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The Atari Network feat. 7800 Pro Gamer YouTube Channel

7800 Pro Gamer

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18 hours ago, Justin said:


@CrossBow You're selling me on the idea of doing this. Are you able to work on PC Engine, Turbo Duo, Turbo Express stuff also?

Depending on what needs to be done, I can provide some services on the PCE yes. Not the Turbo Express though as I've never worked on those and there are many others out there that specialize in it more like Ben Fong from IfixRetro for instance.

But I've got a PCE core grafx on the bench getting an RGB upgrade put in as I type this.

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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4 hours ago, sramirez2008 said:




I just want to comment that...YES it is possible for me to hide the metal plate inside the shell, but I don't because that puts too much stress on the plastic and actually requires me to remove more plastic in order to fit the DB15 and space around it for a VGA cable to be plugged into it. And that means, less plastic around the standoffs to secure everything into place. So, this is the compromise I came up with. The advantage of mounting it there, means the VGA cable isn't in the way of your hands as you play, and the console won't feel top heavy with a cable stuck off the top of it (The only other place there is room). Also with a cable attach, the Lynx will sit up on a flat surface with the VGA cable acting as a kick stand of sorts LOL!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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1 minute ago, CrossBow said:

Depending on what needs to be done, I can provide some services on the PCE yes. Not the Turbo Express though as I've never worked on those and there are many others out there that specialize in it more like Ben Fong from IfixRetro for instance.

But I've got a PCE core grafx on the bench getting an RGB upgrade put in as I type this.

I was thinking about a recap and an RGB upgrade on a minty US. Turbo Duo. Possibly a Core Grafx as well. Was also thinking about sending a Turbo Express to Ben for a recap and screen upgrade but would rather send to you if that was something you did. Lynx will come first. And now that the "Sega Neptune" video is out there, a Neptune build is on my list as well but a longhorn build would push my abilities. None of this is a top property at the moment but when I get to it I'll be reaching out to you for sure.

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Hey guys, long time no update!  I've put out a ton of content since the last time I posted.  We do a review every Sunday and a "featured" video every Thursday.  Usually featured videos are about what's going on with Atari and the community, covering classic consoles and releases, buyers guides and stories about our favorite hobby!  For example, last week we reviewed California Games for the Atari 2600:

And we covered the 2600+ versus the Retron 77... Which will be getting a follow up so I can clear up some errors and talk about my experience since the unboxing!

I also host a podcast with Funkmaster V from Big N Funky Productions over on YouTube, in The Atari Network Podcast Brought to you by atari7800forever.com!  Last week we talked about some of what happened in 2023 along with the usual news and events in the world of Atari!  Check it out if you haven't:

But the main reason for this update is the possibility of merch coming soon.  I had somebody ask about if that's something we would do and said they would rock a shirt about the podcast or Atari Network.  I never considered that anybody would be interested in merchandise but there appears to be a small amount of people wanting it.  So right now I'm shopping around providers and mocking up designs for a limited merch run.  Whatever I do will probably be in limited quantities as I don't want to be on the hook for lots of stuff that doesn't sell.

Right now I'm designing the coffee mug but also plan on offering 3-4 unisex t shirt designs, a "tumbler" or travel mug, baseball cap, stickers and vinyl decals for car bumpers etc.  I envision there being an Atari Network shirt, a 7800 Pro Gamer shirt and possibly a podcast shirt if Vinnie agrees.  If you'd like to see something else let me know. 

This merch type stuff is probably a few months away from being released as I want to make sure whatever I sell to you is quality and affordable.  But once they sell out their done unless they go stupid fast which I doubt.  So for those of you who asked for it I promise it's coming, and everyone else don't feel obligated.


With all that said thank you guys for the continued support and making this YouTube thing so much fun.  This week I'm doing a video about why the Atari Jaguar is so expensive and if it's really worth the cost today and there will be a review of Delta Space Arena for the Atari 7800 by Video61.  I'm also working on reviews for Madness Beverage, 5200 version of HERO, and much more.  I'm also hoping to do an awesome project with somebody close to Atari in the 80's and 90's especially the Jaguar! 

So subscribe if you haven't, and Stay Classy Atarians!


 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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The Atari Network has been copyright struck and a video has been removed from the channel!  This is the big violation where if I get 3 I lose my channel, not the usual copyright violation.  The person who is making the allegations that I stole their content?  DJ Nurse Annabelle from the 8 Track and Lava Lamps pirate radio station.  The truth?  I gave her Atari 7800 game a bad score and it made her upset.  So she is trying to censor a review (that only had 230 views by the way) through wrongful copyright allegations.  This is an abuse of the system and I will not stand for it!


This is the video in question.  It was a transformative review and not a lift of her content.  I did not say the game was made by me and I did not say the art and idea of her silly station was made by me.  The Atari Network will fight this abuse of the system and we will win.

