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Atari 5200 Guy

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    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Atari 5200 Time Capsule   
    I have a bit of guilty pleasure opening them, though.  I have a short fight with myself whether I should or not.  Then I remember why I get them...to play them.  Might as well play it.  If I don't someone later on will and I'd miss out.
  2. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in What was Atari doing with the 5200 in 1984?   
    Do you want to know a little more truth?  The 5200 was literally what was costing Atari money.  I got this info from a trusted friend.  I won't say any more and leave the details up to them to share when they are ready.  But it's hard to think the one console I favor above all others was killing Atari.  At least the 5200 got more games in 1984...I just never seen or heard about them until the internet became a necessity instead of a luxury.
  3. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in What was Atari doing with the 5200 in 1984?   
    I need to rebuild mine...bad.  They work but the joystick is getting sloppy.
  4. Haha
    Atari 5200 Guy reacted to TrekMD in Atari 5200 Time Capsule   
    Cool!  It's always fun to open sealed games!  🙂
  5. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    Not sure which 5200 has the o-ring.  I know the 2-port has a different cable wrap than the 4-port.  I can't dog it.  I haven't had issues with mine.
  6. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from socrates63 in Atari 5200 Time Capsule   
    After 37 years...

    ...its time to break the seal.  
    Jungle Hunt was one 5200 game I could never find when 5200 games were in production.  Mom and I hunted everywhere; local stores and within a 100- mile radius...any place that we knew sold Atari 5200 goods we searched and checked often.  So, for 37 years this game has avoided me.  That ends TODAY!  Just as soon as I figure out how to get this cellophane off 😋
    Let's see what's inside!

    I always did like the 5200 cart design.  We also have instructions that fold open like a poster.  Next to that is a common poster showcasing more 5200 goodness...and a 90-day warranty card explaining a warranty that no longer matters.  You know...it would be nice to see more quality details like Atari did with the 5200.  That silver paper is still the bomb!  

