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- Ω -

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Everything posted by - Ω -

  1. I never owned one, but it proved to me that old saying about some people and their money.
  2. The one I had didn't feed the strip very well.
  3. I'll keep this in mind for future reference. 🙂
  4. I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but if some of you are, the following may be of interest... https://bookoutlet.com/products/9780857333728B/imperial-death-star-ds1-orbital-battle-station-owners-workshop-manual
  5. Try this! It's a nice tight fit and if you do bump it, the cable is much more flexible (out the back).
  6. Thanks, now I have this sudden urge to watch Revenge of the Nerds!
  7. That really is an awesome image.
  8. I don't normally post "Reaction Videos", but I really want you guys too see the talent this kid has. Mind you this kid is only 14 years old, but plays better than most adults. In fact she's sat in with many professional bands and on some school nights actually frequents Whisky A Go Go where she gets up on the stage with musicians she's never met to play live music.
  9. Name : Omega-TI User Group: None (Hang at ATARI.IO) History : Seven year first run, 21 year gap, 13 years and counting on the second run. Picking stuff up as I please.
  10. @CrossBow it's really too bad that most other companies/technicians now days do not perform their jobs with as much diligence and integrity as you. You sir, are the only person I will recommend in the future if I meet anyone that needs or wants an upgrade or repair on their classic Atari units. You always seem go above and beyond and exceed expectations. I know my 5200 experience with you was awesome.
  11. I saw that one, but I already had the one below over my toilet...
  12. After buying and downsizing into my retirement condo, I realized I still have too many "backup" TI consoles. In an attempt to find room in the closet, I decided to put one in a display cabinet using some custom 3D printed stands. But now, as you can see, the lighting makes every micro scratch look even worse. Argh!
  13. Above ground pool after major flooding, higher than flood waters and kept clean by chlorine.
  14. Thanks for posting this. Less that 8 minutes until it starts (at time of my posting). That's enough time to make a sandwich and coffee.
  15. Oh man, that's freaking awesome! I like it so much I turned it into a 3D night light lithophane. https://www.printables.com/model/814336-colonial-vipers-battlestar-galactica-in-earths-atm
  16. This song was so overplayed and worn out I cringe when I hear this song and immediately change stations.
  17. This one was played so much on one station in the 70's that I could not listen to this song when I posted it, I also waited over 30 years before I listened to that radio station again.
  18. Those two are so close I thought it was Tuvix.
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