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NSG's December Christmas Giveaway!


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5 hours ago, RockyRaccoon said:

Congrats to SuperTrooper! Please come back with a video or pics at least. :3

He said he would. I plan to mail it tomorrow. It should arrive early next week.

Here's some hints for the 3 wrapped items.(all 3 items are new this go around)

1) One of my favorite 80's super hero movies on DVD

2) Obscure strategy game for the 3DS

3) Hot wheel that I already reviewed from either a movie, tv show or Batman

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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14 hours ago, HDN said:

Well, look what showed up at the Game Trade! I decided to buy it, though it was expensive.

I did the same thing in a way. I did preorder three of the games on AtariAge, Zoo Keeper, Avalanche, and Venture Reloaded. Although they will not ship till January, I still consider them a Christmas gift. So I got what I wanted also.

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On 12/8/2020 at 10:44 PM, socrates63 said:

And yes, NSG, thanks for doing the videos. I think I may have said this before, but I don't know how you release so many videos a week. Even if short video or simply a gameplay video with no narration, it still takes significant time to edit and produce these things. Much appreciated!

Thanks for recognizing the work that goes into them! I think some gamers think making these videos are super simple, since just playing a game is easy to do and there are some YouTubers who just point a camera, play and rant. I will say, after doing this for 6+ years, I have been able to to get stuff done quicker, but it still takes a while to do everything and at times I do things in batches to save time.

The package has been mailed and should arrive Monday or Tuesday!

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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31 minutes ago, SuperTrooper said:

Package arrived today safe and sound.  Should I open the wrapped gifts now, or wait until Christmas?

Glad it arrived safe and sound!

They're your gifts. Open them whenever you want!

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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Superman II!  👍 Nice!! I don't know why I don't have any Christopher Reeve Superman movies in my movie library. Need to fix that.

Thanks for opening 😇 and sharing the lovely photos!

NSG's giveaways are always packed with a lot of geeky goodness.

Edited by socrates63
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I hope you enjoyed opening the gifts @SuperTrooper!

I love the villain faces on the bottom of the DVD cover, in a bad high school yearbook photo kinda way. 😁

Fun Fact: In Japan, "Lincoln vs Aliens" was added to the Codename STEAM name. Personally, they should've just called the game that, lol. I have a copy too, but haven't had time to get into yet.

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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