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Status Updates posted by Sabertooth

  1. Happy Saturday everyone! Getting started right with my new Fuji mug and some modern VCS! 20230429_070332.jpg

  2. Here's a first look at the Switch version of Caverns of Mars: Recharged from John Hancock.


    1. Sabertooth


      The "happy"/"this is cool" thumbnail that he uses is hilarious 😂

  3. Here's a new interview with Atari CEO, Wade Rosen. Worth a look if you're interested in modern day Atari.  The VCS gets a mention too at the end...




  4. Here's a promo reel from Atari that is associated with their just launched Republic (Fig) investment fundraiser - Atari Games Pool. Regardless of what folks think about the investment structure, the promo is pretty neat and shows some as yet unreleased/announced games. The reel is definitely worth a look!


  5. Here's a really cool, casual interview with Atari's CEO, Wade Rosen.  Worth a listen. 



  6. Here's my first look at Avian Knights, the new Joust-like game on the AtariVCS!


  7. Here's our most recent Twitter poll for modern Atari VCS users:


  8. Here's quick video montage celebrating Atari's Breakout!

    Which version of Breakout was your favorite? 


    1. Justin


      Super Breakout on the 2600! Or Warlords if that counts.

    2. Sabertooth


      I stuck to Breakout titles for the video but its hard not to count Warlords, Off the Wall and Arkanoid! Crazy Brix for the 7800 is also amazing!

  9. Here's the ClubVCS Recharged Squad Challenge button set for Series 3.


    1. Justin


      Beautiful @Sabertooth! I will share this on our social media 

    2. Sabertooth
  10. Here's the full cut launch trailer for Atari50: The Anniversary Celebration.

    Who's already exploring this digital museum?


  11. Hiking in Joshua Tree National Park today. It's hard to covey the scale and vastness in photos.




    1. RickR


      Love this.  I've been once, a long time ago.  I would LOVE to go again and really appreciate your pictures.


    2. Sabertooth


      It's a really special place; almost otherworldly.

  12. How many AV switches are in your original hardware setup?

    I have three: 5-in/2-out S-Video, 4-in/1-out component, 4-in/1-out HDMI.

    The retro consoles run into a RetroTnk 2xPro to the HDMI switcher. They also run to a Samsung GX TV for light gun games. The modern consoles go to the HDMI switcher. HDMI for all consoles is out through an mClassic to an Avermedia Live gmGamer 2 Plus capture card to my 4k TV.

    It is an exhausting setup and makes me want to box it all up and move to emulation...almost. 

    1. Justin


      On my 1998 CRT Sony Trinitron I have one coaxial input and one Stereo RCA AV input, which I have connected to an external switch box that accepts 4 additional Stereo RCA inputs.

      On my Sony HDTV I have 4 HDMI inputs, one component input, 5 RCA AV inputs, two coaxial inputs, and one optical audio input. It still doesn't like my Atari 2600.

  13. I almost beat Blue Lightning for Jaguar CD in a single sitting.  As it happened, I lost my last plane crashing into an iceberg - pilot error.  I'll never understand why that game gets so much hate.  For me, it looks and plays as well as Total Eclipse/Solar Eclipse on 3DO/Saturn and other games like that.  Also, can we talk about the ripping heavy/hard rock soundtrack?  Its not a very deep game but its a great way to blow through a couple of hours.  

  14. I can confirm from experience that Best Buy will Price Match $249 offered by MicroCenter on an All-In Black Walnut edition Atari VCS with free shipping or store pickup.

    Process takes about 15 minutes using their chat. So if you don't have a MicroCenter in the area, you can still get this steal of a deal!

  15. I decided to make my own ornaments this year. Glue sticks, poster board, spray paint, foam balls and construction paper. Any guesses on the theme based on this photo? 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sabertooth


      Progress pic on the PAC tree. 



    3. RickR


      Well done!  Those are pretty sweet.

    4. Sabertooth


      Thanks, Rick! I've always wanted to do a retro tree. Pacman seemed like a good choice for the 40th anniversary.

  16. I decided to revisit the blog with my full review of Centipede: Recharged!


    1. Justin


      Just read your new Blog post! Excellent review! Looks like an amazing game!

  17. I did not share this earlier, but on Tuesday I was making my normal commute when I was hit in the intersection while making a protected left turn. The other driver ran the red. Fortunately, I'm just a bit sore and we'll see if my car can be repaired or not.

