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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. He would most likely have something better that At I and nvidia ever did.
  2. I have some Windows PC stuff that are sharing shelves with console games. While they are there I feel they need their own corner and shelf. To my eyes they are mucking up my console game collection when I know they're not. I feel that way about one machine I have. At times I feel like it's a waste of space that could be used for other things but I enjoy looking at it at the same time even if I never use it. All consoles I have I consider part of my collection without regards to how old or new they are, Wii and 360 included. Speaking of consoles I had an original Intellivision a few years ago but didn't care for the system. As of recent I've taken a liking to the Intellivision II console. I like the design but know some games don't work with it. I just wish I knew which ones and if I would like to use it or not. If my collection could use anything it would be storage options that are budget friendly. Stands for heavy CRTs are not made anymore and the two shelves I liked and wanted more of Walmart stopped carrying them. So I am looking for alternatives. My entire Wii game collection sits in the box GameStop uses for Wii systems and a box left from a 12 pack of ramens is holding 27 2600 carts, both are sitting in odd spots acting like small shelves. Would be nice to see what others use.
  3. 79%. You forgot mine lol Then you could use the $200 to get more games. Start buying games for another system maybe? How can there be too much when they are organized nice and neatly? I do my chores so I feel like I earn my right to have those games lol.
  4. You know, for a machine that was only suppose to have tank and pong type games, the VCS has proved to have a lot more potential.
  5. Any more word on how this is coming along? Man I can't say that I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those system boards.
  6. Does an entire console's library count? I like the VIS system itself. It is a solid system but even when it was released the components that make it were a bit dated. It could have been so much more. The whole edutainment library is not intuitive either. Only two of the system's "games" I have are considered games. Links and Sherlock Holmes. Those are good as is the shoot em up example on the sampler disc. On Dreamcast I found one called Roadster. I love racing games but that one was not well thought out. Roads were too narrow and controls were not that great. So far I have not found any Atari games I despise.
  7. I use two game collecting sources. On my android tablet I use an app called My Game Collection. It works but does depend on user-created databases. The other is a website called RFGeneration, also dependent on user-created content but they pay more attention to details. I use both for insurance purposes. As for my collection...I have 18 various consoles and computers (not counting any modern PC or tablets). I have all Atari consoles and a XEGS for 8-bit computing. I almost have all Nintendo home consoles...only missing the Wii U and Switch. Original XBOX and Special Edition 360 S. PlayStation with parallel port and PS2 Slim. Sega Genesis model 1 and Dreamcast. For oddities I have added a TI 99/4A and a Tandy/Memorex VIS. The last two I really don't use very often but enjoy having them. They are a part of electronic history. Games? Over 500 with the 360 taking number one spot followed by the 2600. Those two combined make up almost half of the collection...of course most of the games on the 360 are digital but still count. Coming in third is the original XBOX at 53, fourth is the NES at 48, and the 5200 comes in fifth at 31. The only systems not on that list is PC and Steam games. Steam alone I have over 170 games...most were bought for one dollar or free giveaways. I have two homebrews. Tempest for the 5200 and Delta Space Arena for the 8-bits.
  8. Yes I do. I am just excited to see new games for an under appreciated system. It really is a damn good console if it is developed for properly on a per game basis. Have I made you a believer yet?
  9. I did one of these mods for StormSurge last year, but the mod was a bit different and used thick wiring. if I remember correctly, I had to remove a resistor along with the transistor. I know mods vary but if I can find that manual you might try removing a resistor. I agree with others...the RF shield should have stayed. It doesn't take much to interfere with a VCS signal. Try a different power outlet as well that is not shared with any high power devices like a TV or A/C unit. Lamps can mess with them as well.
