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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. Keep in mind that the controller is no mock-up...it's for sale as "junk" on ebay. I did a search for "video game junk" and it popped up. I think it's cool but found it odd to see Sega making something for Sony. Then again Sega did make good hardware when they were not trying to make one piece of hardware look like a Transformer with a dozen add-ons. I'll see if I can find out more about this controller.
  2. I hope you all enjoy. I wasn't on my usual computer so the audio was not adjusted as needed. Sorry for the low audio. And I had the mic right next to my mouth on the headset I use. They just don't make sound cards like they use to. I really miss my Sound Blaster cards.
  3. ...actually did something together? This has to be more video gaming "porn". I never knew they did anything together. Then again what I found was Japan only I assume. Yep...you are seeing that right. Sega branded PS controller.
  4. Just for clarification, the 8021E is TIA and the 6532 is RIOT. Are these two VCS systems all you have? If so I was going to suggest something but did not know if you were willing to take a gamble. Replace the regulator with the one in your working unit. It would mean taking your working unit apart and desoldering it but in effect you would be able to see if it is the problem or not. Just a thought.
  5. Exciting!! I like how that looks. Will have to try it out sometime.
  6. You know what? Paint the dog on the right in the second picture white and you have our furry child! It's funny how she will sit and let me put things on her head. However, getting her to let us take pictures of her is almost impossible. She does not like her picture taken. We are lucky to have the ones we have.
  7. Lance, a bit of small advice...see if you can trim away some of the hair from above and around his eyes. It is said that too much hair there can make them go blind. Just a thought. Handsome fella and one lucky dog. I seen one yesterday running around close to home but not sure if he was dumped or not and I couldn't take him in if I wanted to. So, Kenny, you're one lucky pooch, pal.
  8. But is the 2600 working with a different power supply in use? Pictures of the boards would help.
  9. There is a mixed breed called a Maltipoo. It is a breed of dog that looks like a teddy bear. And Kenny has that appearance. Really hard to say but most everything I have seen and hearing how he loves squeeky toys point to some sort of Maltese mix.
  10. OK. When is the the next episode of Kenny? Would make a great adventure show
  11. Kenny definitely has some Maltese happening. Looks just like our dog that is part Maltese and part Yorkie. Not too sure about Shih Tzu.
  12. Pretty cool. Too bad he doesn't do one for the 5200 controllers since the dual controller holders seem to be hard to find any more. I could use one for Space Dungeon. I wonder if they could paint the Atari name and logo with a silver or chrome paint on that black? That would be sweet!
  13. Just to be clear...I only created this post on this coin I found in our roll of quarters because it doesn't seem to be accepted by any machine that accepts coins and the fact that it is not worth 25 cents...it's only worth a nickel and four pennies, or 9 cents. I'm going to be keeping my eye out for more from now on.
  14. I am not going to part with it but I will take it with me to show my bank so that they are aware. My main concern is the fact its value is less than our quarters and to me the bank needs to know in case they receive more. Still it was a cool find. I use to collect coins with my ex but switched to collecting video games with my current wife. And...yes...we had more quarters so wife got her Sprite.