    Let's see...coming soon?  I believe it's already here.  Every game in this poster I now have except for Baseball.  That one I'm missing.  I don't count Basketball because it was never released.
    OK, so, here goes. My first time playing Jungle Hunt on my 5200...ever!  I'll let you guys know how I do ... or don't do lol.
  7. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    The 5200 plastic isn't too bad.  Jaguars aren't too bad either.  I agree...the original 2600 models are extra thick.  Probably to add some weight to what would otherwise be a light console.  Not counting the heavy sixer.
  8. Haha
    Atari 5200 Guy reacted to RickR in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    My 7800 is so late, it's got peanuts in the brittle. 
  9. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    Unfortunately something's are just not made very well.  7800 shells are brittle.
  10. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    Unfortunately something's are just not made very well.  7800 shells are brittle.
  11. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    He he.  You can use a Dremel for those holes, too.
  12. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Project: Six switch 2600 composite mod   
    He he.  You can use a Dremel for those holes, too.
  13. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from MaximumRD in Memorable T.V. show themes we love   
    Hehe...I had to.
  14. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from MaximumRD in Memorable T.V. show themes we love   
  15. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Memorable T.V. show themes we love   
    Hehe...I had to.
  16. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Memorable T.V. show themes we love   
  17. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Atari Creep in Squad Challenge - Desert Falcon (Atari 7800)   
    I don't have this one. 😞 
  18. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from DegasElite in How has Classic Gaming changed over the years since you’ve been involved?   
    For me classic gaming has been about giving a home to games and consoles no one wants any more; a chance to see what's out there costing very little or nothing at all.  It was also making huge mistakes without realizing it like just handing someone all of your dupes without getting anything for them in return.  I've discovered games I either couldn't find or couldn't afford in new condition.
    For a while almost every yard sale during the late 1980's to mid 1990's almost always had a 2600 collection up for grabs. For a price between $5 to $10 one could grab a 2600 with controllers and at least 15 games.  You could also sometimes talk the seller down a bit on price, too, and using any visual flaws to your advantage.  I remember asking Mom one Saturday if we were the only people on the planet that had a 5200?  Because I never found those but looking in the backseat of the car from one day's worth of yard sale hunting turned out about five or six 2600 setups with lots of games.  Well over $500 in 1980's merchandise for about $40 - $50 total.  I was stunned.
    Once we would get home I'd take the machines apart, give the plastics a bath, remove the tarnish off the switches, and test all the games on the motherboards, essentially killing two birds.  What worked I would hang on to, broken units I held on to for parts.  After having 10 units and lots of games my room got crowded and I had to thin out the 2600s.  My NES, 7800, and SMS had there spaces but the 2600s were growing out of control.  If I was smart I would have asked my grandmother if I could keep most of it at her house.  I would have lived there anyway.  If I'd only known, right?
    I did get a demographic of what Atari games were popular in my area.  Pac-Man and Combat were with every 2600 I ever found. ET was almost always present along with Defender and Space Invaders.  Pitfall! was favored by a few.  Oddities included Dig Dug, Moon Patrol, Enduro, and Donkey Kong.  Those I found once or twice.
    My first thought into collecting classic games again was they were old so I can get some games cheap.  Yea.  I never thought of these old games going for high prices.  Even some resellers still around are asking high prices.  I'm not complaining but just stunned how games no one could sell for $1 is now selling for $100.  Unreal.
    I enjoy what I have but understand that the classic gaming market is starting to dry up.
  19. Thanks
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Get BORDERLANDS for FREE!!   
    For those of you that want to try it out.  Once you have a SHiFT account setup and running, at the menu screen use Find Friends to find me.  I'm kamakazi20012 there as well. 
    I believe in fair play.  I'd rather someone enjoy the games with me than to be all greedy to where the other person is not having fun.  I've also played and beat this game numerous times before on the 360 and XBOX One.  I have no desire to horde all of the loot.  This is, however, my top-most played modern game to date with well over 5,000 hours invested in it combined.  Borderlands 2 is my favorite in the series.  They are all good but BL2 is my favorite.
  20. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Get BORDERLANDS for FREE!!   
    Yes you can. At the menu screen select Network Options.  Under that you can choose a LAN connection, Online Public, Invite Only, or Friends Only.  I'd suggest Invite Only.  And it's suppose to be cross-platform so you can play with friends who play on an XBOX or PlayStation...and maybe even Switch now, too.  But, yes, the online abilities for this game have put safety of its players first and foremost.  You can also play offline.
  21. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Get BORDERLANDS for FREE!!   
    Also, if those getting this don't know how to play, or need help with it, I am more than willing to play multiplayer with them to help them out.  Hehe...don't worry...I won't be greedy.  All loot in the game found will get first picks by those I'm playing with.  This is one game that is more fun with more people playing.  It's fun solo but a lot MORE fun with other gamers.
    For those new to the Borderlands 2 game, when you start out, I recommend Aston and his "lady friend" or Salvador because, as he says, "he's awesome."  Gaige is not bad but at her best when she's leveled up a bit...it just takes a while to get there.  I had issues with Myra but only because she was not my type of character.  Then there's Krieg which I have not tried yet.  Let's see...the commando, gunzerker, siren, two add ons the mechanic and a bandit...I'm missing one.  Oh...and Zero...a weird character I have not tried either.  I forget what he is though.
    If you play long enough you will reach Sanctuary where a Gold loot chest is located.  It requires gold keys to open.  "Ah HA!", you say," There's the catch.  I have to buy those keys."  Not true.  Since it's release, Borderlands 2 developer team at Gearbox has supported the game by supplying it with what is called SHiFT keys.  SHiFT is Gearbox's own, shall we say, service that combines everything you do on all Borderlands games in one place.  To get those Gold Keys you will need a SHiFT account usually created automatically when you play the game.  Usually.  You will need a SHiFT account anyway to locate and play with friends.  Then all you have to do is watch Gearbox's Facebook and/or Twitter feeds for new keys to enter.  Enter the code and you should get between 5 to 10 gold keys to use.  Personally, I use a site called Mental Mars. 
    I really hope some here will take the opportunity to give this game a try while it's free.  It's really fun and does have its comical side.  Whether you like the game or not the game collection is yours to keep if you claim it before June 4th.  So, in the words of Adam the Woo...Join me, shall you?
  22. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from RickR in Get BORDERLANDS for FREE!!   
    No...this is not a spam message.  Borderlands The Handsome Collection is available for FREE until June 4th.