Also I did a Livestream test last night and will be doing the first episode of the yet to be named 7800 Pro Gamer Livestream Show tonight!  We will talk and discuss about Vinnie Vineyard hosting the Atari Network podcast alone last Friday.  He mostly did a good job but he also spread lies and misinformation about me!  It will be addressed because the future of the podcast just might be hanging in the balance!  We will also be talking about some of the things I missed from last Fridays show, the new releases by Atari that was announced, the copyright strike I suffered and the truth about her Atari 7800 game, what possible 7800 enhanced game could be coming and we'll also play and beat a game live for you all on stream.  

So join us tonight on the Atari Network YouTube channel around 10 or 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time for the stream!  Then come back to the channel tomorrow, Thursday February 1st for our comparison of Ms Pac Man on various Atari consoles!  And every other Friday we have the Atari Network podcast with Vinnie Vineyard and myself!  Not this Friday but the next one!  

Thanks for the support and stay classy Atarians!

 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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28 minutes ago, 7800 Pro Gamer said:

The Atari Network has been copyright struck and a video has been removed from the channel!  This is the big violation where if I get 3 I lose my channel, not the usual copyright violation.  The person who is making the allegations that I stole their content?  DJ Nurse Annabelle from the 8 Track and Lava Lamps pirate radio station.  The truth?  I gave her Atari 7800 game a bad score and it made her upset.  So she is trying to censor a review (that only had 230 views by the way) through wrongful copyright allegations.  This is an abuse of the system and I will not stand for it!


This is the video in question.  It was a transformative review and not a lift of her content.  I did not say the game was made by me and I did not say the art and idea of her silly station was made by me.  The Atari Network will fight this abuse of the system and we will win.

Also I did a Livestream test last night and will be doing the first episode of the yet to be named 7800 Pro Gamer Livestream Show tonight!  We will talk and discuss about Vinnie Vineyard hosting the Atari Network podcast alone last Friday.  He mostly did a good job but he also spread lies and misinformation about me!  It will be addressed because the future of the podcast just might be hanging in the balance!  We will also be talking about some of the things I missed from last Fridays show, the new releases by Atari that was announced, the copyright strike I suffered and the truth about her Atari 7800 game, what possible 7800 enhanced game could be coming and we'll also play and beat a game live for you all on stream.  

So join us tonight on the Atari Network YouTube channel around 10 or 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time for the stream!  Then come back to the channel tomorrow, Thursday February 1st for our comparison of Ms Pac Man on various Atari consoles!  And every other Friday we have the Atari Network podcast with Vinnie Vineyard and myself!  Not this Friday but the next one!  

Thanks for the support and stay classy Atarians!

I caught part of the test stream. I can't believe that Vinnie would stoop so low! 💩🛏

That's terrible about the strike. It's definitely an abuse of the system.

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Hello everybody!  It's been a while but I'm back here at my home forum, Atari IO, to give you all an update on the content, on the happenings of Atari Network, and about umm... other stuff I guess?  Nailed it!  Anyway, because I missed the last podcast I had to make a video about Atari Products in 2024 to give you all my most anticipated items of this year and my thoughts on them!  I talk about the newly announced 7800 stuff, the Gamestation Portable, The Atari 400 Mini and more!  Click below to see it!


I also give an update on the merch in that video.  I hope to have it available come middle to late March or early April at the latest.  Under advice from a good friend with knowledge on sales and law, I'm reworking the Atari Network logo not to use the Fuji, and I'm adjusting the 7800 Pro Gamer shirt.  Once I get the changes done and the last samples in I should be good to go but I'm waiting on some art to be finished too.  We'll have an Atari Network 12oz Mug, Tumbler, maybe a shot glass since people seem interested in that, as well as an Atari Network Podcast shirt and a 7800 Pro Gamer shirt!  I'm trying to keep prices low but sales projections are also low and I have to at least break even.  But the samples I got so far seems to be good quality even after a few washes!  So just an update on that for those who are interested but its still being worked on, don't worry!  I knew you wasn't!

Enough of that stuff, so tune in this Sunday for our weekly review!  This week I'm looking at Blueprint for the Atari 5200 Supersystem.  It was a viewer request and one I'll be honest, I wasn't too keen on.  Was I pleasantly surprised?  Did I hate it?  Well you'll have to make sure you're subscribed and have the bell clicked to know for sure!  Here's a preview of the thumbnail, which turned out really cool I think.  People don't seem to click on ones like this with older art throughout but I can't help it, I really like how it looks!  After that we'll have reviews coming for Phoenix on the 2600, a 7800 Homebrew Review Special featuring 3 games, and a special review I can't talk about yet.




