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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I will add some Genesis games! Thanks.
  2. OK, I'm going to start putting together the box and the stuff inside. Here is the participant list so far in no particular order, with my best guess on state: @socrates63 - WA @TrekMD - FL @nosweargamer - TN @chas10e - ME @RickR - OR It's not too late to join! I even renamed the thread to include the word "Junk". For now, if you guys have any "wants", please post them here. Even it's just a particular system you're most interested in. Example: RickR is most interested in NES, SMS, and handhelds. Also post here or PM me if you have a desire to go at a certain spot based on dates of vacation or what-not. I will post a better preview later as I get the box together. For now, I think it will contain: Several 2600 games, including one that has "special" controllers. A couple of plug & plays of the retro variety. A game-based DVD or two. An Odyssey 2 game. SNES games. Manuals! Books! Posters! A smorgasbord of paper-based goodness. A retro handheld game. Who knows what else! I am heading to my favorite game store later this week.
  3. I'm in this same boat. Trying to play. I rarely do. Normally, I'll play the current high score squad game. And also, I play a lot of Nintendo DS (although it takes me forever to complete any given game). I may have mentioned this before, but I had a large LD collection a while back and sold it all (well, I kept a few favorite disks just for the artwork. 2 Star Trek movies and Fantasia). It felt so good, as it really did take up a lot of space (and weight!). Even the players are huge. I understand the allure, and I have nothing against those who still collect LD. It's a cool medium that looks and sounds great. But DVD's are smaller!
  4. I don't know, guys. It doesn't seem like we have enough interest to make this work. I'm going to bump this now for one final call. Thanks.
  5. 52,900. Yep, it was definitely my emulator setup (or crappy gamepad) on my garage computer. I tried on my main desktop today and no problem with ladders.
  6. Thanks, guys. I must have goofed the emulator controls. I'll try again tomorrow.
  7. WTHeck...are the controls broken? I am having a hard time getting onto ladders. Just me?
  8. OK, thank you. I just submitted the form to my employer, and hopefully you'll get a matching gift from them.
  9. I donated! Dumb question: For employer match, who should I list as the charity? Extra Life, Children's Miracle Network, or Johns Hopkins Children's Center. Thanks for doing this, it's such a great cause.
  10. Both games are fun, and everyone's got their favorite between these two. IMO, Golf is more like the real game. It's got both a long and short game and the strategy of playing it safe or being more bold. These are two really good ones I had forgotten about. I loved Decathlon back when it was new just because it had all 10 events! Spectacular on the 2600. But oh boy, that last long running event is sure tough on your arm and joystick! Track and Field is really good. Let us know what you think when you try it. It doesn't have as many events as Decathlon, but it's a lot more fun to play with the button controller. I wonder if that controller would work on Decathlon?
  11. Oh! And let's not forget Bowling. It's another early title that is well done. I like how quickly you can get a whole game in. It would be a fun title to update as a homebrew or something. Add better sounds and graphics, and maybe some animation when a strike/spare is rolled. One more: Golf. For the life of me, I don't understand those who don't quite get the swinging mechanism. I think it's cleverly done. Watch the AVGN review sometime! What was he thinking!!!
  12. That's right, three players per team and they're in a triangle formation. You can pass to your teammates by kicking side to side or diagonally. Atari got creative in the manual too and stated that the little lines on the left edge of the screen (which are actually code running before drawing the video pass) are "referees"!
  13. I love sports and sports games. On the 2600, there are some really good ones: Ice Hockey - simple, good looking, and fun. There is some good strategy involved. RS Volleyball - surprisingly complex for a 2600 game. Looks good, plays good Basketball- a very early game that nails it. Is it the first kind of 3D-esque game? Maybe. The graphics are silly, but it plays well. Pele's Soccer - This one is universally hated, but I love it. I don't think most really understand how to play. Pass the ball amongst your 3 players, and use misdirection and diagonals to shoot. It's very rewarding to put together a scoring run. Also, the fireworks when you score are so cool!
  14. If it's used on an original Atari joystick, it fits pretty snugly. It's got a hexagonal shape to the opening. It's an interesting controller...the game is unplayable without it. Well, you can emulate and remap I guess.
  15. I'm going to determine if my employer will match a donation....
  16. $20 (+ shipping) or trade. Pm me if interested. Thanks. SOLD and removed pictures to save bandwidth.
  17. There are a lot of early entries! I will try to find time this weekend.
  18. I will try to be there, man. That's 4pm here. Good luck. Keep some milk handy! We don't want you burning your biscuits too badly.
  19. Virtual vacation!  Go here, hit "shuffle" and crank it up.



  20. I think it's really well done. Easy on the eyes and easy to control. It's one of those games you just forget everything going on around you and focus on solving the puzzles.
  21. Ooooh, Starplex! I've been looking for one of those for years. Nice stuff, all of it.
  22. Same here. I've never even heard of it. I'm looking forward to trying something "new". When you mention "Wrecking Crew", I think of those awesome studio musicians from the 60's/70's. They played a lot of the music on most classic rock from that era (Beach Boys - Good Vibrations, for example -- just one of hundreds). Hal Blaine, Carol Kaye, Glenn Campbell, etc.
  23. Good job on that high score @Justin. Does Chip ever get the girl? Frankly, I think he should take a hint and move on.
  24. I think you just hit on the huge appeal of the Nintendo Wii. I remember the kids playing Wii Sports with grandma when she would visit, and everyone had fun with it. As a matter of fact, the nursing home my mom lives in has Wii bowling tournaments still! Ain't nobody doing any of that with a PS4. I don't play many modern games because of the time commitment needed. It just doesn't happen. It all stopped for me in the PS3 era. In many ways, it's sad. But my hope is that if I ever get more time to play, this will change.
  25. Hey, that's my plan too (the part about wife working while I chillax). My wife says go for it, but that our lifestyle has to be toned way down. My financial planner did a facepalm. So I guess there's a microscopic chance. I don't know about you, but I feel like I've been carrying a heavy load for decades. For now, we count our blessings and keep on the path.
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