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Atari Creep

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  1. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from MaximumRD for a status update, Happy New Year folks.   
    Happy New Year folks.
  2. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Justin for a status update, Happy New Year folks.   
    Happy New Year folks.
  3. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to HDN for a status update, HAPPY ATARIVERSARY! One year ago today, I finally got the system of my dreams after w   
    HAPPY ATARIVERSARY! One year ago today, I finally got the system of my dreams after wanting one for years and years. I'm very happy to finally have these systems and I can't believe it's been a year already!
    I've gone a little cuckoo for Atari collecting these past 365 days. I've collected close to 100 Atari 2600 cartridges! I also have around 25 games for my 7800 (thanks to the site for convincing me to get that awesome system). Many of the games I've gotten from Atari.io. Special thanks to @RickR, @chas10e, @socrates63, @cjherr, and @Scott Stilphen (I really hope I'm not forgetting anybody). A lot of you sent me free games completely out of the blue, which you didn't need to do. I'm very grateful, and I'm trying to find a way to repay you.
    Some of my accomplishments thus far:
    I finally found in the wild (and bought) my favorite game, Tunnel Runner!
    I lucked in to getting Flag Capture and Adventure, which had been hard to find for me (thanks Young!)
    I revived a broken Atari 2600! It was super corroded and needed a good scrubbing.
    I gave games a second chance and grew to like them, like GORF and Dragster to name a few (thanks Rick for teaching me how to play Dragsterand Chas10e for sending me GORF out of the blue!)
    I got my first-ever CIB retro games (thanks Jon for saving your boxes from forty years ago, and thanks Young for sending Gravitar!)
    I have been working on building a decent collection of home arcade ports for my 2600. I'm proud of it so far! I hope to expand further in the future!
    I joined various Atari communities, including this one (especially this one)!
    I wrote in to an Atari podcast! (thanks @fergojisan for putting up with me)
    I got an Atari 7800 as well! (thanks to CJ for sending me so many games! Some were pretty rare and it was very kind of you to do that!)
    I participated in many Atari-related challenges here at Atari.io! (thanks @Justin for setting them up, and thanks Rick for trading me Galaxian for one of said challenges!)
    I hacked my DSi, so for the first time I can play all the Atari 2600 I want WHEREVER I want!
    I taught myself how to fix controllers because I was a cheapskate with the Atari and didn't want to buy new controllers! I also know new methods of cleaning games and systems.
    After wanting to do it for some time but not having the equipment to do so, I finally starting making gaming videos, including Atari videos! I hope to shoot Atari Night ep. 2: 7800 games, soon! There have been a few delays this weekend.
    I started a blog!
    I discovered some great new gaming channels on YouTube with lots of Atari content, like @nosweargamer and @Atari Creep! (I already knew about @Willie!)
    But, most importantly, I made a lot of new retro gaming friends along the way! People who will listen to my silly rants about games from before my time and talk about it with me. Seriously, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! THANK YOU ALL!
    My Atari journey is far from over. What do I hope to accomplish on year two? Here are just a few select things.
    Complete my Atari 2600 and 7800 Nintendo subsets. I love Nintendo, and I'm really close to having all of their games for my 2600 and 7800! All I need is Donkey Kong Junior on the 2600 and Mario Brothers on the 7800. Should be easy! I just have to keep my eyes peeled.
    Collect more home arcade ports!
    Maybe get some homebrews? If I can afford it, that is!
    Build a real arcade-style controller? I know I've wanted to for some time now.
    Give one of my 2600s back to its original owner! I have wanted to do this pretty much since I got my first two 2600s, but with the pandemic I haven't been able to visit Jon and give it back. I have been slowly collecting parts like adapters and controllers for him, and I plan on buying some games from somebody here for him. He said that he would maybe like it back someday, just not with the pandemic. I think that it'll be safe to return it before March 1st of 2022.
    Get some keypad controllers, and games to go with it! I only have a video touch pad now.
    Keep on collecting!
    Really, thank you all for being there. This has been a fun journey to go on, and I'm happy to have people willing to join me. You're the best, all of you.
    Take care and best wishes,
    Harrison D. N.
  4. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to Justin for a status update, 💥 Atari 7800 PADDLES GIVEAWAY ends soon! Enter now for our drawing on December 1st!   
    💥 Atari 7800 PADDLES GIVEAWAY ends soon! Enter now for our drawing on December 1st! 

