6. Try your local Craigslist. I sold mine that way to a young person who was just starting out at collecting.
  7. Brother, this is my sentiment exactly. And if you need a little push to get rid of the LD collection -- DO IT! I did that a while ago and do not miss it at all.
  8. I don't mind sharing what I come up with when I get enough time to compile something I like. But keep in mind, what I like vs. what someone else might like are two different things. For me, I just want a logical arrangement of fun games. I don't care about utilities or Tipi or anything that I'll need a giant PBOX to use. I'm thinking a logical arrangement of games with directories such as "Atarisoft", "Homebrews", "Imagic", "TI", "Speech Games", etc.
  9. I have no issue with that plan and pricing given the quality look of what they are offering. But I'm going to bring up the newest AtariAge releases as a comparison. I usually budget for at least one $50 game from AtariAge during the Portland gaming expo. It's fun because I can actually play the game I want (to try it out) and not have to pay for shipping. And their games lately have been in the "incredible" range. Galagon, Draconian, etc are spectacular. My point: competition is going to be a consideration and they'll have to produce something good to make those sales. For me, I'm willing to wait and see if the games are good before deciding. It sure is fun to have these guys back!
  10. Aladdin is correct! I think it's a showcase game for both systems. So beautifully animated.
  11. Jurassic Park is awesome! I liked playing it just to see the dinosaurs. OK. Next one. Platform = SNES and Genesis Based on a movie Street rats, apples and monkeys Fly on lovely blue
  12. Well hey! Good news. It looks like we don't have to wait long for that first game. It is indeed the Gold Rush (renamed as Circus Convoy), available 3/13. https://www.audacitygames.com/countdown.html
  13. I think with that FinalGROM (and no 32k expansion), you can play all of the original cartridge releases. There's a lot of unique stuff to have fun with. My favorites are the games with speech (Parsec, Alpiner, etc -- I think there are 8), but you'll need the speech box for that. I guess joysticks are also needed.
  14. I hope they have some good luck in getting the rights to some of their old characters and titles. I imagine a "Pitfall 3" would sell a lot better than "Spitball Larry - Fitpall 3".
  15. Platform: Atari Lynx Cuisinart! Hi-YAH! Little sprout jumps, punch, and chops What were they smoking?
  16. I'm getting so tired of this type of hype. Little crumbs of info, no details. These guys rightfully get our attention due to the classic games they produced in the past. What will be interesting, though, is a comparison to what they do vs. what the new homebrews can do. So I guess my feeling is good on this, but I'm hopeful there won't be a long wait to see something produced.
  17. You're right, this is a really cool feature. Thanks for posting. I've downloaded it. I can't think of any other emulator for any other system that can do this!
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