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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. 208 via the VCS Vault Vol. 1 with the Classic Controller.
  2. Congratulations on an amazing win @Marco1019 ! What a score! Megamania is such a fun game and it was great to see so many folks participating. Congrats to all and see you in the next round!
  3. Another interesting article about the new post-Chesnais iteration of Atari. The 50th year of the brand could be a pivotal one.


    1. DegasElite


      Even though Wade J. Rosen is the new CEO, I am not yet holding my breath. I don't know what he is like, compared to Chesnais. It could be pivotal, but I still have my doubts.

  4. 67,170. I was able to squeeze in a patch achieving game at lunch! Played via EMU7800 with the VCS modern controller in XBOX mode.
  5. What about either Intellivision model vs the Sears Telegames Super Video Arcade?
  6. Well you can't argue too much with the first few titles GOOGLE named: Tempest 2000, Alien vs. Predator, Iron Soldier... It's the "and others" that would require a few forum pages of discussion. 🙂
  7. It looks like Atari have been at work over the holidays. They have updated the website with the final art for the limited editions. It's much improved and gives you a better idea of what you're getting, including a patch! I still think they should have come in at $99 for the LE.
  8. I'd agree that Space Invaders was the first game that made 2600s fly off of the shelves.
    1. MaximumRD


      So sad, he just recently tweeted being on the road doing stand-up on tour and feeling young again, had a long list of dates set up. So sad. RIP 😔


  9. Interesting interview with current-day Atari's new CEO, Wade Rosen, on the current direction of the company. The Recharged titles have been solid, a new Food Fight is on its way, and Fred is no longer with the Co. Maybe he is the leader to right the ship?



    1. Justin
    2. DegasElite


      I am happy Frederic Chesnais left the Atari company. He didn't seem with it to me. Maybe, this Rosen guy has some smarts when it comes to games and gaming. :O)

  10. Messed up. Went with the numeral and not the "o" in II. Othello (2600)
  11. Honestly, I go back and forth between SMB2 and SMB3. I chose SMB3 as it feels like a true sequel to SMB. It evolves everything that was special about the original and adds depth, better graphics and new game play mechanics. SMB2 (NA) of course wasn't designed as a Mario title. It stands apart from the rest of the series. I think it's a great game in its own right and for a long time it was my favorite simply for its uniqueness.
  12. 34,030. A slight improvement. You all are crushing this one!
  13. 20,400. I'm still a long way from that patch. 🤣
  14. You all have great initial scores! I hope that Activision is ready to send out all of these patches! 😂 And now for the Classic commercial featuring The Tubes!
  15. When I saw the recent homebrew drop at AtariAge this morning my wallet screamed and slid itself under the couch...


    1. Sabertooth


      Ordered Gravitic Mines for the Jaguar and Knight Guy in Low-Res World for the 7800.  I was tempted to order some others but need to check my games spending after the holidays. 

    2. Justin


      7800 guy here, checking in. Knight Guy looks fantastic. Shows that every bit of a classic NES game can be done nicely on the 7800 with some effort.

    3. Sabertooth


      100 percent @Justin ! There was a lot more potential in the 7800 than we ever got from Atari. It's great to see some homebrew games proving this today!

  16. My gaming goals for 2022: - Fill out my Lynx collection - Complete 22 games in '22
  17. An excellent example and cool collection! My cousin had a Vectrex growing up and I loved playing the thing whenever we visited VA from OH. This extended to my visits into our 20s, before I moved west. It was at his grandparents house the last time I visited circa 2001. I was helping my late great-uncle at his sign shop for a few weeks and would play that Vectrex nearly every evening, after work. I've always wanted to add one to the collection and hope to do it in 2022.
  18. Currently playing IS3 on the PSOne. I was a huge fan of the Jaguar games and this takes everything developers Eclipse Software learned on the two earlier titles and cranks it to 11. Like IS2, it's a bit on the hard side but still very enjoyable. IS3 was also on the Nuon.

    Any fans of this or the other IS games?


    1. RickR


      Oh that's awesome.  I've been having fun with the few minutes I have had with Jaguar IS.  To know there's an even better version on PS is good to know.  I'll have to look for that one.

      I was a HUGE fan of PC MechWarrior back in the day.  The mech games are a lot of fun. 

    2. Sabertooth


      The PSOne version is easier/more enjoyable to control than the Jaguar version. But it is harder overall. I really like the series and rank it just behind Armored Core. It's a slower type of combat but lots of fun.

      If you ever get the PSOne version, be sure to use a CRT. The textures look stunning on a CRT but super muddy on a HDTV - even through an upscale. The Jaguar games look great on both since they are mostly flat shaded polygons with some bitmaps textures.

    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Loved IS on Jaguar, missed IS2, never knew IS3 was released on the PSOne.  Like @RickRsaid... I'll have to look for it.

  19. New blog post review of Asteroids Recharged is up! Have you played any of the Recharged games? Which title? What platform? What's your highest score?
  20. $10 is a steal in my opinion. I've got several hours in on each of these so the value for money is there. And - like the originals - I come back for a quick play to best my high-score. I'm really the most curious about Breakout: Recharged. Will it be like Arkanoid? Like Super Breakout? Will it be like the Amico version? It's the first non-shooter in the series. If they nail that, it will be four for four (excluding Missile Command). If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend the Recharged Podcast hosted by Atari's producer and lead developer Adamvision. They definitely have a passion for gaming and Atari's IP that was probably missing from Atari for awhile.
  21. @RickR, 100%! I really dig the look. Asteroids and Black Widow work particularly well since the originals were vector based.
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