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Everything posted by RickR

  1. NOTE: I've always felt is important to disclose a reprinted label when selling such games. These things look good and can fool anyone in pictures. But it is easy to tell it's fake once you touch it. Don't be a chooch! Disclose! Honesty is always good.
  2. Here's a quick how-to on reprinting your own cartridge labels to make a game in crusty condition look pretty good. You'll need to know the exact size for the labels you want. I'll start a table here and add to it as I measure them out. All sizes are in mm, listed width * height. Gameboy & GBC: 42 * 37 Gameboy Advance: 43.5 * 22 N64: 54 * 62 Atari 2600 main face label: Atari 2600 end label: Atari 2600 Activision: Search on the internet for an image of the label you want. Try to find one that is oriented well and is decent resolution. It can be just of the label or of the whole cart. We'll crop it in step 3. "Copy" the image to the clipboard. Now use the image editing software of your choice to crop the image, rotate it slightly if necessary, etc. We want to get just the label. I use a free program called "paint.net" (PC). Once you get it just right, "copy" this image to the clipboard. Critical: Printing things to exact sizes on modern computers is hard, so this is the step that trips most people up. The secret is to find a program that does layouts or PDF's, as those are always done in precise sizes. I use a free program called "Inkscape" (available for PC, Linux, Mac). Open a new page and "Paste" your image in this program, and then size it using the table in step 1. Move it to the upper corner of the page. Optional: copy/paste that resized version and move it over a bit. The goal is to have two copies printed out so that if you screw one up, you have another ready to go. Optional 2: If you are printing on fancy label paper, you may want to resize the page first. Print it out! I am not a perfectionist. I just want things to look decent. I use plain copy paper on an inkjet printer. Use whatever you want on this step. Optional: If you want to give your label a gloss finish, you can slap a piece of packing tape over your printed labels. Do this before you cut them out. I usually don't, but it does look nicer if you do this. Carefully cut out your reprinted label. It is important to cut right along the edge with no white paper showing. Take your time. Use a magnifier to make it easier. Glue it on! For this, I use a simple Elmer's glue stick. The nice thing here is that it isn't permanent. If I don't like it later, I can easily peel it off with no damage to the cart or even a label underneath. Take your time, keep your fingers clean, use a magnifier, and it will turn out nice. BOOM! Done. Some examples: BEFORE images of two working GBC carts with well-loved labels: Here's where to type in the label size in Inkscape: What my print out looks like: And finally, the finished product. Note that for Flintstones, I cut my reprint way down to have just Fred. I figured the original label was in nice condition except for that wear spot in the middle.
  3. Free, from @Smell Dawg. Two GBC games I didn't have. Much appreciated.
  4. Nice pickups! M*A*S*H is indeed a classic. How interesting to get the Korean-American perspective. Buck Rogers was one of the shows that was shown in reruns when new "UHF" channels were added to free over-the-air stations in the 80's. I remember watching after school, but I think it was one of those deals where season 1 was really good, but then things were changed up for season 2 and they really hosed it. Much less Wilma, for example. And that evil lady -- what was her name? Queen something or other. Why'd they drop her??? To be honest, I have no idea if this is right -- just my recollection. The original Battlestar Galactica was the same, wasn't it? Season 1 awesome, and then they either lowered the budget or made it more kid-friendly, which kind of ruined it.
  5. It isn't true though. Bad documentation. It only works that way with a 2600 stick plugged in. If a 7800 stick is used, hyperspace is button 2 and down does nothing.
  6. I did not know this! I will give it a try. Thanks!
  7. I'm stuck at the 20k level. The one thing I dislike about this game is when you die -- the game almost always puts your new ship in immediate jeopardy with no time to react.
  8. PS - "The Visitor" was the episode of DS9 on the H&I network this evening, but we had to turn it off. My wife just had eye surgery and cannot cry!
  9. I'm sure the writer/actor strike has more to do with this cost-cutting than threats of a slowed economy.
  10. Mario *is* streaming on Peacock starting Aug 3.
  11. Paramount+ removed it from the streaming library. Although I guess physical media is either coming or already available. I guess we should all be aware that streaming services can remove content at their own whim or for business reasons. And rumors have it that Disney+ and Paramount+ are the ones that are having financial troubles right now, so keep your eye out for mergers and other turbulence. https://trekmovie.com/2023/06/27/star-trek-prodigy-removed-from-paramount-as-fans-rally-to-save-the-show/
  12. I've got it on hold at the library, but I imagine the streaming will start before my place in line comes up. Peacock is free with our Xfinity subscription -- one of the few perks of that overpriced service 🙂
  13. The AtariAge "Last Chance" sale ends THIS SUNDAY 7/23/23.  I ordered a couple of 2600 games that were on my list.  Grab em before they are gone!



