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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I am interested in Casper and Flintstones. But please give priority to anyone else that wants them. I've got some Atari carts for trade if you have any interest there. Astroblast and Frogs/Flies both with manual.
  2. I got this book used because it is out of print. But the cool thing is...it is autographed by the author.
  3. I don't know if I've mentioned it here, but H&I shows Star Trek (TOS) every weeknight at 5pm. So I have it on while making dinner. Every night. I trust you all know I'm a huge Star Trek fan, and I had seen every episode many times already. And so, here I am every night...watching while making dinner. Needless to say, with only 79 episodes made, I've now seen every one 79 times minimum. When my kids are over, I can tell them the dialogue before it happens and everyone laughs. There are some I never tire of. But some of them....well. Last night, it was "Return to Tomorrow" (Sargon, his wife, and an old enemy take over Kirk/Mulhaul/Spock to build robot bodies). After dinner was underway, I sat down to watch more closely...and promptly fell asleep. There *is* too much of a good thing! My wife came home and there I was -- snoring in the La-Z-Boy. How embarrassing. It isn't a bad episode at all. But I always wonder why they had to make the voices amplified. That doesn't make much sense! Or how about only having Nurse Chapel in the room while Henoch is making the syrums? Even having a web cam recording those events may have saved them such heartache 🙂
  4. Let's revive the Atari.io "Club Evercade".  Please join the club whether you have an Evercade or not and help spread the word.  It's a great system for retro gamers!  I'll be posting thoughts, reviews, and new release info, and hoping like crazy that others will join in with their stories and expertise.


  5. I probably won't watch anymore Sabrina. But that pilot episode was well done. It felt lucky to run across it like that. I did just look it up, and it *WAS* Debbie Harry. That gives it some cool factor. There's so much great free content on the various free channels on the Roku (and other streaming devices). Pluto is a really good one!
  6. Hey, my wife and I were watching "I Love Lucy" on Pluto last night! And after that, the channel we were on showed the very first episode of "Sabrina the Teenage Witch". This show came after my time, so I'm not familiar with it at all. That first episode was pretty good, but my favorite part was the witch's council....very young Penn & Teller and I'm pretty sure....Debbie Harry!
  7. Great topic! It's kind of related, but I've stumbled upon this YouTube channel that goes over classic TV show goofs, and it's a hoot to watch. Here's a sample:
  8. For those that have an original Evercade handheld and are wondering how to get and install the latest firmware, please read on. Why you need this new firmware The biggest reason is to get compatibility with more of the newer cartridges. Also, it's the very last firmware Blaze has stated will be available for the original model. Finally, there are various bug fixes and interface improvements. Get it! It's important. Why is this guide needed? The original Evercade doesn't have WiFi, so the firmware update is done manually, which makes it a bit daunting. How To Check out this video for the general process (not me, I just found it very helpful). To summarize, there is software available for Windows or Mac. Run the software, install the drivers, hook up your Evercade, turn it on while holding down the "menu" button, and BOOM, you should be good to go in just a few moments. IMPORTANT: You only have to hold that "menu" button for a few seconds while switching the console on. Once you hear the USB connect sound, you can release it. Other important links: The update is available here. There is also a good FAQ at the bottom: https://evercade.co.uk/evercade-handheld-updater/ Changelog listing all updates made: https://evercade.co.uk/evercade-original-handheld-final-update/ How did RickR's update go? Fine! Here is my Evercade before: firmware version 1.3.1 And here we are after: 3.0.0 The interface after the update is a lot different, with background music and more options available. Give it a try and check in here with your results!
  9. Please post any deals/coupons/bundles related to Evercade here. Include links and expiration dates if possible.
  10. MacBook Pro 2010 It is the only modern Apple computer I have. Old, but still works fine for basic computing. Core i7, 8GB memory.
  11. Yeah, man! Nice scores @TrekMD and @Smell Dawg. Like I said, we've got some good competition this time. I'll try more this weekend. One of us is going to catch the boss @socrates63
  12. I'll bet $1 that it was Donkey Kong. It's a fun game, but the sound is an ear-assault. Who remembers that first Atari Flashback that looks like a little like a 7800? That one had a "copy" of 7800 that was really bad. No momentum....your ship would stop dead when you stopped thrusting. That Flashback was terrible.
  13. Looks like we have a real nice competition going here! The secret for me seems to be the ability to rapidly (and comfortably) push that fire button. Like a buzz-saw of bullets. I'm going to stick with the 5 button. I feel really comfortable with that. The 7800 is perfect for this game. All those flying sprites are no problem for the 7800 hardware. Very impressive.
  14. 27160 with the 5 button controller and working hyperspace
  15. We still good....Timeline intact.



  16. The "Irish" is cool looking. I like it! Kind of like the "Vader" in Junior form.
  17. OK, cue the Twilight Zone music. I got so tired at work today that at 4pm, I laid down on my couch for a quick snooze. When I woke up, I was facing that RGB controller, which I left on the coffee table. I was laying there staring for no good reason, and lo and behold, there is a little tiny toggle button on the side....so small you have to push it with a pen tip. I imagine that switches between 7800 and 2600 mode. I'll test more next time I play.
  18. If your computer doesn't recognize the concerto cart via USB, it sure sounds like a broken Concerto cart. You should contact Batari over at the AtariAge forums or through his web site to get support. Good luck.
  19. Nope. But I still love it for 2600 Asteroids.
  20. I've been testing. Here is what I've found: Retrogameboyz pad. "down" does not work for hyperspace. Retrogameboyz 5 button controller - "down" does not work. No way to hyperspace. Atari 2600 joystick - "down" DOES work! WTF. I guess this is an undocumented "feature" in this game.
  21. I belong in the bottom set, but usually end up with a serious group on the top. My humor goes over like a fart in church.
  22. It's interesting they went with that character design instead of a typical "Indiana Jones" type.
  23. That works??? I thought only button 2 would do it. If it works, I'm totally breaking out the 5 button asteroids controller.
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