  10. The PS2 is a great investment. For a popular console it is also very much undervalued with games starting at $2 for some popular titles. If you get one I would suggest either model but I am partial to the original over the slim. Titles I would suggest are Final Fantasy X, Gran Turismo 3 Apex, Dynasty Warriors (any one in the series), Burnout Revenge. And whatever you do pick up at least two memory cards as some games can fill one up quick. Another great undervalued system is the original XBOX. There are many games for it that are underpriced that it blows my mind. Solid console with good controllers and great games as well. If you are going to get a PS2 then consider the XBOX as well since both have great exclusives (beyond Halo) that should not be missed. Also, identical third-party titles you might find play better on one console than the other. And with XBOX you don't need a memory card. Just throwing this out there...check with Lukie Games for games but I would suggest if money is an issue to find the systems elsewhere as they can be pricey there. https://www.lukiegames.com/playstation https://www.lukiegames.com/microsoft-xbox-cat
  11. I was blessed enough to not miss many consoles growing up. I was part of the NES craze and had almost 100 games for it by the time the craze started to wear down. Most of that library was made up of popular titles. My favorites were Mega Man 2, Life Force, Guardian Legend, Zanac, Stinger, you get the idea. I lost many hours and weekend rest trying to beat those games and Castlevania 2. Since I didn't dig into sports games much I picked a few up not too long ago since they are the cheaper titles to obtain...literally a few dollars or less per title. I am probably going to get tomatoes for saying this but when I got my 5200 I often dogged the 2600. When I would see identical titles for both systems I would look at the screenshots on the back of the boxes in stores. I felt like I had the better system because of visuals and sounds. Whenever I wasn't at home and visiting either family or friends who had a 2600 I would enjoy some 2600 game play but couldn't wait to get back home to my 5200. I now own two 2600 models and almost 100 games. Space Invaders was my only reason for wanting a 2600 in the first place so that game was found first, all other titles were basically grabbed because I either didn't have them or I had some memories of them. Enduro, Pac-Man, Jr. Pac-Man, Missile Command, Vanguard, Warlords, Yar's Revenge I were familiar with the most. The 2600 taught me a valuable lesson as a gamer and collector in that it is not always how the games look but how they play. And most of the time the 2600 got the game play perfect. Most of the 2600 games I have now I find fun if not frustrating at times. The system shares the number two spot in my favorite systems list with the NES.
  12. I found a bit more information on the device at Atari Headquarters' website...but they say basically the same thing with the exception they believe that they should be in abundance but it is unclear when that article was published.
  13. Does any one know if this was actually made? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Games for a dollar or less??? I think I would be owning a lot of duplicate titles. How does the 5200, Lynx, and Jaguar fair at these shows?
  15. I can understand the NES having the bigger presence at these shows. I mean look at what all it did compared to those before and after it. I had it, a 7800, and SMS at the same time. The NES did get more attention mainly because the games for it were fresh. I played both 7800 and SMS consoles when I wanted an arcade experience. If I wanted to play Asteroids I would play the 7800, if I wanted to play OutRun I would play the SMS. These two combined, however, got maybe 20% of playtime. As much as I liked the games on the 7800, and the machine itself, I was afraid to use it much due to the controllers as they were never comfortable unless I was playing Ms. Pac-Man.
  16. I have that same Zelda castle display in my room! Mine still has the Link cut out, too. I use it for storing PC disc games. 171 pound TV!!! And I thought my 32" JVC needed to go on a diet. It weighs 112 pounds which I had to move on my own. At least I am on first floor.
  17. While I can't comment on the 7800s presence at shows I would agree with what others have already mentioned. Maybe setup more systems on display with various games to play. It really never got the spotlight it deserves then or now. If Atari would have brought it to market before the NES came out and before Jack got his hands on the company it might have done extremely well. But we also need to be honest here as well because for the 7800 to have been different it would have needed games that were fresh as well and not tired titles. Even when it was released if the 7800 could have got games similar to then current arcades and home titles it would have set itself apart from the rest. Graphically speaking the 7800 was a powerhouse of a console and doing things no other console available at the time was capable of doing. Any machine that could handle over 100 multicolored sprites without breaking a sweat was astounding then and still is today because not a single 8 or 16 bit console could do such a thing without slowdown. Sonic's speed does not count because when moving fast there is usually only him in the screen. Robotron remains the system's true test of Maria's abilities and others like Ikari Warriors remain a testimate that Atari was at least listening. If Tengen, Konami, and others would have jumped onboard there's no telling what would have happened.
  18. Thanks to RickR I have been using for my video research. I just I knew howI missed those back then? I had a 5200 since Christmas of 1982. It was my first console, and it wasn't like Mom and I didn't go shopping. Every time we went to a store with electronics we would look for new games. It was the only way we knew when new games came out.
  19. Oh...a 5200? That is all you needed LOL.
  20. Oh man! A clean slate. Let's see...this goes here and that there. Hang this here...
  21. Thank you very much!! Just what I was looking for.
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