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- Ω -

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    - Ω - got a reaction from CrossBow in Requesting: Suggestions & Comments for a Future Atari 5200 Video   
    UPDATE on video status...

    With this final piece, I'll finally be able to make the video.  I have off Tuesday & Wednesday, so barring any important and unexpected developments, I should have the video completed and up by Thursday.
  2. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from MaximumRD in Requesting: Suggestions & Comments for a Future Atari 5200 Video   
    UPDATE on video status...

    With this final piece, I'll finally be able to make the video.  I have off Tuesday & Wednesday, so barring any important and unexpected developments, I should have the video completed and up by Thursday.
  3. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from DegasElite in What is your most rare item in your classic computer collection? (Photos Required) (Any Platform)   
    My collection of stuff is microscopic compared to others I've seen around, and I don't really have anything that "stands out".  I guess about the only thing that could be considered semi-unique are my 3D printed sidecars for my beige the TI-99/4A.

  4. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from DegasElite in What is your most rare item in your classic computer collection? (Photos Required) (Any Platform)   
    Most of us have that one rare or unique item for one of our classic computers.  It can be anything original or new-retro made for your older platform.  However, photos are required or it's all B.S.! 😜  So, show us what you've got.  Extra points awarded to one of a kind items!
  5. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from RickR in What is your most rare item in your classic computer collection? (Photos Required) (Any Platform)   
    My collection of stuff is microscopic compared to others I've seen around, and I don't really have anything that "stands out".  I guess about the only thing that could be considered semi-unique are my 3D printed sidecars for my beige the TI-99/4A.

  6. Like
    - Ω - reacted to RickR in What is your most rare item in your classic computer collection? (Photos Required) (Any Platform)   
    I have an Atari 8-bit cartridge of the game "M.U.L.E."  It's very old, I think I got it 15-20 years ago.  I know making limited runs of carts is easier these days, but back then, this was a big deal.  It's one of my favorite items in the collection.  I can take a picture later if anyone is interested.  It's upstairs in a box with all my other 8-bit carts. 
  7. Like
    - Ω - reacted to CrossBow in What is your most rare item in your classic computer collection? (Photos Required) (Any Platform)   
    Not able to take any photos right now as the hardware is actually installed in a computer. But I would say my Roland LAPC-I followed by my SCB-55 daughter card. I still kinda beat myself up for essentially giving away my original Adlib card in the very early 90s when I picked up my SBPro.
  8. Thanks
    - Ω - got a reaction from Justin in What is your most rare item in your classic computer collection? (Photos Required) (Any Platform)   
    Most of us have that one rare or unique item for one of our classic computers.  It can be anything original or new-retro made for your older platform.  However, photos are required or it's all B.S.! 😜  So, show us what you've got.  Extra points awarded to one of a kind items!
  9. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from Justin in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Okay then!  My 5200 came back today with the UAV mod!  But damn, I don't have time to play, I gotta leave soon.

    Click on image a few times to radically enlarge.
  10. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from socrates63 in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Okay then!  My 5200 came back today with the UAV mod!  But damn, I don't have time to play, I gotta leave soon.

    Click on image a few times to radically enlarge.
  11. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from Justin in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    I'll try to "test" (excuse for the word play) the unit this evening if I can find the time.  I'm still waiting on the S-Video to HDMI converter, but dang the component input is so much better than RF.  This makes the 5200 in my mind a "VIABLE" gaming option now.
  12. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from Justin in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    An average person learns from their mistakes.  A smart person learns from other people's mistakes.  Be smart, listen to the man.
  13. Thanks
    - Ω - reacted to CrossBow in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    BTW...there is packing material inside your controller storage section. That is another tip is to fill that up with something so that top pressure on the casing isn't as likely to crack the controller storage door in the middle. Without something there to provide support, it could easily crack in the middle.
    another tip is to make sure the box you are sending it in, isn't the exact same size around the edges as the console. - Ω - 's box has this issue and so any drop on the corners or banging around and it is likely to make closer contact with the plastic on the corners. Best to use a bigger box with about an inch all the way around. Having said this, I've placed additional bubble wrap material at the corners to cushion this more since I did reuse the same box.
  14. Thanks
    - Ω - reacted to RickR in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    Yes.  Getting a mod done is definitely a pickup. 
  15. Like
    - Ω - reacted to CrossBow in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    A 5200 I did about year and half ago? Maybe 2 years now. Wasn't packed very well at all and it arrived pretty much shattered. I was able to find a replacement 5200 locally to swap the main board into, but that replacement was pretty beat up looking. But at least it was still intact. 
    Best bet honestly, is to try and find a deal on a parts only 5200 on the bay that still has intact plastics. Course the risk there, is that if they are selling it for parts only, they might not ship is very well and or it already has some broken plastics that can't be seen in the pics.
    Even the junker I bought locally for that other client, still set me and the client back just over $40 for it.
    This is why I strongly encourage my clients to remove the top cover shell before shipping it to me. It is only 7 phillips screws and the entire cover and controller storage cover will come right up and off. Use some masking tape or painters tape to hold the main board down inside and around the bottom case shell and it is MUCH more likely to arrive fully intact this way. Saves a bit on shipping as it weighs less, and can use a shorter height box at that point.
  16. Like
    - Ω - reacted to TrekMD in Best Sci-Fi series of all time?   
    Just watched this.  Some info on B5...
  17. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from TrekMD in Best Sci-Fi series of all time?   
    That was so cool I had to make a GIF out of it.
  18. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from Justin in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    Well, since I'm into this thing quite a bit, I'd be interested in a replacement top.  I'd even be interest in a top from a non-working unit... as long as it looks good!
  19. Thanks
    - Ω - reacted to CrossBow in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    As I told you in PMs the case color is more of a chocolate brown. Not just the plastics for the storage door and port cover section but the entire case shell is a dark chocolate brown. It is very easy to see this when you have it under a bright light. First time I saw it I was kinda surprised because I had thought it was black with silver trim, but nope... it is brown. 
    I even included a pic of another 5200 I did not long ago that shows this. In fact if you look at the 5200 cartridges stuck under it to prop it up for the pic, you can see that the cartridge shells are a darker color than the 5200 case shell is. So even the cartridges weren't done in the same color as the 5200 plastic.
    Also remember that yours is a 2 port and uses the textured plastic, so that is harder to get a good even coat of any kind of paint over it. If you do paint that, as was stated, it is actually translucent, so you need to make out a small dot for the power light indicator to still shine through.
    I'm surprised that someone by now hasn't designed a replacement that can be done from a resin printer or something by now? Heck, it might even be worth it to have new injection molds made for just the controller storage cover and front top plastic sections. Seems there are move of them out there with cracked/broken ones than fully intact and people might be willing to pay for replacements to make having new molds be worth it?

