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Clint Thompson

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Posts posted by Clint Thompson

  1. The part of the problem with said AtariBox is just that, it doesn't have anything specifically unique to it and is just another off-the-shelf components slapped together in a shoddy box which comes across to me as nothing more than a money grab. It'll probably just be an Atari-branded SteamOS and nothing more.

    They haven't shown what the controller, joystick or input device looks like yet... nor have they confirmed any original 3rd party (or first party for that matter) titles in development for such a... product.

  2. So I've located and confirmed existence of another Jaguar VR prototype that is fully populated - this will make the 3rd known unit in existence, outside of the other 2 empty headset shells. Just thought I would share the pics here as well:





    Not sure I'm really interested in plunking down any money for this one, not that it's exactly for sale right now anyways, it appears to be in pretty rough shape. Not sure if it's functional or has the tracking base either but I do remain hopeful it's fully functional. 


  3. i checked out your facebook page. nice by the way. one thing i noticed was your post on the panther coming out of chicago. you most likely know this, but if not. at one time atari had a office/warehouse/development dept. in lombard illinois.


     that is where atari had me dealing with first. the lombard complex told me that they needed me to help repair the damage to atari's vender/customer relationship.


     untold numbers of vendors and customers had ditched atari from lack of support. its how i ended up in distribution. by the early 1990, atari told me i was the largest purchaser of 2600 games in the world.


     of course it was a much smaller market by then, but i still sold tens of thousands of 2600 games all over the upper midwest, and parts of canada. then one day lombard disappeared without a trace.


     not one word from them. just a disconnect message on the phone. this was typical jack t. in action. i had to call sunnyvale to see what happened, and they transferred my distribution information to the main warehouse, and told me lombard was no more.


     they never even contacted their main distribution support in the upper midwest, just closed the place down in one day without a word.





    Super fascinating to hear, thanks for sharing the story! I had no idea their Atari Entertainment Division existed in Chicago until just last week after researching more about the Panther.


    Do you have any idea why they would have created the development manuals or maybe even distributed the kits from that location? It seems like such a small office but maybe looks are deceiving from Google maps:



  4. Hi Lance,


    I'm not sure if you would mind sending it to me so I could scan it all into a PDF to share with the community and then send your original documents back? Unless you mean problematic otherwise somehow. Would be great to preserve!




     i have no software that i am aware of. harry dodgson and his wife came to visit me at christmas time after i told him about it. we booted it, nothing, it may have had a hard drive in it, i cannot remember, there is firmware on the motherboard though. we never got that far with it once it looked like no software was on the drive. that may have been about 25 years ago.


     i have dev. paperwork. just getting it all scanned is a problem right now.




  5. So i recently got a new job. I deliver car parts to mechanic shops for pep boys. Anyway yeaterday i finished up my rout with time to spare and there was a goodwill that i have never been to before (about an hour away from my house) here is what i found


    I was so happy to see animal crossing! I remember seeing the mario btos movie when it came out, but i dont remember a thing about it. So i cant wait to see it


    Nice pickups on the two VHS tapes and both video game related! I would watch Mortal Kombat a million times before I think I could sit through Mario Bros again lol maybe it's not that bad but I remember it being kind of bad haha... you'll have to let us know how the refresh is and if you make it through the entire thing lol

  6. You guys, the Mavica camera is AWESOME!  It stores the images on floppy much faster than I would have expected.  Quality is pretty good.  I had to clean the floppy drive up before it would work, but now it's fine.


    I love those cameras! =D 

  7. The Atari Jaguar FB account posted photos of an Atari Panther dev kit acquired by a collector. The dev kit was intended for developer Psygnosis and includes a manual saying "16 Bit." This is interesting as the Panther is commonly described as a 32 bit platform. Here's the link for those interested:




    You know, I hadn't even realized that it said 16-bit as I was posting it! Nice catch, I wonder what the real story behind that is then or if it's because the processor was 16bit and something else was 32? It's mentioned as having the same Blossom video processor as the ATW800?

  8. Exactly this. They would have to retain me as a customer for 6 more months just to recoup what they've spent on my movie watching but again, there's just not that much time to watch that many movies in a short period of time thus nullifying the need to keep the card for extended periods anyway. Blade Runner and done. Well, I'll probably use the remainder of my month and watch whatever but that's it.

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