  5. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from socrates63 for a status update, Happy Thanksgiving and a very HAPPY ATARI Day to you all. Hope no matter what you're   
    Happy Thanksgiving and a very HAPPY ATARI Day to you all. Hope no matter what you're doing or not doing its filled with joy and ATARI!!!!
  6. Thanks
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Marco1019 for a status update, Happy Thanksgiving and a very HAPPY ATARI Day to you all. Hope no matter what you're   
    Happy Thanksgiving and a very HAPPY ATARI Day to you all. Hope no matter what you're doing or not doing its filled with joy and ATARI!!!!
  7. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from HDN for a status update, So rather than attach a Patreon to my channel or turn the "join" button on I have sta   
    So rather than attach a Patreon to my channel or turn the "join" button on I have started a Discord Server thing. The idea is to offer some advantages folks get from the other services without a stupid pay wall. Things like being able to vote on or suggest topics, participate in contests/giveaways, early access to videos and anything else I think of. Still figuring out what to do with it. So if you are subbed to my channel, feel free to join. Right now we are talking about the latest HSSC and @btbfilms76 paddle controller giveaway. 
  8. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from MaximumRD for a status update, So rather than attach a Patreon to my channel or turn the "join" button on I have sta   
    So rather than attach a Patreon to my channel or turn the "join" button on I have started a Discord Server thing. The idea is to offer some advantages folks get from the other services without a stupid pay wall. Things like being able to vote on or suggest topics, participate in contests/giveaways, early access to videos and anything else I think of. Still figuring out what to do with it. So if you are subbed to my channel, feel free to join. Right now we are talking about the latest HSSC and @btbfilms76 paddle controller giveaway. 
  9. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to Justin for a status update, 🧑‍🚀 MAJOR HAVOC Squad Challenge is now LIVE!! Enjoy!   
    🧑‍🚀 MAJOR HAVOC Squad Challenge is now LIVE!! Enjoy! 
  10. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from socrates63 for a status update, Because I am absent minded, I keep forgetting to post my videos here. Well I just tos   
    Because I am absent minded, I keep forgetting to post my videos here. Well I just tossed the 3 latest in my thread in the YouTube community.
  11. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from ataridude for a status update, Because I am absent minded, I keep forgetting to post my videos here. Well I just tos   
    Because I am absent minded, I keep forgetting to post my videos here. Well I just tossed the 3 latest in my thread in the YouTube community.
  12. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from HDN for a status update, Because I am absent minded, I keep forgetting to post my videos here. Well I just tos   
    Because I am absent minded, I keep forgetting to post my videos here. Well I just tossed the 3 latest in my thread in the YouTube community.
  13. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Justin for a status update, I got a screen replacement kit for my Lynx, is there anyone here willing to do the wo   
    I got a screen replacement kit for my Lynx, is there anyone here willing to do the work? If so, message me your cost. I pay shipping both ways. 
  14. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to Justin for a status update, 🙌 The 6:57 mark in this video is why I do what I can to promote the Atari experience:   
    🙌 The 6:57 mark in this video is why I do what I can to promote the Atari experience: 
  15. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Justin for a status update, Finally got me a Lynx. My excitement can not be understated.   
    Finally got me a Lynx. My excitement can not be understated. 
  16. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to btbfilms76 for a status update, Barnyard Blaster on 7800 Ave - New Episode   
    Barnyard Blaster on 7800 Ave - New Episode 
  17. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to Sabertooth for a status update, Trying out my just arrived Blaze Evercade. Look for hardware and cart impressions on   
    Trying out my just arrived Blaze Evercade. Look for hardware and cart impressions on blog in the next few days. Pumped! 

  18. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to btbfilms76 for a status update, Big news - The Lounge is moving.   
    Big news - The Lounge is moving.
  19. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Justin for a status update, The official Creep 2020 END ALZ shirts now available. Learn more here:   
    The official Creep 2020 END ALZ shirts now available. Learn more here: 
  20. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Sabertooth for a status update, YOU DID IT!!!!!!   
    YOU DID IT!!!!!! 
  21. Thanks
    Atari Creep got a reaction from RickR for a status update, YOU DID IT!!!!!!   
    YOU DID IT!!!!!! 
  22. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from MaximumRD for a status update, YOU DID IT!!!!!!   
    YOU DID IT!!!!!! 
  23. Like
    Atari Creep reacted to Justin for a status update, 🍄 I think the Mario character looks better in the 2600 version than in the NES. He's   
    🍄 I think the Mario character looks better in the 2600 version than in the NES. He's bigger, he has more detail. It's a less iconic sprite but he's big and has a larger Bonk-esq head.
  24. Like
    Atari Creep got a reaction from StormSurge for a status update, Good to be back in the IO. Now if only my thumb would heal I can get down to jamming   
    Good to be back in the IO. Now if only my thumb would heal I can get down to jamming on some games!
  25. Thanks
    Atari Creep got a reaction from Justin for a status update, Good to be back in the IO. Now if only my thumb would heal I can get down to jamming   
    Good to be back in the IO. Now if only my thumb would heal I can get down to jamming on some games!
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