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Everything posted by HDN

  1. What books have you all been reading recently? I'm reading this one called "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels". I haven't played any of the games it covers (not really my thing), but it really is interesting and I may have to check a few of them out someday.

    And yes, I edited this post and completely redid it. I don't want to wallow in negativity. Best to keep some things to myself.

    1. socrates63


      I met a few people who used to be developers or testers for video games. I'd look at them with giddy kid's eyes and gush all over them. They'd all tell me it's not what I think, and it's a good thing that I didn't get into the industry.

      I haven't read that book (or any books about behind the scenes of game making yet) but I am glad to be on the consumer side of things and be in position to enjoy the work of talented folks.

      Going back to the original question, I started reading the comic series Druids yesterday night but fell asleep. I'll have to start over again 🙂 

  2. My dad introduced me to a lot of the games I play. Without him, I would most certainly not be here. So we played a lot of things together, like Combat, Mortal Kombat, Super Metroid, Mario Kart, NES Golf, and more. For a while, he was busy and we didn’t play many games together, as I always wanted to play things like Super Mario Brothers 3 and he wanted to play more competitive games like Madden 93. However, over the past year we have been playing a lot more, as we found many games we could agree on and his schedule better accommodated these faster and more competitive games. 10-Yard Fight, NES Baseball, and Video Olympics are a few of our new favorites. In fact, just the other day we played some Fishing Derby and Jedi Arena. Two awesome games, by the way. As for my mom (and most other adults in my family), well... *cough cough*
  3. Sigh. Change your rank to “Supreme Leader of Dad Jokers” or something already!
  4. Wait, your piano and setup are in your home office as well? What is this, the Twilight Zone? I understand that starting to play the guitar is very hard (and painful) at first. There was an online series I learned from on YouTube, I believe it was called Morgan Guitars or something. Check it out. I’ll see if I can’t find it again.
  5. You have a piano in the game room too? Do you play? I took lessons once but could never do well at it. My sister loves the thing though. I find the guitar is much better for me.
  6. Happy 10th birthday, Metroid! I’m so happy to have you in my life. You have certainly helped shape me as a person.


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. socrates63


      That's awesome. It's cool that you held on to these things 👍

    3. HDN


      @socrates63, you don’t know how many times I have had to dig these out of the garbage! I have lost a few over the years. Tapes break, parents recycle notebooks that seem to be “old”, “used up”, or “not of any use anymore” (I don’t blame them for making the simple mistake), a few were simply misplaced and haven’t turned up yet and some have just been lost to the sands of time. Most of these items are accounted for and are safely stored in the HCA (Harry Closet Archives).

      My Metroid and other comics, books, cartoons, audio recordings, etc. of old are really bad. Crude art, horrible dialog, one-dimensional characters, godawful humor; these have virtually nothing going for them. They suck, plain and simple. Despite that, however, I am oddly proud of them.

    4. HDN


      Here is the last “episode” on the first tape, simply titled MTT. In the last few minutes of each tape I sang an ending song not to cut off anything important. And wow, young Harry thought diabetes was f****ng hilarious. Of course now I know that diabetes is no laughing matter.

      I have the means of ripping these tapes to my computer rather than just taking a video of it. If anyone is interested, I would gladly upload some of these tapes.


  7. My favorite version of the original Pac-Man is the port to the Atari 2600. Something about it is so interesting to me. I think it plays well too. I can’t explain why, but I just adore it! It’s my favorite 2600 game, behind the phenomenal Tunnel Runner of course.
  8. I actually finally found one last month. It is a version of this one for Twilight Menu ++. Thanks anyways, Marco.
  9. I am not sure how I can complete the challenge with my SNES gone. I guess I will have to go back to the Switch. Did I mention that I hate my mother? I’m not as pissed as I otherwise would be; at least they’re in a box in my closet instead of hers. Still pretty honked off though.
  10. I had to tear down my entire game room because of my mother. She also made me take down the CRT in my room. I am going to wait a while until this massive, days-long family fight has calmed down before I rebuild. It wouldn’t be Christmas without some massive, destructive, drawn-out family brawls.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HDN


      No, Rick! It was Fernie Sanders! He is staying inside for the winter so he doesn’t freeze over.

      Argh. Too many puns today!

    3. RickR
    4. LeeJ07


      Dang, man, that's rough.

      Hoping things improve in time for the new year.

  11. Curses! I’ll get you once my Frogger-induced wristache clears up a bit more. Mark my words!
  12. A formidable opponent. I beat @Justin’s time by just a fraction of a second. 2’21”81. @socrates63 was right. Confidence is key.
  13. You should try it! I have been on the waiting list for this game for one year exactly tomorrow. Apparently it arrived in October. My parents did a very good job hiding it from me! You should try it, @RickR. It is different, but very fun. Graphics are like Bomberman, which makes sense given that Hudson ported the game to the system.
  14. Lode Runner! Really great game. The Japanese version could actually save custom levels to cassette. Here in the states, home-made levels vanish as soon as the system is turned off.
  15. Here is what I got for Christmas. Realsports Baseball is a duplicate, so we will need to return it. Hopefully you all had a happy holiday!
  16. Happy Atari Day! Now you can all play the cool Atari games you got at Christmas. Or at least I can.
  17. Leave it to the Rudolph special to make Santa seem like a real ass! I vaguely remember watching a Pac-Man Christmas special when I was younger. Pac-Man and all of his Pac-family didn’t know anything about Christmas until Santa crash-landed in their world and taught them about what Christmas was. This special was part of the old Hannah-Barbara cartoon from the eighties. Anyone remember this?

    1. RickR


      Same to you, buddy. 


  19. THANK YOU, GRANDMA AND PAPA! For Christmas, they got me the brand new McCartney album! Haven’t listened to it yet, but I hope to soon!

    I now own both McCartney 1 and 3. I just need 2 now!

  20. I got a new low time using the same F-Zero cartridge that my ancestor used back in college! 2’22”86
  21. So THAT’S why you had such an abysmal time! Makes all the sense in the world now!
  22. Tonight, we are watching some corny old Christmas specials. Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Frosty the Snowman, and more. What are some of your favorites, and which did you see this year. Do you have any fond memories of these? Any kind. I would love to hear them!
  23. Shame HERO has to be so darn expensive. I don’t recall ever playing Cosmic Commuter.
  24. The Christmas episode of the 2600 GBG Podcast has been released! It’s so cool to hear words I wrote appear on the show. I hope to write in more regularly.

  25. Who wants to play ColecoVision Donkey Kong? Me!

    1. RickR


      Your assignment is to write an essay comparing CV Donkey Kong vs. 5200 Super Breakout as pack-in games. 

      I'm kidding!  No assignments!  Enjoy your time off. 


    2. HDN


      Well, you can’t break bricks in Donkey Kong! And I don’t recall a cavity variant.

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