    Two good samaritans stopped to check on me. They both were rushed for work and didn't stick around for the cops but promised to send their dash cam footage and contact info. Fortunately, both followed through. I can't quit watching it. If I was a split second earlier into my turn, my one year old may not know her dad.

    Just a reminder to hold your loved ones tight and do not take things for granted. I lost my father to a drunk driver over 20 years ago. No one has a guarantee on tomorrow.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MaximumRD
    3. Justin


      I just caught this @Sabertooth. I shared this with my Mom. When I was 18 months old we were moving to a new place, and my mom was hit by a drunk driver with her car full of framed pictures and fragile glassware. The drunk driver was driving with an already revoked license and hit her from behind on an overpass, scooping her car up and flipping it over an embankment and she was thrown from the car. She told me just now she can still remember the sound of the car wheel rolling right next to her head as the car rolled down the hill. I came very close to growing up not having known my mom, and I think quite often about how lucky I am that I got to live in this "timeline" where my mom is alive, and that things weren't worse for her. She miscarried twins shortly afterward which we always believed was related to the accident. I saw my mom at Christmas and showed her the Club VCS Zine and told her a bit about you and what you had done with the club, which - after having been my mom and going on this Atari obsession with me from the beginning - thought was incredibly impressive and really cool. I reminded her of you again tonight when I shared your story with her, and mentioned I'd share this story with you here. I'm glad you're okay, and that your family and little girl still have you. I hope the rest of 2024 is good to you.

    4. Sabertooth


      Thanks for sharing @Justin. How horrible that experience must have been for your mother.  I'm happy that you're in the "timeline" where you grew up knowing her. 

      These narrow misses really put things/life into perspective.  I'm still processing this, both physically and emotionally, but I'm absolutely thrilled and eternally grateful to be here for my family.

  18. I feel "deep retro" at the moment. Listening to the Cars debut record with turntable through the Atari Video Music while giving Demon Attack one more go on a 4-switch Sears Video Arcade and CRT. #deepretro #innovativeleisure


    1. Sabertooth


      P.S. In my humble opinion, The Cars 1979 eponymous debut is as close to a perfect record as exists in rock music. 

    2. Justin


      Oh man, super cool post. You've definitely got that Atari swagger.

  19. I feel a summer cold coming on. 🤧


  20. I got a thing...

    I haven't formed any real opinions yet except that PowerA did a hell of a job with both controllers. 


    1. Justin


      Wow! Would love to hear your thoughts about the classic style joystick

    2. Sabertooth


      @Justin - So far the controllers are the most interesting thing about the hardware. The Classic Joystick works great as a paddle in 2600 games and as a rotary in Tempest arcade on the Vault. The game Thrustlander implements the rotation function wonderfully. As a normal 🕹️ it is also very nice. I've used it on Antstream for PacMan and Lock N Chase and it's been great. I'll probably do a full blog post once I spend more time with it. 

  21. I grew up in Ohio and have lived in L.A. County for almost 20 years. I'm good with whomever wins. For me, this is mostly darn good excuse to top off this mug!

    Happy Super Bowl LVI!


  22. I had election day off so I spent some time in PC-MODE via Steam.  System Shock remake, Poosh XL, Space Giraffe, Lunar Lander Beyond, Void Prison, Polybius, Moose Life.

    My 8GB stock VCS choked on LLB, System Shock, Polybius and Moose Life; Poosh XL, Void Prison and Space Giraffe worked fine.   My 16GB VCS ran LLB, Polybius and Moose Life fine. System Shock ran decently in the low settings.

    1. Sabertooth


      I have 32GB that I haven't installed yet in my Onyx. May do that to see if System Shock can run in higher settings with the added memory.

      I also wonder if Windows performance on the stock 8GB VCS would work better from the M2 instead of a USB stick.

      I've never bothered with reFind because I spend 95% of my time in AtariOS.


  23. I just beat my first VCS game! It's a title called Spear Master. The gameplay is reminiscent of Buster Bros., where you split bouncing balls in half until they are eliminated. Spear Master lacks the platform element of that game and has a one-touch death mechanic that slows progress. 

    The game was built with Unity and is on VCS and Steam. It was a lot of fun all around and had a lot of polish. 


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