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Everything posted by StormSurge

  1. The ghosts story is very interesting. I never heard the myth that Atari changed them from "monsters" to "ghosts". Good stuff!
  2. I need to pick some of those up. Nice collection! When I was a kid, my father bought a new recliner. (I'm assuming it was new.) A couple of days later, he found a Mattel Basketball wedged in the cushion. That was a good day.
  3. - 80s hair metal. Not the term I would use to describe it, but people know what I'm talking about when I use that. And the more obscure, the better. Yeah, Motley Crue, Ratt, etc. are all good, but I'd rather listen to Living Colour, Dangerous Toys, Mr. Big & Badlands any day. - mid to late 80's hip hop/rap. Classic LL Cool J, Dana Dane, Run DMC, NWA, etc. I'm good up until the mid-90s and then I lose interest. - 90's alternative rock - 80's & 90's pop, with some 70's thrown in as well. Being born in '73 didn't give me much exposure to the 70's, but I dig it.
  4. I need to jump on the garage sale bandwagon. I'm hesitant because I wonder if I'll be able to find anything of value. I suppose I won't know until I try, right? For those that do it regularly, what would you say your percentage is of finding something? I'm not talking major score, just if they have any games/systems, pre-2000.
  5. I see someone asked them publicly about them five days ago & this was their response:
  6. I had a Pac Man & would love to reacquire one. A Ms. Pac Man would be nice too. I can't wait for the new ones!
  7. I never knew this existed until it came up on the 2600 GBG podcast. I still haven't played any of the games yet, but those will be ther first ones I check out, if/when I get a Harmony cart.
  8. Wow, these look great! I'll second the request for Activision & Parker Brothers 2600 replacements.
  9. Your clue about episode 200 has me completely befuddled.
  10. Phil, I need to take a look at those offerings a little closer tonight. I'm sure there's a couple I need. Rowsdower, I've been wanting to get my hands on Journey Escape for a couple decades now. I will see what I have for doubles tonight & post. However, I doubt what few doubles I have you guys will need.
  11. No photos, thankfully, but mine was a 1980 Buick Regal which I bought in the summer of 1992. It was a boat and did not run well. I don't think I spent more than $500 on it, so I guess I should have been happy it ran at all. I certainly don't have any fond memories of the six months I had it.
  12. They're not worth any gamerscore (not that I care about a silly number anyway) but I like the sense of accomplishment. Most of the video apps (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.) have them. I love these reviews.
  13. These are great. I think I'll go back on watch them again on my XBO. Get some of those YouTube achievements. :help:
  14. I'll have to come up with a want list!
  15. Believe me, I would love, LOVE to. My collection isn't so great and I don't have many doubles. I'd have to see what I can part with. And I'm sure you all have everything I have.
  16. I bought more Star Wars figures in the 90s from Kay Bee than I did video games. When I think of Kay Bee, I get a pit in my stomach. I vividly remember walking to my local shopping plaza, sometime in the fall of 1989. I bought a couple of tapes at Bradlees & remember walking around Kay Bee. I was 16 at the time & while I was a huge NES player, I wasn't really into toys that much. I can only imagine how many great 2600 games I walked past. How many vintage Star Wars figures/playsets, etc. that I didn't even give a second thought. Ugh...
  17. Obviously, if I won the lottery, I wouldn't stop at one. Ever since I saw my first episode of Silver Spoons, I've always wanted some cabinets in my house. Someday, someday...
  18. I'd like to publicly thank Justin & the gang for these awesome buttons!
  19. Someday, whenever I win the lottery, I'll have one.
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