Also, I'm adding a new show to the list of programming on the Atari Network.  That's what makes it a Network after all!  I'm glad to announce that Man vs 7800 is returning!  Now in livestream form!  So every other Saturday morning at 10:00AM (EST) the opposite week of the podcast you can watch the 7800 Pro Gamer attempt to beat a 7800 game live on stream!  Who will win, Man or 7800?  I'll have a poll on the channel to decide our first game, and choices will include Double Dragon (which will have to be played via AV on the 7800), Kung Fu Master, or Wizards Dungeon!  So join us for the return of Man Vs 7800, live on February 17th at 10am in the morning!  I think it makes more sense as a livestream and I always enjoyed doing those videos, so I hope people like it.




And finally, Friday Feb 9th at 7:30 PM Eastern (4:30 Pacific) we have the Atari Network Podcast brought to you by Atari7800Forever!  We will be talking about the VCS and why some games aren't coming out on that console, we'll discuss the products announced since the last podcast, discuss a little about the community and of course, we'll chew the fat with the chat!  So join myself and co-host FunkmasterV for the Atari Network podcast Feb 9th at 7:30P EST (4:30 Pacific) and then every other Friday from there on out.  Its a lot of fun!


Ok guys I think that's enough of an update for now.  Thanks for the support and thanks for making the community the best on the internet!  And don't forget to Stay Classy Atarians!

 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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It's time for the monthly Atari Network update Atarians!  First off we've reached over 2000 subscribers which is incredible to me.  When I first started doing YouTube I didn't think I'd find 100 people interested enough to watch.  Not so much because of the content but because I had that little faith in my own abilities.  So it's incredible that so many of you have decided to subscribe and support the channel.  You all rock and this is one of the most genuine and supportive communities on the internet.  You guys are the reason for the Atari Networks success and the reason why I'm having so much fun doing this, so thank you all!

Ok onto content!  The last few videos have done very well view wise and I put out a video all about the fall of Atari after the 2600.  It's mostly the 5200 that's covered but we briefly hit on stuff up to the Lynx and Jaguar!

We also did our first Public Service Announcement on how to clean carts.  I did more in person shots here and it was a fun experiment on the channel.  I have an idea for a similar video that's much more in depth and difficult but there doesn't seem to be interest in this form of content from me.  Still I think this turned out great so check it out!

We were also able to finish a video we've had in the barrel for a long time!  The Jaguar CD Overview went live last Thursday!  And it talks about what the Jag CD is, what games you could play and what happened with the add on.  Again, I think it turned out well despite fighting loads of congestion while doing it.

We've done a ton of great reviews too since the last update.  We took a look at Meteor Shower from Robert DeCrescenzo on the Atari 7800.  Which is still available at AtariAge by the way!

QOMP 2 is an incredible game stemmed from a very simple idea.  But how good is it actually?

Finally we looked at the Kids Controller on the Atari 2600!


So yeah it's been a busy month at the Network!  We also had some successful Podcast episodes and 2 Livestreams of man vs 7800.  The live content is so much fun to do and interacting with you guys in the chat is the highlight for me!  So please keep an eye out for the Atari Network Podcast this Friday at 730pm Eastern time 430 Pacific!  Then the following week on Saturday we take on Ikari Warriors on Saturday at 11am Eastern time 8am Pacific!  Can man conquer 7800 in our ongoing Livestream series, Man Vs 7800?

Tomorrow we have an announcement video for a lot of stuff coming to the channel.  But I'll give you guys the heads up since Atari IO is awesome.  So in tomorrow's announcement and giveaway video we give out the links for our new Discord Server, our new Merch Store, and the Patreon we just launched!  I also give the rules for our giveaway contest where 1 person gets their choice of any merch we offer and another person wins a 2600+ of their own!  Brand new straight from Amazon!  You'll have to watch the video tomorrow to enter the giveaway for a chance to get the 2600+ but I'll give you the links to everything else right here!

So the merch store is below!  We have 2 shirts, coffee mugs, stickers, shot glasses and more!


The discord server is below!  I've never ran a discord so let me know if you can join or not with the following link.  You have access to everything for free with the exception of 2 areas.  So join it free below!


You can support the Atari Network via Patreon too now!  So it's 5 dollars a month and you get exclusive videos and Livestreams, about 1 a week, credit at the end of future videos, and exclusive discord access to the high score challenges and member only chat!  The high score challenges will have some small prizes and a way for you guys to compete against me in Atari games.  And the first piece of Patreon content goes up tomorrow!  You'll get to listen to the new Atari Network theme we're working on and see some awesome new pick ups that will help grow the channel!  Join Patreon below!



And that's really it for now!  It's been a busy month and it's only going to get bigger and better!  Be sure to check out the videos that interest you and check out the announcement video tomorrow for a chance to win a brand new 2600 Plus!  And please remember to Stay Classy Atarians!




 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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