    1. greenween


      I ordered Baby Pacman and the Venture remake. 🙂

  14. This one is pretty obscure. Maybe I should have put this in the music thread 🙂 If you don't know the awfulness of that song, look up "Kars 4 Kids Commercial" on youtube. Do they make it so off-key on purpose to make it memorable?
  15. Most of the gamers I know that have seen it liked it very much.
  16. I asked my adult children if they wanted to go see it when they were visiting recently and got a resounding "no". I am definitely going to watch it when it starts streaming at home. I think that will be in August on Peacock.
  17. Nice condition on those boxes! I love all three of those games. Let us know what you think!
  18. Same here! DS9 and "The Visitor". For casual viewing, I like TNG best now that I've seen TOS way too often. And yes, the 90's shows count! I hate to make any of us feel old, but that's going on 30 years ago now. And also, I've found the two Pluto "Trek" channels, so I will do those now while making dinner.
  19. Now you tell me! 🙂 I didn't even think to look on ebay. Oh well. On the bright side, at least I know the signature is authentic. I'm looking forward to reading this book. Please let me know if you are aware of any other signed Trek books on ebay. Thanks!
  20. I am interested in Casper and Flintstones. But please give priority to anyone else that wants them. I've got some Atari carts for trade if you have any interest there. Astroblast and Frogs/Flies both with manual.
  21. I got this book used because it is out of print. But the cool thing is...it is autographed by the author.
  22. I don't know if I've mentioned it here, but H&I shows Star Trek (TOS) every weeknight at 5pm. So I have it on while making dinner. Every night. I trust you all know I'm a huge Star Trek fan, and I had seen every episode many times already. And so, here I am every night...watching while making dinner. Needless to say, with only 79 episodes made, I've now seen every one 79 times minimum. When my kids are over, I can tell them the dialogue before it happens and everyone laughs. There are some I never tire of. But some of them....well. Last night, it was "Return to Tomorrow" (Sargon, his wife, and an old enemy take over Kirk/Mulhaul/Spock to build robot bodies). After dinner was underway, I sat down to watch more closely...and promptly fell asleep. There *is* too much of a good thing! My wife came home and there I was -- snoring in the La-Z-Boy. How embarrassing. It isn't a bad episode at all. But I always wonder why they had to make the voices amplified. That doesn't make much sense! Or how about only having Nurse Chapel in the room while Henoch is making the syrums? Even having a web cam recording those events may have saved them such heartache 🙂
  23. Let's revive the Atari.io "Club Evercade".  Please join the club whether you have an Evercade or not and help spread the word.  It's a great system for retro gamers!  I'll be posting thoughts, reviews, and new release info, and hoping like crazy that others will join in with their stories and expertise.


  24. I probably won't watch anymore Sabrina. But that pilot episode was well done. It felt lucky to run across it like that. I did just look it up, and it *WAS* Debbie Harry. That gives it some cool factor. There's so much great free content on the various free channels on the Roku (and other streaming devices). Pluto is a really good one!
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