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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Dreamcast will keep the date/time for a few weeks once you've plugged it in. Really cool that it works. Enjoy!
  2. The link Lee provided is a good one. It will consume hours. There's so much good info there.
  3. "Stropping" -- thank you for teaching me a new (to me) word! It's really water that dulls the blade. If you can dry it well each day, they last a lot longer. That's the other nice thing about the Mach 3 -- the back sides of the blades are almost completely open, making it easy to see that they're clean and dry. I also inherited a Panasonic/Norelco electric razor (a pretty high end model). It works pretty well, but I can't say there's much of a time savings over using a regular razor. Plus, it just doesn't produce as close a shave.
  4. $10 for that dreamcast is a steal. Nice find.
  5. Great topic J! We can all learn from each others' experiences. My ethnicity and genes have given me a very hairy face. So I have to shave pretty often. I think I'm a pretty good judge of razors. Dollar Shave Club - these ones are really good. I like the 4 blade model. They last a long time and don't cause cuts. The only issue -- there's a pretty large gap between the blade and the edge of the head. That makes it hard to get some spots (like right under your nose). Price on these is excellent -- and I'll share a secret that means you don't have to subscribe....buy a gift card. You can buy on their site for any denomination. So buy the gift card, buy what you want, then don't worry about them sending anything else until you are ready to repeat the process. Harry's - Pretty much the same quality and pros/cons of Dollar Shave Club. A little more expensive than DSC, but it's really nice to be able to buy them at a real store. Due to the issue with getting spots under the nose -- I've gone back to a really good old favorite. Gillette Mach 3. Only 3 blades, but it's small and light and much easier to hold and use. They have these at Costco, and that seems to be the best way to get a decent deal. $27 for 17 heads is what I paid recently I think. And yet more: Make sure to really dry off your razors well after use, and they will last a lot longer. A couple of wrist snaps, then wipe them backwards on a towel a few times. I get about 3 weeks out of each razor head. I love Target too. The 5% off for the red card is really nice. Plus the stores are clean and nice. Buying games and systems there with the red card discount is really easy and a good way to save a few bucks.
  6. In cleaning up my parents' house, I've got the unenviable task of looking through their thousands of photographs and deciding what to keep. It's exhausting. Then, out of nowhere, comes this gem. It's a picture of my mom and dad all gussied up...but off to the right of the frame, it's our old TV setup! I went ahead and cropped it to the good stuff. Please note it's a console TV. And what's on at that moment? Star Trek! Check out that VCR. I don't know why or how, but my normally cheap father sprung for one of the smallest VCR's available. It was an RCA, and it lasted forever. We didn't normally get to play Atari on this TV (the dreaded fear of harming that valuable TV), but once in a while, when I was sick, I did, and it was AWESOME.
  7. This all started due to a P'Tach on facebook. He asked if anyone had a really old laptop for sale. I did. A really nice Toshiba 486 laptop in pristine condition. The battery still holds a charge. His idea was to use the old laptop to play the old floppy disk based games. Most notably, DOOM. The dude turned out the be a major flake. I took a bunch of pictures, answered a bunch of questions, agreed to a price, and then....nothing. No "sorry, I changed my mind" (which would have been fine). No response at all. Cowardly flake. What is wrong with people? So now, I'm stealing his idea. I think it might be kind of cool. I plan on installing Doom and whatever classic games I can find on this thing and reporting here how it works. The only issue -- I threw out all those games eons ago. I'll do a googlo search, but maybe someone here can more quickly direct me to a download area for Doom (and other game) floppy images. The idea is to actually create the floppy disks and load them onto the laptop that way. Who wants to help a brother out?
  8. This one is obviously not a game at all -- it's the world famous Portland Airport carpet:
  9. I will be there too. Staying at my house, which is also priced pretty well.
  10. The king of arcades here is called Ground Kontrol, which just expanded in size. Ground Kontrol has a lot more games, but it's downtown and harder to get to and find parking. In any case, you can't go wrong with either. These are both REAL arcades without the kids gambling/ticket games.
  11. Animal House is the origin of Food Fight!
  12. From Ballblazer...for future draft considerations... More PSP movies (some great ones!) And a PAL Combat board. WOW! I'm sure I can find a special place on my Combat throne for that. And just like that, my PSP collection has grown from the small box into the large tub. THANKS BB!
  13. Well, I always thought a tropical storm delivered a tropical punch. At a bare minimum, keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.
  14. What is that giant box above the stove? Is it a microwave?
  15. Here you go. I purchased this fridge in 1986. I think renting a fridge was $50 a year, and this one cost $99 brand new from Monkey Wards (if I recall correctly). That's a solid financial decision right there. Good job, me from the past! When I graduated, I gave it to my brother. He used it for a few years. It then was given to his wife, who used it as a classroom fridge for several years. It came back to me about 12 years ago...once I had a house with a nice garage -- and it's been keeping my beverages ice cold ever since. Over 30 years of continuous service! Unbelievable. Both sides are also covered in stickers.
  16. Game over, man! Great score. You are the rollover king.
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