    What is Borderlands?
    Borderlands is a 1st person shooter with RPG elements mixed in.  If you like Doom you will like Borderlands.  And Borderlands - The Handsome Collection comes with Borderlands 2 and Borderlands - The Pre-quel PLUS all bonus content for both games including additional challenges and player characters.  A $60 game collection for free.
    What's Required?
    As far as computers go you will need a PC setup for gaming.  If you can play Fortnite without issues then you should be able to play Borderlands.  Game controller recommended but not required.  To get the game for free you will need an Epic Games' account and you will need to download the front end app to your computer.  It's free.
    Why Borderlands?
    Borderlands is one of those games that forever changed FPS style games.  It remains loved by fans around the world who still play it daily.  Unforgettable characters, awesome loot, enjoyable stories are what keeps this game alive and you can play solo or online with friends!  
    Where Can I Get It?
    You can grab it here: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/bundles/borderlands-the-handsome-collection
    I've been talking about this game on here for a while now.  Now...there's no excuse!  This is my favorite modern game.  XBOX introduced me to it when they gave away Borderlands on the 360, I picked up the Borderlands boxed set for the 360 later.  When we got an XBOX One I grabbed Borderlands GOTY Edition and the Handsome Collection for that machine.  Our brother grabbed for us Borderlands 3.  Steam had a sale on Borderlands 2 from their service so I nabbed it also for PC.  And now I grabbed this one because of all the additional content.  So, yea, I love this game this much and for it to be free for my friends to at least try out I couldn't keep it to myself.  I had to share this.  
  23. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Get BORDERLANDS for FREE!!   
    No...this is not a spam message.  Borderlands The Handsome Collection is available for FREE until June 4th.

    What is Borderlands?
    Borderlands is a 1st person shooter with RPG elements mixed in.  If you like Doom you will like Borderlands.  And Borderlands - The Handsome Collection comes with Borderlands 2 and Borderlands - The Pre-quel PLUS all bonus content for both games including additional challenges and player characters.  A $60 game collection for free.
    What's Required?
    As far as computers go you will need a PC setup for gaming.  If you can play Fortnite without issues then you should be able to play Borderlands.  Game controller recommended but not required.  To get the game for free you will need an Epic Games' account and you will need to download the front end app to your computer.  It's free.
    Why Borderlands?
    Borderlands is one of those games that forever changed FPS style games.  It remains loved by fans around the world who still play it daily.  Unforgettable characters, awesome loot, enjoyable stories are what keeps this game alive and you can play solo or online with friends!  
    Where Can I Get It?
    You can grab it here: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/bundles/borderlands-the-handsome-collection
    I've been talking about this game on here for a while now.  Now...there's no excuse!  This is my favorite modern game.  XBOX introduced me to it when they gave away Borderlands on the 360, I picked up the Borderlands boxed set for the 360 later.  When we got an XBOX One I grabbed Borderlands GOTY Edition and the Handsome Collection for that machine.  Our brother grabbed for us Borderlands 3.  Steam had a sale on Borderlands 2 from their service so I nabbed it also for PC.  And now I grabbed this one because of all the additional content.  So, yea, I love this game this much and for it to be free for my friends to at least try out I couldn't keep it to myself.  I had to share this.  
  24. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Desert Falcon (Atari 7800)   
    I don't have this one. 😞 
  25. Like
    Atari 5200 Guy reacted to Gianna in Squad Challenge - Mario Bros. (Atari 2600)   
    Here  is my score 🙂 223,400

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