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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I've got 7800 games for you in the trading post.
  2. Another trade gone good. Thank you Rowsdower70 And now I leave you with this ear worm: Be careful! Don't stare at the Oatestache too long! It's mesmerizing.
  3. Cleaned up my list on the first post -- removed all those that are gone. Thanks everyone, my dup box is now much smaller!
  4. There's a Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas that's just about the most awesome place. Screw the casinos...when I'm in Vegas, that's the place to go.
  5. There was also one I think was called "Mata Hari" or something like that. It was in a convenience store on the way home from high school for me, and I really got hooked on pinball after playing that one whenever I had a spare quarter. These days, I'm a sucker for any "Pinball Collection" type game on the newer consoles. The Williams Collection being a favorite.
  6. I love ANY pinball table. But Fun House, with that crazy giant head, is a favorite.
  7. We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.

    1. Justin
    2. RetroX


      Well put. That's actually true.

    3. LeeJ07


      Very true indeed!

  8. Yo Yo, stop sniffing your own gas and get on the chat! Stat!
  9. Waka waka waka! Thanks for posting this.
  10. Missile Command, Adventure, Ms Pac Man, Joust. Demon Attack. Any of the Activision titles.
  11. Hi everyone. How do you all feel about multi-carts? My thoughts are that they are a really convenient way to enjoy your classic gaming consoles, and experience the games the best way -- on REAL hardware. These things come in a variety of formats. The very best have an SD card slot that allow you to place the entire library of games on a single memory card, and then enjoy the games via a menu driven interface. Other types include a set/built-in group of games on a cartridge, games selectable by DIP switch, or emulators for disk drives. I thought I'd write up some quickie reviews of the multi-carts I own. Ask questions please! Let's start with the system I currently have out: The TI 99/4A. TI 99/4A Multi-Cart (2048k Games) Pros: Nice menu interface Lots of games Low price Cons: Requires 32k memory upgrade Not all games included Here are some pictures of my console, and the multi-cart. I have the speech module attached. There are several voice games on this compilation that do actually work with the speech unit -- very cool! I have the stainless model of the TI, which always reminds me of a DeLorean. I'd say this is one sweet looking computer. The cart is made by a user on Atari Age. I can provide his name to you if anyone is interested. It's a really nice cartridge -- looks professional in all regards. Even the label looks TI authentic. The one thing about this cart that is kind of quirky is that your TI must have a 32k memory upgrade. That can take several forms. The big giant PEB disk box has 32k expansion, or there are new fangled disk emulation devices that also include the upgrade. Mine actually has 32k built onto the computer motherboard -- which is a really nice setup provided by another user on Atari Age. I will say, both guys are really nice and a pleasure to buy from. You can tell they love the TI platform. So plug it in, and you get a nice menu screen like this. I won't include them all. There are 8 screens on the menu with 16 games per screen. I think right around 120 games! Wow. All of the Atarisoft games are included. Many of the best games I know of are here. The only one I noticed as absent is a speech enhanced game named "Alpiner". But that's OK, I have a real cartridge of that one. Games on the TI are hit and miss. The system itself has really good graphics for the era. I'd say C64 equivalent. The sound is just OK. TI made some pretty lame games -- lots of simple games that don't push the envelope in any way. With the notable exception of Parsec, which is unbelievable. It's a side scrolling shooter...kind of a slower clone of Vanguard. Hi-res graphics and speech make this a fantastic game. TI Invaders is a really good Space Invaders clone. The third party games really shine on this system. Every single Atarisoft game is beyond excellent. Take a look at the Pac Man and Ms Pac man screen shots below...the ghosts have eyes with whites and pupils -- which no other system of that era can boast. And Imagic's "Demon Attack" is probably the very best version on any system. It supports speech, has multitudes of crazy looking aliens, a nice planet background, and even a boss level! WOW! TI made an ET game! It's really just a Frogger clone. How weird is that? I hope no one worships the Flying Spaghetti Monster, because the first Demon Attack aliens look like FSM. TI made TWO ET games! I have no idea how to play this second one. Overall, this multi-cart is a bargain -- even having to buy the 32k memory expansion. Worth every penny, and I can't wait to explore all the games available on this thing. Please feel free to send me feedback! I have several other multi-carts to share if there is any interest!
  12. You would love the EMP museum in Seattle Washington. They have a whole section devoted to Jimi Hendrix, and a rotating collection of his stuff. Wardrobe, instruments, written notes, etc. It is totally awesome.
  13. I'm interested in the Colecovision with AV mod. But not sure if I have anything of that value to trade. Please PM me with what you are looking for. Thank you.
  14. That right there is my favorite 7800 game. I'd like to get the Colecovision version. It's quite terrible with giant, single-colored players. Still, this is one of those games where you MUST own every version.
  15. http://www.cowlitzgamers.moonfruit.com/ Hey all: Today was the day for the Cowlitz Gamers for Kids show in Longview, WA. That's about 50 miles away for me, so I decided to go. And here are some pics to share. It's a great cause, but the show is pretty small. They're in a new space this year, and it seems much smaller than when I went a few years ago. No arcade games to play was kind of a bummer. But they had some really nice sellers, which was fun. This was the free-play area. No real exotic systems, and it was pretty small this year. An overview of the booths. Lots of cool stuff here. There was one Jaguar for sale ($150! A little too rich for me), a Vectrex, and bunch of the more modern Nintendo stuff. Good deals on systems. A boxed Odyssey 2 for $40. Atari 2600's for $50. Sega Genesis seems like the low point of collecting these days...$10-$20 will get you a nice Genesis at a show like this. Find a show like this if you want a particular system! Trophies for the Super Smash Bros Brawl (Gamecube) tournament. WOAH! Look what I found. Yes, I did come home with it. Atari carts can still be found. Which is good. More overview Atari Pinball! That knob is exactly the same as the VCS paddle knob. Nope, I didn't buy it. Someone decked out a VCS in pirates' booty for the silent auction. Very cool. Reminded me of the Swordquest prizes. More Atari stuff. Good. Can't let Nintendo have all the fun. Action figures too. It was a good show. I didn't stay long thanks to a sudden migraine. Plenty of fun.
  16. Woah! That is awesome!!
  17. Another trade in the books!
  18. I'm not THAT RickR. I'm the one from Oregon.

  19. Do your part to help the economy...buy more retro games!

    1. Arenafoot


      2nd and Charles needs more locations! then I would be able to!

  20. That is this Thursday, right? That's good, my wife will be out of town and won't tsk-tsk my shirt choice. Ha ha.
  21. Is this guy awesome or what? "I have an Atari shirt on right now!" is the best quote I've heard today.
  22. We have Weezer and VU in common. Those guys (and gal) are great. My go-to stuff: Pearl Jam, U2, Rilo Kiley, Pixies, AC/DC. Cowboy Junkies. They Might Be Giants. Feels like I'm forgetting something important....
  23. WOAH! The thumbstick DOES unscrew. I had no idea. OK, I'm raising my rating of this thing even higher. Thanks.
  24. They re-made the Mattel games a few years back, and I must say, they were excellent. They added a volume slider, which was a huge improvement. Still, I like my originals much better.
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