  15. I couldn't think of anything else to call it so I hope what I named this topic is suffice. Long story short, my wife got an upset stomach last night and wanted Sprite. In the building where we live we have a small laundry room with a Coke machine stationed there. For $1 you can get a nice, cold, 20 oz drink. Or at least that's what the machine flashes on the LED display. Every month my wife and I get a roll of quarters from the bank. These quarters go into a small container when we get home and are used for laundry the entire month. Last night my wife simply couldn't tolerate her upset tummy and told me to take a few laundry quarters to get her a Sprite. Since the dollar slot has not been working for whatever reason we had to use coins. The first three quarters went in fine but the last one kept getting rejected into the coin return. Thinking to myself what could be wrong with this quarter I inspected it. And this is what I found: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:COR%C3%89E_DU_SUD,_100_Won_%C3%A0_l%27effigie_de_l%27Amiral_Yi_Sun-Shin.jpg The coin was not of US currency...it's from South Korea. It's a 100 Won and its exchange value is only worth 9 cents in US currency. So...I paid $10 for a roll of quarters where this one Won was found but was shorted 16 cents in reality. I'm not sure how it got into circulation but it is worth less than the American quarter and dime. I'm trying to be offensive of other nationalities in any way but I thought I would mention this to make it an awareness should someone here end up with one where the machines keep rejecting it. So if you get any change from the bank or other retail outlet when paying with cash be sure to check the quarters or you may find that you are being short changed. I'm not sure how it wound up in circulation but I ended up with a 100 Won coin. For those that have never seen one before this coin is the same size as a quarter with an identical ribbed edge. It's physical appearance can help it blend in with other coins like it and can go unnoticed if returned change is never inspected. So watch your change carefully or you may end up with a coin that you can't spend. Just a heads up...that's all this is.
  16. This is like having a landlord that cares about their property. Never participated in the Wed night chats. Might have to make an agenda for it
  17. Count me in! Make sure you squash all the bugs in time. Looking forward to the changes.
  18. XBOX Games With Gold gave 360 owners Witcher 2. It was not a bad game and very much in depth with every aspect of the game. Never finished it yet.
  19. Seems like the FB Atari fans are having mixed feelings about the name change but all of them pretty much say the same thing that Teddy just mentioned. For the price they are asking for the AtariBox (that's the name I'm sticking with) I could think of a whole bunch of physical Atari games that have been here for decades I don't have that I would rather spend that money on. Hell, for the price they are going for these days, that would buy a whole bunch of Wii games. Am I alone thinking that way?
  20. Have you tried to use the Contact page on their website yet? Their reCaptcha has an error message saying that it has an invalid domain for site key. Red flag anyone?
  21. They have already mentioned it being a Linux based console. I agree with others...it should not be named Atari VCS. We already have that. Name it something else. One name that never got used past a prototype stage is "Panther". So...name it that but not VCS. The VCS it is not even if it is a computer system. Then again all game consoles are computer systems. The market is already flooded with VCS clones and to add this on top of those will only add to the confusion. I do like the controllers and in one photo on the website you see a person using an XBOX controller. But the whole idea behind Atari's new console was to make it easier for people (although kids was specifically mentioned in the past) to play games that are already available on other consoles and computers and portable communication devices (tablets, smartphones) which seems to me to not exactly be the way to do it. Being able to play Minecraft (a Microsoft owned property now) and Terraria on it does seem cool but these games are already on every modern console, tablet/smartphone, and computer download service available. Not to mention in physical format on some consoles. Bottomline: If Atari is going to market this new system then I would want to see some new and fresh game ideas. It would be in their best interest to startup an Indie Game program since XBOX axed theirs. While it does open the door for quality-lacking games it can also bring about some new game ideas that could become hidden gems in their own right. Xenominer, Arcadecraft, and a few others got their start being Indie Games and have become very successful. Minecraft is a good example of this as is Terraria. But we already have those and many clones...the gaming community needs new and fresh game ideas. I've said it before and I will say it again...I have no interest in this until I see more, what it can do, and what games are going to be on it. If I see repeats of games I already have I will pass. I also don't need a Linux Box as I can make those any time I want with computers here I'm not using.
  22. I modded StormSurge's VCS a while back and he seemed happy with the end results. That was a fun mod to do but I like original hardware so I have no plans to mod mine. Then again I have two CRT TVs, one of which is in reserve.
  23. My Lynx II wouldn't stay on that stand very long at a time. What can I say? It's my favorite portable. I like it better than Game Boy and Game Boy Advanced. Then again, I'm an oddball. I'm the one who still thinks the 5200 is an awesome console and that the Virtual Boy was one of Nintendo's better achievements...even if it failed and made everything look red if it was played for too long. Still would like that stand. Might have to try to get one.
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