  20. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from Justin in Spray Paint - Color matching the Atari 5200?   
    If one had a 5200 that was a little "worse for wear", and one wanted to restore it to an "almost new" appearance, is there a specific brand of spray paint and color known by the community that makes the best color match?  
  21. Like
    - Ω - got a reaction from CrossBow in Requesting: Suggestions & Comments for a Future Atari 5200 Video   
    T-Minus three days and counting!

    Who, me excited? Nawwww, nothing like THAT! 😁
  22. Like
    - Ω - reacted to CrossBow in Requesting: Suggestions & Comments for a Future Atari 5200 Video   
    Well, if it helps. What I'm using isn't too expensive when you think about everything I can do with it.
    I use an Extron 7SC commercial grade AV selector that dates from around 2003. They are usually quite cheap on eBay etc. But, they only use BNC connectors for the rear inputs and use phoenix connectors for the audio input on the rear as well. I made adapters for the audio to give me standard RCA jacks to use and have BNC to RCA adapters on all of my inputs. Having said that, the best part about the 7SC is that is can take pretty much any analog video input. Composite, S-video, RGB, RGBHV, and YUV component. From there it converts and scales everything to a standard VGA output signal. I set the output resolution on the Extron to the lowest available being 640x480 at a locked 60hz refresh. The extron can output up to 1080P but I found the output image looks better at the lowest setting from it. Here is the current list of 7SC available on the 'bay:
    From there, that VGA output goes into my OSSC and then to my TV. But, there are inexpensive VGA to HDMI adapters that will work great as I used to use one for while on the Extron before I got the OSSC. They introduce little to no additional lag and as you can see, the picture quality when fully upscaled and sent to my 48" Bravia in the game room is. Well, let's just say that the s-video from a 5200 is so good, that I've never wanted to go anything better on it. I just don't see a need because of how sharp, clear, and vibrant it is already through s-video. Here is a VGA to HDMI very similar to what I was using before I got my OSSC:
    And yes, the composite image is good, but like most 5200s, you will see some vertical banding on the left hand side due to the noisy DRAM inside the 5200 that is also... interestingly enough, on the left hand side of the main board.
    I guess the point is that there are s-video to HDMI converters, but they aren't going to produce quite a sharp a picture as what you see in my game room AV setup. The real trick to using something like I have is that it will require space for that Extron as it designed for rack mounting and so it is AV component sized. It also doesn't have an on/off switch on it so as soon as you apply power on the cord, it is powered on and they have a cooling fan. So they can be noisy. What I did with mine aside from making the adapters for simpler audio input, was to find and retro fit a Noctua fan internally for MUCH quieter operation, and installed a large high voltage toggle switch on the front of the case to complete the neutral connected on/off as needed to control actual power so I didn't have to reach around behind it and unplug it all the time when I didn't need it or didn't want to hear it. So yes it was an investment and it required some additional time and money afterwards. But it has given me an amazing amount of flexibility to have a lot of classic stuff connected up at once at the ready with the push of a button (Or the remote for it), and combine that with the VGA to HDMI conversion that the OSSC provides.
  23. Haha
    - Ω - got a reaction from socrates63 in Best Sci-Fi series of all time?   
    I gave you a like, because after all, you were at least 50% correct.   😜
  24. Like
    - Ω - reacted to TrekMD in Best Sci-Fi series of all time?   
    That Director's Cut is currently being upgraded to 4K for a Blu-Ray release.  That, I will be getting.
    Nothing wrong with liking Discovery or Picard.  I like both shows myself. 
    B5 is on HBO+, I understand. 
  25. Haha
    - Ω - got a reaction from Sabertooth in Best Sci-Fi series of all time?   
    I gave you a like, because after all, you were at least 50% correct.   😜
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